Mandigo 5 points ago +5 / -0

This. There was other research confirming this, hence the term "gays reproduce by touching other peoples children"

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not true. There are people who aren't registered to vote who still get jury duty summons.

Mandigo 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's like the fake vandalism done on Jewish graves or monuments. Always turns out to be a Jew doing them, 10 out of 10 times too!

Mandigo 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yet we don't need an ID to vote. The hypocrisy is amazing. Voter fraud and election meddling is 1000x worse than the obscure possibility that someone could detonate a tiny bomb on a plane.

Mandigo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I noticed this with a lot of medical students. Sun, BAD! Skin protection, GOOD! It made no sense. I understand going out 8 hours a day will literally BURN you, so just use common sense, when your skin starts turning red, go into the shade. Simple. I've been able to swim fine for 2 hours on a hot sunny day and no sunblock. But past that I burn and I never want to experience getting sunburn again.

Mandigo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Printing money and loaning it out almost exclusively to the very wealthy never works and is just feudalism with extra steps.

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

We live in an amazing time where anyone, and I mean ANYONE with even a small amount of savvy, could come up with such a very high-iq angle to all of this that no professional pundit ever could. For all we know this could be some 14-year old kid, or a retired postal worker. We'll never know! This really hit the nail on the head. Another part is that there are going to be a lot of women who will miscarry and will need an abortion-like procedure done. This will make the argument even stronger, and we'll probably see some stories about some random Ms. Jane not being able to get access to abort her miscarried fetus.

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Big budget movies always have a large amount of staff working on them and constantly editing and giving input which gives some of these movies that golden touch that Hollywood used to be known for around the world that put it above everyone else. These two brothers were just one cog in the whole machine and accepted a bunch of ideas from the people who worked for them. They had an eye for a visually appealing movie that needed to sell and they just so happened to nail that down using similar examples from previous movies of that era that had some redpilling in them.

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

THIS is a great point! It's so sad to see so many kids so demoralized because they're stuck sitting down for 8 hours a day. They could do so much and be better more productive members of society if there was more homeschooling.

Mandigo 9 points ago +9 / -0

Funny how both the 16th and 17th amendment, and the creation of the Federal reserve and the British Empire abandoning the gold standard all happened within 1 decade under 1 administration. People were asleep back then and just didn't have a clue.

Mandigo 7 points ago +7 / -0

It doesn't need to be repealed because it never passed in the first place, just abolished through the actions of enough American citizens. And I believe it can and will happen.

Mandigo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Every publicly traded company is compromised or has potentially been compromise. It's only a matter of time before the unlimited faucet of the Federal Reserve grabs ahold of the company during a slump or downturn and they can do as they please with it.

Mandigo 10 points ago +10 / -0

This incentivises people to purchase the stock and sell it to Elon for an easy profit. The board has a huge problem on their hands. They either sell, or don't sell and watch Elon fire sale the stock to nothing and piss off their entire stock holders who elected them.

Mandigo 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's such a joke. These wind farms just don't last either and need to constantly have their blades replaced every 7 years. It's funny how China built a few wind farms and suddenly people start believing it's viable. Uh no. China spent next to nothing on it to fool you while they build 10x more coal and nuclear plants

Mandigo -1 points ago +1 / -2

I was going to cite the hundreds of YouTube videos that show this, but really, you don't even need to do that. You people have a major disconnection with urban populations. You can drive through any city in America and you can randomly walk by any building over 6 stories and it is guaranteed to have half of its interiors unoccupied. Hell, even the new one world tower that replaced the world trade center is less than 50% occupied. This isn't even debatable. It's right in front of our eyes. Yes, a small percentage of commercial real estate can be and is distressed, but it can still be rented out as storage, yet much of it is still on the market. And you can't cite lawsuits because they are clearly looking for tenants but asking for too much and would sit on it for decades if they have to and they have! You're clearly a shill upvoting your own post. This thread isn't stickied or on the front page in the past 24 hours yet you've gotten all of those upvotes out of nowhere. I and others here will be watching you carefully. By no means is your post dangerous but you're clearly trying to push a narrative that simply doesn't exist. We have plenty of land and plenty out housing, how else do you think Florida, with half the population density of California, has far cheaper real estate? Supply and demand and laws which govern the peoples ability to build. Not scarcity of land.

Mandigo -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'm surprised by this as well. Must be Chinese bots on this site or something. Jokes on them, we can see everything because there just aren't that many posters on here.

Mandigo 0 points ago +9 / -9

Every city in America, and I mean all of them, especially the supposed most prosperous, have thousands upon thousands of empty 10,000 sq ft + office spaces. These buildings are all empty from the second floor up. It's all a money laundering scheme. There are tons of videos on this, but you don't even need that because you can look at it yourself. New York city, Los Angeles, Seattle, Dallas, Chicago. Abandoned buildings everywhere with just the first or second floor occupied. We have unlimited real estate. We can house everyone and offer businesses dirt cheap rent, but that's not allowed. Real Estate is a complete ponzi scheme. If we stopped printing money, this would get revealed and it would crash to reality and become a depreciating asset, as it should be because they need to all be maintained and refurbished every few decades.

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't quite understand though. 1 electric vehicle requires A LOT of lithium, but how much gold and silver is required? It's not a lot and I've seen people melt down electronics, most electronics maybe contain $5-10 worth of gold.

Mandigo 7 points ago +7 / -0

Common Law just doesn't exist anymore. It's a human right and we've gone the way of a third world dictatorship at this point.

Mandigo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember when Pat Robertson said Hugo Chavez should be assassinated? Heh, who would have thought this would have been the best course of action coming out of a televangelist of all people!

Mandigo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still know people over 50 years old STILL paying their student loans. I even know someone over 70 who was surprised with student loan bills. Can you believe this? I agree with the Lefties, student loans should be forgiven at some point, but obviously Democrats would never let that happen in a million years.

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