MineOwnSelf 17 points ago +17 / -0

Praise God for his recovery. Dear Lord, please provide for this beloved Father & Mother as they deal with this health issue. Thank you for all the people you have trained to be ready to assist them now. Guide them to any diet or lifestyle changes that need to be made for his continued recovery. We give you all the glory for your grace & mercy. Strengthen them with your presence, bless them with faith in salvation through Jesus, and fill them with your peace. I ask all this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great chapter! I really liked "Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other." Isaiah 45:22 ESV It really makes it clear that salvation is for all people and there is only one God.

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recently read the book of Hosea, and the book of Ecclesiastes and thought they could both apply today. There are so many messages that were for the people of Israel thousands of years ago that also apply to us today. That saying, "Those who do not learn from History are destined to repeat it." is really relevant!!!

MineOwnSelf 8 points ago +8 / -0

Saved to "Important". ❀️

MineOwnSelf 5 points ago +5 / -0

Because God reserved vengeance for himself.

MineOwnSelf 2 points ago +2 / -0

May We All Have Affordable Healthcare Arrangements

MwaHaHa. πŸ˜‰

MineOwnSelf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Interesting side notes - most of Bach's works were created for the Lutheran church. He was also trained on the violin. https://lutheranreformation.org/history/johann-sebastian-bach/

MineOwnSelf 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dear Lord, I thank & praise you for Babydoll's healing. Please continue to walk with her & draw her to you. I also ask for your tender mercy & healing for Bonnie, that her cancer be destroyed & she be made new. Bless her Dr's to be extensions of your healing hands. Thank you for all the people you have called to the medical profession to help us when we are needing them. Please keep them all strong. Bless them & their families as well as Bonnie, Babydoll, & HoseQ and their families with your presence, draw them all to salvation through Christ Jesus, & fill them with your Spirit, Love, & Peace. Help HoseQ & Babydoll as they go forward from this time. Guide & guard them. Lead them in your Word & show them the plans you have for them. Give them the courage & strength to trust you in all things. I ask all this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Praise God!!! ❀️

MineOwnSelf 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dear Lord, please send healing to this beloved Mom. Let her Drs be extensions of your healing hands. Let her body respond well to the interventions. Strengthen her & her loved ones with your presence, comfort them with faith in salvation through Christ Jesus, and fill then with your Spirit, love, & peace. I ask this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.

MineOwnSelf 37 points ago +37 / -0

Dear Lord, please comfort everyone who knew & loved this beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, & Friend. Bless them with the fond memories built during his time with us. Strengthen them each with your presence in the coming days, weeks & months. Comfort them with the salvation available to all who will believe in Jesus' attoning sacrifice on the cross, and fill them with your Spirit, love, & peace. I ask all this in Jesus' Mighty name, Amen.

by chachi
MineOwnSelf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Praise God!!!

MineOwnSelf 10 points ago +10 / -0

Dear Lord God, Heavenly Father, please help this family. You know the present situation and history better than anyone. Break the bonds of addiction that bind this young man. You have blessed him with 5 years of sobriety; lead him back to that familiar place with fresh understanding and the new skills he needs to stay there. Provide him with the people & resources he needs going forward to make sound choices. Bless his parents with the wisdom & discernment as well as the people & resources they need to be the parents you have called them to be. Hear their grief & anger and lead them to bring it to you that they may find peace from this storm in your presence & your Word. Grant this son & his parents the wise counsel, spiritually, mentally, & legally they each need going forward. Strengthen each of them with your presence, draw them to faith in the forgiveness of sins granted to everyone who will believe in salvation through Christ Jesus, and fill them with your Spirit, love and peace. I ask this in Jesus' blessed name, Amen.

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