For a while, I was trying to find good memes to laugh at. I found them in a most unexpected place. There's a reddit forum, where lefties go to cope with our meme load, and let me tell you something pedes, they can't :D

This is too good: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRightCantMeme/

Every meme is a gem.

I haven't laughed like this in a couple of weeks.

Add in the lefties salt and their inability to cope = priceless!


The post 3529 says:


While Congress is away….

The month of AUGUST is traditionally a really HOT month.

Nature is unpredictable.


Now, as someone who visits this forum daily, I can see major happenings going on. Afghanistan being just one of them.

I want to talk about something else.

Last month I started to visit 9gag.com, the largest meme sharing site in the world. I used to love the memes back in 2010-2011 and went there occasionally over the years. However, I haven't been there since 2020 because I was disgusted by their anti-Trump and pro-BLM memes.

Boy, has the meme war shifted.

These are just a couple of gems I found in July:

Dutch soccer team beat West Taiwan 8 - 2 on the Olympics. I wonder what the CCP state media will say about the match.

Soviet mentality goes away like feminism to a military draft

Reminding CNN that 100 corporations are responsible for 71% of global greenhouse emmisions.

Trump is not my president, but I miss him #AmericanDream

People rejecting the woke agenda

More mocking of China

Water had enough from china!

Meanwhile in Hungary: You are not a trans person, you are a mentally ill person

What is going on there today?

Massive redpill on Biden and Afghanistan. I have seen over two dozen memes just today. Have a look for yourself: www.9gag.com

*If you don't know the site, it's full of regular memes and animal videos, you have to scroll to find the culture war stuff. Some of the culture war memes are still woke, but they seem to be the minority now.

Things that I used to see only here, on www.patriots.win, China Uncensored and a couple of youtube channels are now becoming mainstream.

This really seems to be the change in public opinion Q has talked about.

Although the memes are great too!

And you can find more on www.memecenter.com