NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

The way you talk about devolution makes me think it's all BS.

NeedMoarPillows 15 points ago +16 / -1

My lib sister is triple jabbed and thought she was invincible. She had a big house party last weekend and now all 12 people that went are positive for covid, all 12 were triple jabbed.

NeedMoarPillows 2 points ago +3 / -1

My best friend's wife just confessed she was jabbed and took all four of their kids to be jabbed behind his back a few days ago. She did it while he and I were out of town picking up a project car he bought from another state. It was the first time I ever saw my friend cry. He was literally wailing and saying he didn't want his kids to die.

His wife asked him to leave the house for a week while she packed up her and the kids belongings so he was staying with me. He told me she said if he stopped talking about Trump and Q and took the shot she would consider staying. I had to walk him off that ledge because he was blinded by love for her and just kept saying how bad could the shot be, it's probably best if he just takes it and stays with his family. But I told him the only way to save them now was to research how to eliminate the vaxx from their systems.

I just hate how political the left has made the vaccine and how insane they've been about this whole thing. They could've just left us all alone and done their own thing, but they had to bring the whole world down around us.

My friend has nothing to lose, and I'm really afraid he's going to cave and go get the shot just to appease his lost wife. I don't want to lose my friend to this horrible circumstance.

NeedMoarPillows -2 points ago +1 / -3

Yeah, let's focus on mean tweets when babies are being slaughtered.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

Unless he's in on it the same way he's touting vaccines.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

They're Kindle Unlimited, so I downloaded a few to see what they were, they were all news articles and pages of how to wash your hands and BS like that.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

I noticed this last week, they're all written by people who write hundreds of books a year which I found odd too, so I looked and they're all like 10 pages. I downloaded one to see what it was all about and it was a handful of news articles and a reprint of the CDC recommendations for avoiding getting sick. They're all the same.

These are just people who live in the middle of nowhere and put out a shit ton of books and each one makes like $100 so they're happy.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

The 17 year old is Lauren Boebert, the minors aren't mentioned by name, only in the report due to their age.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

Did we read the same report? One of the girls was 14 with the group and the 21 year old had her 4 year old daughter with her, neither are named because she's a minor.

The police report said he heard them talking about tattoos, he interrupted their conversation to say he had a tattoo on his penis and then pulled it out and waved it around.

He was arrested and charged with lewd exposure to minors and did jail time and had two years probation.

This all happened two months before Lauren Boebert married the classy gentleman.

Oh, he was also arrested in 2004 for beating up Lauren Boebert and did some jail time, she was underage also at the time.

NeedMoarPillows 31 points ago +32 / -1

My doctor is based and pretty funny. He makes about 50k extra a year on the side from pharma, but he doesn't recommend or suggest their drugs at all, he's very anti-medication unless it is absolutely required. I met him because I was having some heart issues and I went to my ex-doctor and he wanted to start me on all kinds of pills, so I got a second opinion. A friend of mine suggested my current doc and I went in to talk to him. When I pulled in the parking lot I saw a dude in scrubs getting out of a 70s Chevy truck that was beat to hell and assumed he was a nurse. Nope, he was my new doctor. He looked at my EKGs and ran some tests and told me I didn't need drugs, I needed to walk 10,000 steps a day and stop drinking too much booze and fried shit. So, I did. I dropped 25lbs and cleaned up my diet and within four months my heart was back to college-level strength and I had no issues.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

lol, what? Where did that come from?

You and I both know where that money will go.

NeedMoarPillows 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am very suspect of her, in 2004 her husband was arrested for messing around with very young girls and she married him anyway:

You can see the ages of the girls in the arrest report below, it happened six months before their wedding:


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