Mutti2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tape it to a popscicle stick

Mutti2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pro vaxxers are popping up in threads on Reddit again. I wonder if something’s up?

They got really mad at the guy who posted that polio was DDT poisoning so l didn’t post that diptheria was arsenic from the dark, rich colors of that new and beautiful wallpaper that was so the rage.

Mutti2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe at this time in her life Myriam really needs to see her sister. There is just something about the bond between sisters, especially when one needs the support of and to hear the truth from the other.

My prayers go out to all of you.

Mutti2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I work with accountants for a major payroll company. Perhaps the biggest. The new deductions seem to just not be enough. If you have to pay $2300 you are paying about $200 a month less than you need to. I would have additional money taken out for Federal Income Tax each paycheck. Take that $2300 and divide it by how many paychecks you get a year and have that additional. Twice a month is 24 paychecks, every other week is 26 paychecks, monthly is 12 paychecks, and weekly is 52 paychecks.

I would suggest you open a small business. Selling some stuff on eBay would probably be the easiest. That unlocks a bunch of deductions that will save you money on your taxes. Mileage and portion of your home used for the business can save you some money.

This, of course, is not official advice. I am not an accountant or bookkeeper. I don't even play one on tv, lol.

Mutti2 7 points ago +7 / -0

Happy Friday everyone! Does anyone else feel like the weeks just fly by?

Mutti2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Totally believable. People just aren’t the same. I pay Med Beds come soon and that we can open the eyes of those asleep enough that the vaxxed use them.

Mutti2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I end each communication with my two daughters with this : NFHMILY

It means Never Forget How Much I Love You

No matter what happens that will never change. I will always love and support them. But, my heart is breaking that she rejects Trump and is a non believer. I will just keep praying for her. Hopefully He will open her eyes one day.

Mutti2 5 points ago +5 / -0

I went out to lunch yesterday with my liberal daughter. She lives in another state and l rarely see her. She is a teacher and believes Trump is going to abolish all public schools if he is elected. I tried to explain that he is just going to return authority to the states for schools but she just got madder. She said then they would be no control of curriculum and some schools could mandate parochial schools only.

She is so sweet and kind normally but in politics she just is out there. It’s sad. And yes, she’s vaxed. J&J. Just once. Her boyfriend got just one as well. Moderna.

She will vote for Biden. She did say she does not like either candidate but compares them to diarrhea and a shiny turd so she does not totally approve of Biden still so there’s that. I tried to red pill her. Not worth arguing with her sadly.

It is a shame but l believe she may be one of the forever lost. She’s got her Masters degree from a PA college that was mostly for teachers.

My eldest brother got the Pfizer. He went from open minded and kind to opinionated to a degree l don’t understand. Something is going on.

Mutti2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please research homeopathy. Look for the cures that God has made. The ones hiding in plain sight. Med beds are coming soon. We just have to hold on.

Mutti2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Love it. Been red pilling my grandchildren. The 11-year-old is great. Always questioning. He knows a man can never be a woman. He said that’s just stupid. Lol.

Mutti2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I followed the link. There’s a photo with a plunging neckline. No cleavage. Square jaw. Hmm Gotta go search for an apple to see if there’s a banana, too.

Mutti2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kate Middleton. Cancer or dead? Thoughts?

I pray she is just ill and they cure her cancer for the sake of the three little ones but l think the video is just a great AI.

What do you think?

Mutti2 6 points ago +6 / -0

What if Beyonce is just working to infiltrate Country Music as well?

Mutti2 1 point ago +1 / -0

You might find what you need in a former Methodist church. They are becoming Bible based and rejecting Woke ideology.

Mutti2 3 points ago +3 / -0

My comment was that they should not teach it in schools, that in our school they just call everyone "friends". It does not matter what color your skin is, your religion, or even if you are rich or poor. It should stay that way.

Mutti2 1 point ago +1 / -0

What I saw were slides from the course, an employee of Coke or Pepsi got the screenshots of the whole thing somehow.

Mutti2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recognizing the people on the Madeline McCann missing poster.

I awoke to the magic that is Trump when l went to visit my 85ish mother who was watching a Trump speech. At the time l was a Berniecrat. As l listened to him speak tears rolled down my cheeks.

He wanted exactly what l did. Today l know he needs to be back as President

Mutti2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Search for Quickbooks Online Accountant Click on free account Click on trainings Take trainings pass test become Pro Advisor Watch Hector Garcia videos on YouTube Open practice The sky is the limit

Mutti2 9 points ago +9 / -0

Please get your doggo some meatballs

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