Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand. She made the Illuminati hand sign in a picture. That’s certainly worth noting. I’m not downplaying that, but a hand sign doesn’t necessarily means she’s Illuminati. Just like the Pope making the sign of the cross doesn’t mean he’s a follower of Christ.

Put it this way, I’d rather judge her by her actions than by a picture of a hand sign. If we judged the Pope by a picture of him praying and not by his actions we would be severely misjudging him.

I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m just saying I haven’t come to any conclusions about her yet.

Another thing to consider, if she is an enemy of the DS, don’t you think the DS would push a narrative that she can’t be trusted and that we should be against her? I’m not necessarily suggesting that’s what is happening here but it’s something to consider.

Just my two cents.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do we have to pick a side..? The jury’s still out in my opinion. There’s no denying she’s “different” than most politicians and very different from nearly all of the democrats.

If she starts pushing WW3 then of course she’s a snake in the grass. But right now she is bringing a lot of attention to the biolabs that many libs have probably already written off as a conspiracy theory.

We don’t all need to make up our minds right now whether she’s on our side or not. Arguing about amongst ourselves isn’t going to change anything.

Michael_Golfer 4 points ago +4 / -0

IMO this guy is complete BS. Hopefully I’m wrong but his story doesn’t seem to add up.

He’s saying that 10 police officers and FBI agents contacted him just to say they will be giving him further instructions..? And these same police officers and FBI agents must be apprised of the Q plan somewhat to know that Donald Trump is the actual president..? And even if that were true, they were willing to inform this guy that DT is in fact the president..? And these same people didn’t force him to keep the visit quiet and not to share it on social media?

There’s just too much that doesn’t make sense with this guy’s story. Maybe if other “Anon influencers” like Dave with X22 start coming forward and saying they’ve also been contacted then I might consider the possibility that it’s true, but as of right now it’s just this guy who no one has ever heard of.

With that being said I’m curious what this guy is going to say about what his next instructions are. Could still be entertaining to watch him.

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just saying, but this isn’t going to redpill anyone. Any lib or normie is going to say that all these people died from Covid…

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. That’s probably the worst non-answer I’ve ever heard.

She easily could’ve just lied and said that they are taking measures to battle inflation and bring down costs but it’s a constantly changing situation so we can’t put a timeline on it.

It might be worth noting that she chose not to lie about it. If she intentionally chose not to lie about it that means we have a long ways to go before inflation begins to come down and she doesn’t want this video circulating in a few months when costs are a lot higher.

… or she’s just really fucking stupid and didn’t have pre-selected questions.

Michael_Golfer 5 points ago +6 / -1

Lol I was about to make a similar comment. I was thinking the same thing. It’s a great post but way too much use of italics, bold and italics + bold.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it’s going to be very difficult for the truth to remain hidden with this. I feel like this is the start of something much bigger. Putin has to have an endgame otherwise he is effectively destroying Russia.

Every time something has happened over the past several years it’s the deep state that always gets away with it while the truth is suppressed. This move by Putin is too big to ignore. I don’t want to get my hopes up again but I’m fairly confident that the deep state won’t be able to weasel out of this one.

by IAmOne
Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the life of me I just can’t figure out Elon. Been liking him lately though.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting. Hopefully this information makes its way to the general public. I’m excited to see how this all plays out. Although I’m worried it will be buried under a mountain of propaganda…

I still can’t tell if Zelensky is good or bad. Is Zelensky working with Putin or is he working with NATO and Joe Bidet?

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t expect anything big to happen on 2/22 but the whitehats use “Q” and “17” as symbolism all the time.

Michael_Golfer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed. I thought I was going crazy for a minute. That’s got to be significant in some way. Robert..?

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, while I believe this to be true, there definitely needs to be more validation and verification of these accusations.

The Democrats accused Trump of colluding with Russia for years without any proof. I don’t want to have a double standard when the people we are against are accused of criminality we don’t demand the same level of proof and evidence.

I’d also be interested to know when this video was actually taken. Was this recently or was this months or years ago?

Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Labor Force Participation Rate is still significantly lower than what it was pre-plandemic. Many people are still at home living off of government handouts from our tax dollars.


Michael_Golfer 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember seeing that and thinking the same thing about “Game On Anon”. There are certainly a lot of interesting parallels.

I don’t think the Ally withdrawals will have that much of an impact. There’s a pretty small percentage of people who have GME in IRA accounts and only a small percentage of those IRA accounts are with Ally. At least I think that’s the case.

And even if it does have an impact, I’m sure many of those IRA account holders will transfer to a different brokerage and re-DRS their shares.

Still really shady and obviously an act of desperation. I think it’s simply more evidence that DRS is hurting them. It is comforting knowing that if the squeeze doesn’t happen on its own that we are constantly DRSing more and more of the float.

I think it might slow down when we get to about the halfway point, but then once we start getting closer it will pick up steam again since the finish line will be in sight.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

The easiest way to buy stock is through a brokerage. I’ve had success with TD Ameritrade. You just have to go to their website to create an account. It’s a fairly simple process.

Once you have an account set up, you can search by the ticker symbol and simply click “Buy” and enter the number of shares you want to buy.

I’d recommend doing research to make sure you understand everything before putting a lot of money into anything.

Also, make sure you are buying using all cash versus buying on margin.

Michael_Golfer 0 points ago +0 / -0

Let us know if you find anything interesting. It’s always important for us to do counter DD to check every angle. Just like everyone thought Fidelity was safe and trustworthy. Look how that turned out…

With that being said, I don’t think there is anything fishy with ComputerShare themselves. They are simply the transfer agent. We hold our shares directly with GameStop, ComputerShare just facilitates it.

However, I do think people will have a little more trouble selling than the community has let everyone to believe. But at the end of the day, the shorts need us to sell our shares. If people can’t sell that just means the price will go higher and higher because there are fewer offers.

I just think that during a high volatility short squeeze there will be delays with order execution and potential issues accessing accounts through their website if suddenly hundreds of thousands or millions of people are trying to log on at once and execute orders. They certainly have never experienced that kind of high volume traffic before. But I also think they are doing their best to prepare for it.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

I completely agree. Last year I felt confident and expected amazing things to happen like we all envisioned. But now as time has gone on I’ve become significantly less hopeful that big things will happen in the short term.

I try to look at the positives. There’s no doubt people are definitely waking up across the world. But it’s one thing for people to be awake to the lies and the crime. It’s an entirely different thing to actually bring about change to the system and it feels like we are far from creating significant changes.

I’ve begun to believe that the Q plan is not anything like we anticipated. I don’t expect there to be any climactic ending where we are all vindicated. I think it will be a long, slow process that all happens behind the scenes and the general public will likely never know anything about the most complex military operation of all time. I hope I’m wrong, but it’s easier on my emotions if I’m not constantly anticipating something big to happen.

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes, Patrick Byrne was working with the Trump team very briefly I think in December or January. From what I recall it was in regards to election fraud. Who knows if it had anything to do with the stock market, but it’s definitely worth noting.

I don’t disagree with you on DRS. As things have progressed it seems more and more likely that GameStop will not be the one to press the launch button. DRS being the initiator makes sense in that the people are taking back the power themselves. I also think it’s why GameStop hasn’t released or officially announced their plans for the NFT marketplace.

I’m very curious to see how many shares have been DRS’d by the next earnings report. I’m guessing it will be somewhere around 15 million. With a free float of 36 million that is quite significant. Although I think we will need to DRS the entire float for anything to truly happen.

I’m sure the pace has sped up pretty significantly over the past couple of months due to this massive short attack. People are buying a lot more than they would have if the price was still in the 180-200 range and their dollar goes quite a bit further.

Overstock got sued by the hedge funds, but the courts ruled in Overstock’s favor.

With Overstock’s crypto dividend the shorts ended up being able to issue a cash equivalent. However, the idea behind an NFT dividend is that there is no cash equivalent so there would be no way for the shorts to provide the dividend since they can’t replicate an NFT the same way they do with synthetic shares.

Michael_Golfer 4 points ago +4 / -0

I find it interesting that Patrick Byrne from Overstock was working with Trump at the White House towards the very end of his term.

It’s also interesting to me that Ryan Cohen’s first buy-in was shortly after Overstock issued a crypto dividend in an attempt to force the shorts to cover their positions. It could just be a coincidence but I think it gives credence to the idea that GameStop might issue an NFT dividend that forces the shorts to cover.

An NFT dividend also makes a lot of business sense. It’s a great way to immediately get millions of people using their new NFT marketplace.

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not to mention the complete distrust of the MSM. There have been so many times I’ve seen comments saying stuff like “I knew the media was biased but I didn’t realize how bad it is.”

This entire saga has been a massive redpill for everyone involved. And once the music finally stops it will be a massive redpill for the world.

Michael_Golfer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Inflation running rampant

Fed buying $80 billion in Treasuries and $40 billion of MBS every month to pump liquidity into the market

Reverse repos consistently breaking all time highs

Evergrande defaulting along with other smaller dominos

S&P 500 Schiller PE ratio second highest of all time

Multiple liquidity tests failed

Institutions are leveraged at all time highs

The list goes on and on. Look what happened to Archegos when they got liquidated. VIAC stock dropped from $100 to $40 in 3 days when they failed a margin call and got liquidated. What do you think will happen when some of the big players fail a margin call and have to liquidate their massive holdings in AAPL and SPY?

Whether or not a market crash is part of the Q plan or not, the market is one default or failed margin call away from spiraling out of control. Once the first domino falls they can easily take down other dominos with them as forced liquidations lead to more forced liquidations...

Michael_Golfer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thinking the same thing... Maybe Trump comes back before all the bad guys are taken down. But idk the way things have been progressing it doesn’t seem like anything is going to just suddenly “happen”. Feels like there’s still a lot that needs to play out.

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