MalonLabe777 10 points ago +10 / -0

I became a "Born Again" believer when I was nine. I was the only Christian in my family...literally. My dad used to call me a Jesus freak. I start my rant this way for 2 reasons...first, to point out how serious I was/am about my faith and second, to point out that most of my life I have had a Biblical worldview.

By my senior year in high school (1983) I knew something was seriously wrong with our country...but didn't understand what or why I felt that way. I guess I figured it was just because I was a "Conservative Christian" living in the very liberal city of SF. Again, I was coming from a solidly Biblical worldview, but had zero concept of a NWO. However, this Biblical worldview formed the basis for what would allow my mind and spirit to grasp what I would learn in one week in 1995.

Fast forward to my first year of marriage (1995). This was a pivotal year for me. This year changed my life forever.

It was during this time I was steeped in Conservative thought reading the "Conservative Chronicle" and listening to Rush Limbaugh constantly. I was a corporate pilot/manager for a large garbage company in the Bay Area and much of my time was spent traveling between city offices in my company owned Chevy El Camino. Man, I miss that car and the hours of Conservative radio I listened to. But again, I will highlight the fact that at this point I knew nothing of a Cabal or a push for a NWO.

During this car travel time I was getting a large dose of Hot Talk 560KSFO. This was the station Rush was on, but there were two other talk show hosts that were seminal to my eventual (what I like to call) "wake up week."

One host was Geoff Metcalf. He was mostly awake and the program directors at KSFO eventually got rid of him because he was getting too close to the truth. One of my favorite quotes came from him. "Most people will not be confused by facts that contradict their preconceived opinions!"

The other host, unfortunately I cannot remember his name...but like Metcalf, he was openly talking about things that were too close to home. In fact KSFO got rid of him even before Metcalf.

One week in mid-1995, I was listening to this host (again, can't remember his name) and he had Jack McManus on his show and Jack was talking about a book he had recently written called, "The Insiders." Something about the book intrigued me and so I got the order phone number. I don't remember them discussing a NWO, or global government...but something they said intrigued me enough to want that book.

Later that week I saw THE movie that was the catalyst that began my "Awakening" journey. The movie was called "Amazing Grace and Chuck," starring Gregory Peck and Jaime Lee Curtis. This is my favorite movie of all time. I remember the exact line in the movie that changed my outlook on life and from that moment my life would NEVER be the same. You could say, what Jaime Lee said stripped my mind of my naive worldview virginity! She said, "This guys been stalking you...through me! Six Wednesdays Amazing! Guys like this make Presidents disappear!"

Literally, up until the very moment she said this to Amazing Grace, I never even imagined that there were people on the planet who were more powerful than the US President. But that line shattered my paradigm in that regard and the light bulb went on. Later that same week my world continued to shatter...

I called the phone number to order the book "The Insiders." It was being sold at a place called American Opinion Bookstore in Walnut Creek. This was not a real bookstore. It was a member of the John Birch Society selling the book out of his home office.

When I got to the house, I met a man who would become one of my closest friends and mentor...a man who had worked tirelessly since the early sixties trying to expose the NWO and get people elected to public office who were Constitutionalists. He's with Jesus now, but I will never forget the day we met...just a few days after hearing that line from Jaime Lee Curtis. I met Jerry in his home office. Before he sold me the book, he told me a story...a story that directly dove tailed with that line from "Amazing Grace and Chuck." Very powerful men were at work in the shadows to destroy our country and usher in a NWO! These men had made Presidents disappear...or translated...ended their lives! Again, the light in my mind became even brighter. "Puzzle pieces were beginning to fit into place"...as Jerry was known for saying.

Since that week, I have not been able to keep my mouth shut about the problem. In fact it had a part to play in why my wife left me in 1998. After reading large portions of The Creature From Jekyll Island, I cannot tell you how many people I tried to share the information from that book with. Of course back then, everyone laughed at me, shunned me, and I lost a lot of friends because not only was I a Jesus freak, now I was a Conspiracy Theorist as well. It was too much for most, even my wife. Like I said, part of her decision...years later she shared with me...was based on the fact I couldn't shut up about what I was learning in that time period. I just wanted to solve the problem and I truly believed and still believe that if enough people wake up the NWO Cabal will not be able to handle the light of truth being shined on them!

Those early days seem so long ago and it's quite weird living now and seeing much of what I feared would happen so many years ago proving to be true. I never believed...not for a second...that the problem (Cabal and NWO) would be solved in the voting booth. Even back then it was way past that time...contrary to what the Birch Society has always taught and still teach.

I pray for our nation and for those who seek truth with their whole hearts. The only real solution to what our nation faces is Jesus Christ and exposure of the Truth. I know this sounds like a cliche' but most cliches are just that because they are true.

I pray...as do many on this site...that DJT will be the catalyst Jesus uses to finally bring this evil world under the light of a truly Gospel driven Theocracy and the wicked Cabal will finally be crushed!

If any of you get the chance, rent the movie "Amazing Grace and Chuck." Great movie with an incredible message!

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah...I agree that she might be pulled and way made for the Clinton Witch. But, I am not sure it will be because she's an anchor baby as the Gay Kenyan was elected without a mention of his being ineligible due to his not be a Natural Born Citizen. I don't think anyone on either side of the isle cares about anchor babies or the Natural Born Citizen requirement at all. I think it's rather ironic how even Republicans (especially those who claim to be Constitutionalists) ignore the Natural Born Citizen requirement. Ted Cruz is ineligible as is Vivek Ramaswamy under this Constitutional requirement...

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

The dude in the YouTube video is correct...his style was definitely not for me. Couldn't get past the first couple minutes with the dude's commentary! I'm out!

MalonLabe777 10 points ago +10 / -0

There's actual video of the SS being called off JFK. You can see the walking SS agent throwing up his hands in disgust...

MalonLabe777 13 points ago +13 / -0

Here's a question that should be asked...why in God's name would the shooter even think he could get a backpack, get a range finder, get a rifle and get himself into a position to shoot at DJT? This is the one thing that is unspoken and needs to be dealt with. If I were in that man's shoes, I would have never in my wildest dreams imagine I could get into that venue without seriously substantial risk of being stopped and arrested way before I could get into position. The only reason he would have even attempted to do what he did was because he had reason to believe that he would be successful...and that my friends is the greatest evidence we have that this was indeed planned by those who controlled the SS. Shame on you GAY KENYAN, PEDO JOE and HEELS HARRIS....we see you sick perverts for who you really are!!!! The blood of innocence is on your hands! We know you directed the stand down, we know that you put things in place for the shooter to succeed! You should feel very, very scared that the shooter didn't succeed because it means God is against you! You cannot have a worse enemy than God...

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

I sure as hell hope that the fact the Biden Administration refused to provide proper SS detail to DJT and RFK is a central issue of the Trump Campaign the rest of this cycle! Not to use and exploit this fact is just unthinkable. It should be on posters, memes, media campaign ads...EVERYTHING!!!

MalonLabe777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Try to keep things simple. Live one day at a time. Trust God...use everything you are going through as an opportunity to trust Him in Whom all things were created! I have been in worse shape than you are in...way worse! Although I was hardly a good example of how to trust God in those days, God still was there, always. Don't let the evil one play tricks on your mind telling you things like you don't have enough faith or God's not there. Lies! All lies! God can bring you through this difficult time no matter how strong you are. God's power is made perfect in our weakness. Amen?

Praying for you...remember, a new day brings new hope and your situation can change for the better where and when you least expect it!

Finally, your husband needs you...you need each other. Pray for your husband. Never forget what it was like when you were dating. Depression is absolutely devastating. Jesus, literally is the answer. Read God's Word daily.

In essence, use this time to get as close to God as you can and never wander away...

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

The FACT that this would never have happened during an event served to the Gay Kenyan or Pedo Joe is the greatest proof we all need to have that this was indeed a coordinated assassination attempt on DJT by the CIA/FBI and USSS! Heads need to roll! We need to demand that everyone who had any involvement in securing that area for the event is criminally investigated...from the boots on the ground, DEI goofs right up to the White House!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree'd...I should have included that Indian guy...Vivek Ramaswamy! But it goes without saying...the demonrats WANT candidates who have no allegiance to America. Many of them are have dual citizenship with Israel! Just crazy that we have allowed this.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok...read this carefully...IT DOESN'T MATTER THAT SHE WAS BORN ON US SOIL! She is NOT a Natural Born Citizen because her parents are NOT SOLELY US CITIZENS! Read Chapter 19 Paragraph two of The Law of Nations (Emer de Vattel). By definition a Natural Born Citizen is the child of parents who are solely US Citizens. Now in that paragraph Emer uses the phrase, "parents who are citizens." But he didn't mean that Natural Born Citizen meant the child of parents who held dual citizenship. There was no such thing as dual citizenship in the United States at that time. So the Framers of the Constitution understood this to mean EXACTLY what it says...only "parents who are citizens."

This has to do with loyalty to country. The Framers knew that a man who sought the highest office of the nation had to be firmly imbued with a loyalty for our nation. In their wisdom, the greatest protector of this loyalty was being raised by parents who were demonstrably committed and solely loyal to the United States. If a child's parents were not loyal enough Americans to seek, have and hold American Citizenship...and American Citizenship ONLY, then there was a chance the child might end up with dual loyalties like their parents. The Framers were well versed in Scripture and they believed in the wisdom of God's Word that says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it..." So, with this in mind, the Framers hearkened to the wise advice found in The Law of Nations regarding being a Natural Born Citizen as a way to avoid us having to deal with men of low character like the Gay Kenyan who would have "other" loyalties because they were not raised by God fearing, America loving Patriotic parents who had only loyalty to America...

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is absolutely correct. She's not a Natural Born Citizen! We absolutely need to teach people this truth! In order to be eligible to run for POTUS, the person must first and foremost be a Natural Born Citizens (the child of parents who are US Citizens ONLY!). When we ignore this very simple Constitutional mandate, we end up with traitors like the GAY KENYAN running out country! And this needs to be fairly practiced on both sides of the fence.

For instance...many people of a conservative bent just love Ted Cruz (who also has run for President). BUT Cruz is not a Natural Born Citizen and had no business running for POTUS! His father has Cuban citizenship. This disqualifies Ted Cruz. Why didn't that "wannabe" Constitutional Scholar "The great one" himself Mark Levin (Zionist) every point this out to Ted Cruz who he and that other goof ball Sean Hannity have interviewed many times!

People have told me that I am wrong because having "dual citizenship" was not a preclusion in the Constitution and that the language used in The Law of Nations (Emer de Vattel) wherein the Federalists (those who force fed the Constitution down the throats of the other delegates during the First Convention of the States) adopted the concept of Natural Born Citizen speaks only of parents being citizens...in this case...of the United States. However, what people fail to realize in this argument is that there was simply no such thing as Dual Citizenship at the time the Constitution was debated and ratified. So when the Founders (Federalists) speak of "Citizenship" they mean solely citizens of the United States.

Of course, you will never hear this from a Mark Levin or virtually any modern conservative so called scholar because even they like to hide, misrepresent or otherwise botch the history and verbiage of our Constitution to fit their own agenda.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't be too sure about them being scared. They are too arrogant, prideful and stupid to be scared and I am sure the Cabal has backup plan after backup plan. If we think they are going to stop doing everything they can to get at Trump, we are self-deluded. In all the decades and possibly centuries the Cabal has been at work, I don't think they have ever been this cornered. Things are going to be absolutely crazy unhinged from here on out...until the head of the snake is dealt with permanently. Never underestimate your enemy.

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just wrote a scathing email to Kim Cheatle asking her to resign as head of the Secret Service. She doesn't deserve to hold such an important and prestigious position and should no longer be allowed to receive and financial benefit from my tax dollars. She neglected her sworn duty and put President Trump and our country in danger. Her unwillingness to give Trump the protection required not only nearly cost our most beloved President his life, but the innocent bystander who lost their life falls directly on the shoulders of Ms. Cheatle! Everyone here needs to send an email, call or write demanding this witch step down!!!!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been saying since Jan 6, 2020 that we can no longer share the plot of ground between the Atlantic and the Pacific with leftist ideologues! They hate our God, they hate our children, they hate Trump and they hate our country...WE need to just hunt the fuckers down and drag them out of their houses and put them in prison just on the fact they are liberals and demoncraps! What are they going to have to do before we take care of business? The plan?! Are you friggen kidding me? I am not for harming them, but we need to round the traitors to our country up and imprison them or ship them to another country. Send them to Mexico for goodness sake! I am all in...lets do it...NOW! They are not going to stop! They will not back down until we take care of business!!!!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

I had a discectomy which has a surgeon go in and remove the part of the disk that's bulging into a nerve. In my case it was the disk between the L4 / L5 vertebra. I had that bulge for about 20 years. Sometimes my life would be pain free and at other times the pain would lay me up for up to 6 weeks at a time. It was brutal! Before my last bout with this issue, I had gone pain free for 5 years and then in November of 2022 I developed a cough and in the process of coughing one evening I tore the muscle away from my rib cage on my left side (which feels very much like a broken rib). Well, this issue (as I was trying to protect my side pain while coughing) ended up awakening that bulging disk...like I said, this was in November of 2022. I went through the entire year of 2023 in severe pain. At one point I called an ambulance to come take me to the hospital. I literally had to crawl to the gurney because I didn't want anyone to touch me the pain was so ripe!

Well, I decided to try the shots to the spine treatment and that worked to mask the pain for several weeks in my case, but eventually even that stopped working and I began to investigate the discectomy route.

In November of 2023, I had the discectomy and my pain immediately was gone. Of course I had major pain from the surgery, but after healing for many weeks, I could definitely tell that disc bulge was gone and the surgery in my case was 100% effective. However...

They had to remove bone in order to get to the bulging disc. This has had the effect of making my lower spine a bit unstable. I can feel movement back there and at times I can feel pain in the movement. This concerns me and of course I hope that as I continue my rehabilitation the musculature around the surgery area strengthen and redevelop and return the stabilization of my low back. The bone removed will never grow back apparently. This is something, that had I known, I would have probably reconsidered having surgery. I was never told that the bone wouldn't grow back. I found this out by reading a great book called "Back Mechanics" after the surgery had taken place.

In any case, I agree with this man. Surgery is a last resort and I wish I had known more about diet and it's relation to virtually all degenerative issues in the human body. Had I understood this, I may have chosen to bypass the surgery and tried more to help my body heal itself through proper nutrition.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know, another thing I noticed was the amount of fireworks that were set off in my neighborhood...all of which are "illegal" in the entire state. It almost felt like people were saying, fk you government, we are going to celebrate Independence Day and if that means breaking your stupid laws, then so be it! But, I also thought (because we have a ton of Mexicans in my city) maybe it was just the Mexicans doing what they do...breaking the law? Not exactly sure what to make of it?

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jesus also said beware of the leaven of the Pharisees or what do light and darkness have in common? Yes...certainly ungodly people can say good things and put out information that may be true and useful. But my point is...seems funny I have to explain this...it can be very difficult to separate the truth from falsehood and deception. Just ask Eve...the subtilty of the prince of darkness is powerful. Better to not listen to people who at a most fundamental level are serving evil. If you, a mere man think you are intelligent enough to weed out the good and not be affected or be misled by the bad...well, you are a better man than I. I choose to keep people like Rand at arms length. The reason I had to comment in Rand's case was because she holds so much sway within the Patriot/Conservative community and most of those folks have no idea she was devout atheist. The Good Book says, "The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord."

MalonLabe777 -1 points ago +2 / -3

I just cannot trust the words or judgement of anyone who at a fundamental level is Mormon, Catholic, JW, satanist, Freemason, or in Rand's case...atheist! To hold any one of these beliefs as an adult is just ignorant at best or irrational at worst!

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