If reports are true that this judge recused himself in a previous Trump case, but did not do so this time, then we are asking the Governor to formally investigate whether this judge did anything improper or illegal.
(850) 488-7146
Please leave a respectful, but to the point voicemail, if you are able.
...I could see China doing again, what they did with COVID.
Keep your eyes open.
I remember seeing videos of Chinese people purposely coughing and sneezing on produce in the stores.
An Indian word meaning "River Running Through A Red Place"
Would them de-certifying their electors give Trump the win?
There's a lot happening there right now.
Reportedly, one of the side effects of the vax is brain fog.
What if this leads to reduced ability to control base emotions? This, in turn, causes more violence, hatred, and emotional instability (Satan, of course, would be loving this).
Now, when it officially comes out that the vax is causing AIDS, many of these emotionally fragile people will reach the breaking point and just decide to kill themselves....suicide weekend.
What we witnessed with Smith (who I'm sure like most good Hollywood drones is double vaxxed and boosted) was a very public display of what the vax is doing to people on a mental and emotional level.
Started reading the "front page" and was struck by deja vu.
Why are posts from days ago getting stickied again?
One (about Russia rescheduling the invasion) which isn't even applicable today?
Since The Scum love to use symbolism, including the dates they carry out their operations, perhaps something might happen next Tuesday?
Consider the year 2022. If you add up the numbers....2+2+2=6
The month and day next Tues (2/22) would be another one....2+2+2=6.
And either 2:22 am or pm would provide the final 6.
Those two moments in time would have the temporal representation of 666.
This might embolden them to do something because they feel the omens were on their side.
Which means, the only intolerance they are really concerned with, is the intolerance to their sexual perversions.
They know COVID is a loser, in the eyes of the electorate.
So they will pivot hoping people will forget by next Nov.
If any one is old enough to remember the TV show Sliders (from the late 90's) check out episode 3 from season 1.
In it, they arrive on an Earth experiencing a pandemic they call "the Q". It was implemented by The Elite Scum, whose goal was world depopulation.
Also, one of the producers last name was Epstein.
Just saw it on Roku.
.....it could possibly be that they were testing out the catalyst booster they plan to give very soon.
We really need to know more to this part of the story.
Take your money out of that big bank and invest it in your local credit union.
Please call Gov Desantis's office ( 850- 717-9337) and request he investigate the Leon County Commissioners who have required vaccines for all Leon County employees.
Mention ( like I did ) that in light of the Australian officials who have resigned because of taking payments from Pfizer to push the vaccine mandate, we need to be assured these county officials haven't done the same thing.
FOI request all their emails and communications.
My theory is the masks are responsible for much of the spread and spikes of COVID and the variants.
Their claim is that masks stop some of the virus from getting through, so it is wise to use them, since it will assist in limiting the impact of COVID. But if we grant them that truth, then we have to assume the virus is being trapped on the cloth masks, when people are breathing in while encountering a person who is infected.
So wouldn't it stand to reason that when a person with this layer of viral contamination (on the outside of the mask) talks to another person and breathes around them, that it would cause them to reintroduce the virus to that person, and infect them?
For instance, Jane talks to Bob (who is infected) and her mask traps some of the virus from being breathed in. She then talks to Sue (and breathes around her), which sends a portion of the virus on the mask airborne again, and Sue becomes exposed.
Instead of the virus being expelled in the few breathes on the walk from Bob to Sue, it stayed on the surface of Janes mask and spread around in the moist breathes she breathed, as she walked around.
Bleater......someone who mindlessly bleats the Democratic/communist talking points, regardless of facts.
For example...."Trump is a Nazi".
Reply....."Ok, Bleater".
When you catch a virus, it first starts to grow in your sinuses and on your tongue. This is out of the reach of your white blood cells and bodys' immunity systems ability to fight it.
As it multiplies, you start to ingest it, and it enters your body in such numbers that initially your bodys' immune system can't effectively counter it. So you get sick.
To reduce the number of this viral multiplication happening in your mouth and nose, use baking soda.
This is one of the home remedies used to fight the Spanish Flu epidemic.
For the tongue, you will see that classic white coating indicating you are getting sick. Put some baking soda in a bowl and wet your toothbrush. Put the wet bristles into the baking soda and get as much as you can on it. Then quickly run it under water to make sure it is completely wet (but don't rinse it off your tooth brush). Next, brush the white film on your tongue as far back as you can tolerate. Leave it on your tongue for 5-10 seconds while you completely rinse your toothbrush. With a clean wet toothbrush, brush your tongue again. Then use clean water to wash the residue off your tongue. The white film should be gone now.
For the nose, I use a saline rinse and baking soda. Taking a clean q-tip and sticking it in clean, dry baking soda, then applying it to the inside of the nostrils as far a you can tolerate should work. Allow it to stand for around 10seconds then rinse with the saline solution. Finish with blowing your nose.
Both these strategies will reduce the volume of the virus cultures growing in these areas. This allows the bodys' immune system time enough to start producing the antibodies to fight that particular strain of the virus, without getting overwhelmed.
Their goal is to get everyone vaccinated. Including children, who have no danger of dying from COVID but have a real danger of suffering adverse reactions or dying from the vaccine.
Why put a child in danger like this just to save an old adult from contracting COVID, which they have a 98%+ chance of surviving?
Slogan....."Screw the No Freedom League! I won't let our children be put in danger any longer from a virus they are in no danger of dying from!"
The proof is reportedly of the standard which can be admitted in criminal court proceedings, so certainly they will meet civil standards.
The Supreme Court has ruled government agents can be personally sued for violating civil rights.
Voting rights are civil rights.
So people should start filing lawsuits against these corrupt county officials in Maricopa and Fulton county. At the very least it would give them fear to do it again.
Start now before the next election gets here.
If the CDC is a private company owning 56+ patents regarding vaccinations, who is the owner?
Is it publicly trader? Who is the CEO then? Stock holders?
What more can we find out about the hand pulling the strings?