MoneyGrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ban public sector unions. We don't allow our military unionize, we shouldn't let our police, firefighters, sanitation workers or teacher unionize either. Could you image if the the Navy was union and they went on strike for higher wages or benefits? Letting public sector unions collectively bargain with a bunch of politicians and bureaucrats who are not spending their own money, but the taxpayer's, leads to what amounts to paying for votes.

MoneyGrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's almost as if the "peace, love and coexist" Democrats are the problem with society.

MoneyGrip 4 points ago +5 / -1

To be devil's advocate, I would say, It's common knowledge that Trump plays golf as often as he can, he mostly plays on his own courses, so stake out the club/course closest to his home. Wait for the security posture around the club to ramp up and there is a good chance Trump is on his way.

MoneyGrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just make sure he doesn't trade $40,000 student loan debt for $40,000 tool truck debt.

MoneyGrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

Doctors are glorified mechanics. Some mechanics are very good and can tell what is wrong with your car just by listening to it, fix your problem and send you on your way. Some mechanics are parts replacers and just throw parts at your vehicle until it's fixed. Some mechanics will put in a can of stop leak and fix your problem for a bit, but you have to keep coming back for another can of stop leak.

MoneyGrip 5 points ago +5 / -0

You just found the main suspects for the tire slashing.

MoneyGrip 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did you see the part where no one in the audience came to help her while she was being unlawfully detained? No one got up and left with her in solidarity. No group of men got up and told that cop to take his hands off of her. The fight has been diminished in everyday people.

MoneyGrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

Chat GPT failed to factor in the treasonous Marxists that run the justice dept.

MoneyGrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you have to have judges choose who wins, and not some measurable element, it is not a sport. It's time for the Olympics to take another 2200 year hiatus.

MoneyGrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

You know they say all men are created

equal, but you look at Trump and you look at

Kamal Toe and you can see that statement

is not true. See normally if you go one

on one with Donald Trump you got a

50/50 chance of winning. But Trump’s a

genetic freak and He’s not normal, so you

got a 25% chance at beat him. Then you

add Sleepy Joe to the mix, your chances

of winning drastic go down.

See, the three way in November,

you got a 33 and a third chance of winning,

but Trump, He got a 66 and 2/3 chance of

winning, cuz Sleepy Joe knows he can't

beat Trump and he's not even gonna try, so

Kamal Toe you take your 33 and third

chance, minus Trump’s 25% chance and you've got an

8 and a third chance of winning in

November. But then you take Trumps 75 percents

chance of winning if we was to

go one-on-one and then add 66 and 2/3


Trumps got 141 and 2/3 chance of winning in

November, Kamal Toe the numbers don't

lie and they spell disaster for you in November.

MoneyGrip 7 points ago +7 / -0

They could fire up a production line and re-make the 1975 F-150, with no bells or whistles, crank windows, rubber floor mat, vinyl bench seat and 300 strait 6. They could run the line for 3 shifts a day and sell every one they could make.

MoneyGrip 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will destroy it all, they will burn it all down, just for the opportunity to rule over the ashes.

MoneyGrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

On my challenge, by the ancient laws of combat...

we are met at this chosen ground

to settle for good and all

who holds sway, over the Great Awakening.

Us Pepe's, born rightwise to this fine land

or the foreign hordes defiling it!

may the Christian Lord, guide my hand, against your Roman popery!

MoneyGrip 1 point ago +1 / -0

The trick question is who gave her that line, 100% she didn't come up with it herself.

MoneyGrip 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just really don't want this lady's vote to cancel out mine so I find 2 people to vote Trump either by registering 1st time voters or converting democrats.

MoneyGrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

How about you idiots at the DoE build back some nuclear power plants you bunch of fucking hippies. Nuclear power plants are so safe now that we put them in metal tubes under water and let sailors sleep next to them, we put them on ships the size of small towns and power that ship for 30 years. We have the solutions, use them.

MoneyGrip 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'll never understand the appeal of these mega churches. Why would you not go to your local church where everyone is a neighbor, then go out and spread the gospel in your own community.

MoneyGrip 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Taycan is a hideous car and should be universally hated for that reason alone. Good riddance.

MoneyGrip 5 points ago +5 / -0

He kinda whispering, and not pointing in the direction of the flags. don't want the "MAGA fucks" to overhear him. He's scared.

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