Hello everyone, have studied this covid stuff for a long time and was connecting dots, and then they all starting connecting.

First case of anything respitory related, Mongolia couple in Nov, 2019. Diagnosed as Pneumonic Plague (Yersinia pestis bacteria), right next to Kazakhstan, where the CIA biolabs were that got raided. The Mongolian couple then got transported to beijing, the capital of China. There they were quarantined along with 447 other people, 1 American citizen as well.

Source https://pdfhost.io/v/cAjZZSYQP__DOCUMENTS_FOIA_L_Nov2021_FX2_FL202100033_DOC_0C09000003_C09000003

Guess who was working on a nano vaccine already at this time against anthrax and Pneumonic Plague? Even this vaccine needs at least 2 shots


Lead publisher Professor from WUHAN https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/305059/overview

His followers literally state that they are in military medical sciences lol

The Catholic University of America Washington, D.C., United States (Vatican/Papacy tied into this as Well) (Biblical)

Multiple CIA companies including Microbial Pathogenesis Section, Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States

Also Southern Research Institute(nonprofit) recently bought by Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc

If you just study Yersinia Pestis, you notice all the similarities, respitory, accumulates iron and causes clotting, headaches, tuberculosis like effects..


Anthrax has been studied and used as a biological weapon more than anything else. It has the same binding profile, can be added to water, spores, treated by what? Doxycyxline and Livestock drugs..Peter Daszak, zoonotic professor, anthrax is from animals. Has talked about being in CIA. It can be modified and evolve quickly and be altered and tweaked. What does anthrax cause? Heart failure/problems along with respitory failure.

Anthrax outbreak Texas June 2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7706973/

Cdc changes vaccine recommendations for anthrax December 2019 (covid start) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/acip-recs/vacc-specific/anthrax.html

Cdc talking about widespread contamination Dec 2019 https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/68/rr/rr6804a1.htm

How do you tell the American people that a biological warfare (WMD) is infecting everyone and hurting/killing them? You don't, you tell them it's covid so everyone doesn't freak the hell out and WW3 doesn't start. But then you have to get a reason for martial law/insurrection Act, so you stage the George Floyd riots/trump threatening insurrection Act. Then he takes a picture in front of the church with Bible held high. Biblical.

Translate this document and it talks about the biblical sense/use of anthrax. https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2014-047-doc01.pdf


Multiple reports by users on here from texas, Indiana, and Ohio, godspeed brothers

Update: just saw three more jets flying at 1800 ft they are all private aircraft custom paint job refurbished Warfighter Jets one was from Germany. It's either airshow Jets or UN/CIA contractor Jets in this specific case. The one I saw earlier today was a fighter jet escorting a mid size executive jet within 15 feet or so that came from Fayetteville Arkansas. Guess where the Clinton's are from.. Fayetteville. The jet escorting had its transponder turned off. Never seen that before


If you don't believe me look him up, he also has ties to cardinals, he went to iraq and met with the corrupted General that was in the news awhile back. Also can't find any young pictures of him either. Most of his political work is oversees, especially when he first started in Ukraine and polish areas. Take a look through his Flickr and you'll see what I mean. Also has heavy ties to Obama, and opened up labs/medical facilities in Ukraine (ribbon cutting)


What does this mean hell idk, but that dude is sketchy for sure and chicago is known to be home base for deep state and shenanigans. Idk how this dickbag is still in office


-Media will report Russia has used a biological warfare, a VX nerve gas agent, which is a suped up or highly concentrated COVID virus.

-Will be released by Ukraine CIA, to convince U.N. to join the war against Russia, or will be the fallout of the labs/manufacturing facility leaking etc.

-How will it be released? Most likely in the Water of the black sea where their ship was sunk, they can easily blame it on then now. Or will be on their own land as last resort.

-U.N. will consult U.S. and this is where the game is played.

-Russia also stole a laptop from hunter Biden, and definitely have the documents.

-U.S. can't invade unless a blackout occurs, or the contents would most likely be released. Biden resigning would ultimately put the U.S. in the war with Russia due to no failsafe. Harris I presume would take over, Obama I believe would still stay out of the limelight, depending on the level of corruption they have on him in it as well.

The only other thing I can see coming is that there could be another pearl harbor false flag, Bioweapon VX Nerve gas released in DC, due to it being a sovereign nation, possibly real/faking Bidens death bringing the U.S. in the ultimately 3rd world War.

If they achieve this before the hunter Biden laptop information gets out, shits going to hit the fan.


Thanks guys I looked but I know there is good ones out there yall probably have spread already lol


He said 48 hours a big drop was coming yesterday so well see


Satellites possibly too. Like straight up from a thriving nation to stone age. Water stations/gas pumps/vehicles/thermostats/AC/internet/phones/the national power grid/ medical equipment and hospitals/ refridgeration for food/ice/all lights.. The EMP commission said that 90% of the population would die.

That's insane. I mean I've read about it before but really underestimated the power and capability of a nuclear EMP.


Peter daszak CIA

Carlotta Vollhardt, Ecohealth Alliance Vice Chair, CIA, Knowledge International LLC President/CIA front, Pfizer executive since at least before 2000

Husband Dr. Tilman Friedrich, works for Pfizer. Both lived in Berlin before Vollhardt elders on protected nazis list by splain


OneHealth, Virus X, Disease X.. Ralph Baric


Justice.gov site released foias that have the justice department talking about insurrection Act briefing, and invoking it because of the George Floyd riots..


All the q posts around that area imply it, especially this one https://qposts.online/post/4393

The reason he could invoke it also is because he requested the dc police for the rioters attacking the white house but the DC mayor is Democrat and said no, therefore he could invoke it also. Trump details this in a Q post 4403 on may 30th


Qpost 4413 on June 4th entails we are a republic


To top it all off, why do you think that he wanted that picture in front of the church holding the Bible? It is biblical, he was sworn in with the Bible by the military there. News even says he's only been there a few times, most notably when he was sworn in the first time in 2017!

There are many other qposts and foia documents that imply this, for real try to autist this guys because I'm pretty sure this is it, it was invoked June 3rd or June 4th..

Whatever you find please add a link so I can add to original post please

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