NoliMeTangere22 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would say that is is training exercise. This is September, the end of the fiscal year. They always schedule training times this close to use up any funding they have. If they don't, they lose that amount for next fiscal year.

NoliMeTangere22 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was taught, and actually had to use it once, to find a tree, sit down, eat something if you have it, drink something if you have it, and relax. Then, get up and slowly take stock of your surroundings. Most people die very close to road or way out because they panic and give up, or overexert themselves. If it is late in the day...find shelter and try to keep warm.

NoliMeTangere22 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you are only concerned with urban areas, then a good street map is sufficient. Anything beyond that, then it is more than just being able to read a map. In a survival/bug out situation, knowing how to read a topographic map, the terrain, and the stars are ALL important. USGS Topo maps will keep you from falling off a cliff. Knowing terrain features will keep you from going in circles. Knowing how to read the grid system is paramount to using a topo. Also, knowing how to fix an azimuth and back azimuth is a must. A USGS topo map will have another very important feature called Angle of Declination. Magnetic north is not true north and you have to adjust you compass and map to the proper angle. There is a whole lot more to know. It might seem daunting, but it really isn't. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy.

Oh, and get a really good compass. My go to has been a CMMG Military Lensatic for over 40 years now. Very durable, and spot on.

NoliMeTangere22 5 points ago +5 / -0

French Berthier carbine

NoliMeTangere22 6 points ago +6 / -0

The only tech I a, aware of during Nam is the AN/PVS-2 Starlight scope, which, if you ever used one, can play tricks on your eyes. It was in the early stages of IR, and was not very good. I have used a pVS-2, and we used the PVS-5 goggles when I was in the Army back in the late 80s. They weren't all that much better than the Starlight, except they were binocular instead of monocular. Made it easier to make things out, but they were heavy, and the eyes got really tired after a short time of use.

NoliMeTangere22 7 points ago +7 / -0

Two incontrovertible truths in any war:

  1. People die.
  2. You cannot change rule number 1.
NoliMeTangere22 7 points ago +7 / -0

My wife just wants to know when the neck stretching and firing squads begin. She believes abortion is murder and should be tried as such.

NoliMeTangere22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Since there is no listed criteria, I will have to say my wife. Low maintenance country girl. Wears no makeup, no perfumes (she's allergic), jeans and t-shirts, work boots or tennis shoes. She does not own any dress shoes. She loves working in the garden, weed whacking blackberry vines, and mowing the lawn. Not afaid of hard physical labor (even at 58) and she is solid red conservative that loves Jesus. It took me many years and a few crazies to finally meet her, and I thank God all the time that I did. She is my rock and she saved me from myself.

NoliMeTangere22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reminds me of boot camp. Just a little off the top and sides please...next thing you know, you have all your hair in your hands doing the walk of shame. I saw grown men cry because of their long hair gone in an instant

NoliMeTangere22 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe Obammy was compromised, and as a result, he gave the marching orders to have the convention in his home town and state. With the Clintons and the obammys there, maybe we will get to see the glorious downfall of these satanic asshats once and for all. It's a stretch, but man if it is a dream, it is a good one!

NoliMeTangere22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Rock on! I served with many Vietnam Vets in the early 80s...USAF at the time. Many of them had Bronze Stars. Judging from their character and what dumbasses they were, I questioned how so many could earn that medal. That was when I learned about the "V" device for valor. Without it, it was just a meritorious achievement medal earned in a combat zone. As the saying went, "I spent 6 months in the 'Nam and didn't f&@k up" .

NoliMeTangere22 2 points ago +2 / -0

People embellish their service record all the time. What bothers me, as a vet, is that he used it for personal gain. As vile as that is, it is nothing compared to lying to people about over and over again AFTER he was busted. THAT is unforgivable. Too many patriots shed blood for that uniform. What he did is a disgrace...not misspeak.

NoliMeTangere22 21 points ago +21 / -0

No disrespect to the OP, but the deadliest mass shooting in American History was the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Upwards of 300 men, women and children were massacred by the US Cavalry. What do the two have in common? Evil deeds by our own government.

NoliMeTangere22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I walked into the local Costco without a mask during the scamdemic. The gal told me to put on the mask, I told her to EFF off and just kept walking. They never did a thing.

NoliMeTangere22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember Cops? I was a sheriff cadet in high school. I knew all about the Constitution before I even joined. Even in High School the cops weren't always following the constitution. However, when I started watching cops, it didn't take me long to realize the blatant disregard for constitutional rights. What was even more surprising was the lack of any significant outrage from the masses, or even lawyers. For the layers, it was about money. For the masses, it was about entertainment. For me, it was horrifying to watch.

NoliMeTangere22 4 points ago +4 / -0

As a diabetic, I have used Erythritol and Xylitol plus organic stevia extract f\or over 10 years. I don't have any issues at all. Plus, I am unvaccinated.

NoliMeTangere22 16 points ago +16 / -0

I graduated high school in 1982. I loved Barney Miller. I knew what the Trilateral Commission was, and who the Rockefellers were. I was labeled a conspiracy theorist even in junior high. I wonder if any of my former classmates are laughing now?

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