My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine the budget savings the US Government could potentially enjoy by defunding the alphabet agencies which have no Constitutional authority to exist in the first place!!!

My2SonsAreMarines 3 points ago +3 / -0

Scalia is murdered on a hunting ranch in Texas and all you say is "God Works in Mysterious Ways." What a fucking stupid consequential association you have made.

For your information the original Chevron decision was decided 6-0 in 1984. Scalia was not on the USSC until 1986. No Reagan appointee voted for it (Sandra Day O'Connor recused herself).

Roberts as Chief Justice assigns who writes what opinions. It is unmistakeable fact that Gorsuch's 10th Circuit opinion informed the favorable outcome of Loper in overturning Chevron (1984).

Scalia was, as most jusitces were, a supporter of Chevron intially, but later expressed misgivings about Chevron's misapplication as the Administrative over reaches became more apparent.

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

My parents were 1960's-1970's era JBS. Dad was a physician (an allergist). Kosher process indicates that food conforms with Mosaic Laws for purity and allowable (Levitical) content. It is more than just a "tax" for a rabbinical certification. Parents always preferred Kosher from a dietary/health perspective.

I am no defender of Zionists and I despise Talmudiists but this statement is absolute bullshit:

"if you buy these foods and eat them all the Jewish comnies have to do is add a chemical to the water supply and it combines with a chemical in the food to give you cancer"

My2SonsAreMarines 8 points ago +8 / -0

The Airbus A321 is a member of the Airbus A320 family of short to medium range, narrow-body, commercial passenger twin engine jet airliners; it carries 185 to 236 passengers. Wikipedia

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +2 / -0

"It made it possible for me to see the doctor and get treated when I was shitting blood every 10 to 15 minutes and I couldn't even leave the house."

With a screen name like "Gay4Jesus" there's probably a more chronic behavioral source of your colonic problems that socialized medicine and its bastard stepchild, Obamacare, can't cure.

My2SonsAreMarines 4 points ago +4 / -0

"NY Test"? A backwardly masked non message supposedly intended for those in the know? You are straining at a gnat, OP.

My2SonsAreMarines 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd like to hear this one played at a Trump rally:


" Let the Lion Run Free" (song by "4HIM")

My2SonsAreMarines 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Today's argument was that my youngest daughter took my 20 year old daughter's coloring book and colored a fucking page in it. "

Does "20 year old daughter's coloring book" not raise any suspicions about this post to you?

My2SonsAreMarines 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd have more respect for this grandstander if he hadn't folded to McCarthy in June of 2023 at critical time when we had to hold the line on budget spending caps.

My2SonsAreMarines 23 points ago +23 / -0

2 counts 4 mos. each to serve concurrently. Therefore 4 months on the can total like Navarro. He wi lappeal to the full DC circuit (which will fail) and then appeal to USSC. They did not hear Navarro. Will be interesting to see if they rule differently since the basis of the case and the exculpatory evidence was destroyed by the J6 committee who filed the original case - and to whom Bannon refused to bend - and who brought the criinmal charges of contempt - which is why he is where he is today.

My2SonsAreMarines 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Palestine" (name derivation = Biblical "Philistine") was established as a British protectorate from the date it was gifted to Lord Rothschild (Nov 2, 1917) as a bounty for his diplomatic help in mustering efforts of fellow Zionists in getting the US to support with men and treasure the UK and France against Germany in WWI. It was a region previously known as Judea managed by Britain, with the blessings of The League of Nations (to which the US did not belong). It was not a country in its own right. Henry Cabot Lodge wrote a short, now de-classified piece in 1956 about how the World Zionist Organization set the stage for establishing an eventual State of Israel controlled by Zionists. https://files.catbox.moe/6wwkqo.jpeg

One was free to travel to or send and exchange mail destined for a protectorate named for a short time, "Palestine," even as you show (your earliest postmark appears to be 1917), but it was no more a country than Bouvet Island situated off the coast of Antarctica has ever been a country of its own with respect to Norway.

My2SonsAreMarines 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your most effective time to act was when you came back from the bathroom. You would ask the 10-year old to identify the attendant who gave them the gay propaganda. You would call them over to your seat and ask why they did this. Was this an offical airline instruction that the attendant was following, or was this her own doing? Get the name of attendant, and of the captain also. Inform the attendant that their action was inappropriate, and that you will be taking the matter up higher. When you de-plane go to airline customer service desk, get their name, and inform them you wish to lodge a formal complaint about what happened and that you wish to file a complaint to the appropriate level(s) of management. Get phone numbers and mailing addresses.

Gotta strike while the iron is hot when shit like this happens to you

My2SonsAreMarines 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is a couple of ultra-orthodox Knesset members introducing legislation. I don"t like them or Netanyahu, but in all fairness it is not Netanyahu who is spearheading this as the twitterist's headline suggests.

My2SonsAreMarines 8 points ago +8 / -0

How did he do in the Afro-Russian vote? - Oh, wait....

My2SonsAreMarines 3 points ago +3 / -0

USSC could mandate upholding "day of election" language embodied in the Constitution now to get rid of early voting,hackable machine tabulators, and mail in ballots, and also refer to 14th Amendment guarantee to due process.

At the same time it could void offending portions of the The National Voter Registration Act Of 1993 (NVRA) which is at the root of the electoral chaos that has proceeded from it, including all the delays in vote counts, hackable tabulatng machines, and mail in ballot non-sense.

Goal: Same day vote + Paper ballots only audited in real time = Landslide Trump victory and super majority (R)s in congress.

My2SonsAreMarines 7 points ago +8 / -1

ChatGPT just couldn't bring it to the logical step of saying that those who are wrongly serving in offices to which they were not legitimatly elected must vacate them immediately -- just keeps talking about losing public confidence.

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