MrDroorFrash 19 points ago +19 / -0

They're doing this literally because they want to take your kids if you're conservative. If they find out you own guns and ammo they will call DCS and your child will be kidnapped under the color of law.

MrDroorFrash 3 points ago +3 / -0

His career is over, but bear in mind that if he spends five years in jail, it will still be five years where he's living and eating better than any of us. His prison sentence will make our lives in freedom look Spartan in comparison.

MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

PHD means the initial 14 years of indoctrination, plus another 12 years of hardcore brainwashing that you go into hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt to acquire. They have so much skin in the game that taking the redpill would flay them alive.

MrDroorFrash 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want a beer too. But all the beer in Arizona sucks ass. It's all macrobrew bullshit and bunch of generic-ass IPA's. I hate IPA! It all tastes the same and every brewery has like six different versions of the same god damn beer. It's like 'Oh so this particular strain of hops requires fertilizer made from the corpse of a war orphan? Does it make the beer taste like anything other than grapefruit peel? No? Then WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU JUST HAVE ONE GOD DAMN IPA?'

Fuck me I haven't had a good Belgian Ale since I moved here. The only place in town that has a halfway decent selection is Total Wine but I'm not driving 45 goddamn minutes for a bottle of beer or some mead.

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