Pompeo admits COVID-19 is a “live exercise”, Trump says: “You should have let us know.” Posted on March 22, 2020 by State of the Nation
Yeah, that site is pretty intense. Can't say I'd take it all at face value because some great leaps are made by the author, though, at this point, anything seems within the reach of Joe Dirt and his dirtbag family.
Saw another article on his parents, grandparents that was not too flattering. Probably something someone posted here. Bunch of drunken, criminal nut jobs. I'm okay with that - I'm from a Scots-Irish background. If that's the way it was, so be it.
If I find it, I'll post it. Sins of the father. What a loon.
Site makes some questionable statements, but lots of interesting info:
👍🏻 I read that they wrap burn victims in a damp, cool sheet. It's true, she didn't look burned on her back, but it's put around the whole body.
Didn't Hillary Clinton's father work for the mob in Chicago?
The 1910 Flexner Report: Rockefeller's corporate illusionists create foundation and framework for SICK CARE MEDICINE over a century ago
By sdwells // 2022-06-12
Newsom (said like Seinfeld). https://ibb.co/rt8vqS2
Jill's Chief of Staff, Julissa Reynoso Pantaleón, sounds retarded. She has a tenuous grasp of English. https://news.columbia.edu/news/columbia-trustee-named-chief-staff-jill-biden
Epitome of “I do not think that word means what you think it means”, a perfect example of affirmative action.
I think we should settle on parasites. It's the most accurate and descriptive 👍🏻
YouTube link from article above:
Mike Pompeo calls Coronavirus pandemic an Exercise live on CNN
Mar 20, 2020