You spelled "rigged" wrong....
It shows that we don't need high taxes....
They knew early on that respirators killed people.
After that they just sent COVID positive people home.
Then they restricted Hydroxychloroquine.
Then they restricted Ivermectin.
Then they gave them Remdesivir.
Now they are vaxing them....
Actually that's a great shop job considering the difficulty level.
It's just that when they cloned the sign from the top one, they forgot to eliminate the trees from the thin horizontal area underneath it.
So, A minus. But I like it!
Constituents or election rigging?????
C'mon, man!
You forgot the quotation marks around "history"....
Why is he doing that with his hands?...
I'd rather see them confess everything on TV, then be on live Prison Cam for the rest of their lives so our kids can see what happens when you go full retard....
Most excellent video....
Why would American troops be attacking the American population?
And why do you assume they would?
Well that would tell them exactly what people in the entire population would be affected: How much and how long after the shot. The presumably wanted long enough after the shot, to be able to say the adverse results weren't related to it, yet still cause the amount of damage they wanted....
Good thing the founders intentionally didn't make our Government a Democracy....
Can you point to where that occurs?...
You spelled "criminal" class wrong....
And why does the binder look so old and dilapidated?...
I wonder why Montana?...
Once big Media gets cleaned up....
Didn't realize she had such a honker of a nose.
And what's with that hump on her back?
No way California really elected Newsome either....
We do know that pcr tests gave lots of false positives.
Mo money, mo money, mo money....
Then he's got maps of all those tunnels....
Tastes much better with maple syrup....
Very cool....