Nomnomnom 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s Reddit. The odds that that poster is even a legitimate person and not a shill is pretty low. Reads like “Hello fellow apes” to me

Nomnomnom 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s not feasible considering how much data each packet would take up. The default packet size is 1500 bytes. You can set up a jumbo packet of 9000 bytes but that won’t work on the vast majority of personal networks.

Nomnomnom 4 points ago +4 / -0

How off putting. He went from sadistic joke teller to manipulative victim real quick. Where is the comedy in that?

Nomnomnom 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I understand, each state has their own database (called an IIS). Why would schools require you to submit a document as proof if they could just verify it from the get-go? Do they actually verify it?

Nomnomnom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now do immunization requirements! Possibly the only thing stopping me from packing the family up and moving to rural Maine

Nomnomnom 0 points ago +2 / -2

You sound very emotionally driven. And your post is oddly familiar to me… Let me take a stab in the dark - are you a shill?

Nomnomnom 11 points ago +11 / -0

I have seen progress happening in Georgia from posts here. The machine is what we’re fighting and the People in Georgia are working towards justice.

Nomnomnom 7 points ago +7 / -0

What role will select military inserts play [the 'bribe']?

I wonder if Milley was a part of this

Nomnomnom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every time I see this cunt’s name and how she’s throwing away the republic for her own personal gain, I remember when someone gave her sympathy at her hearing due to the attacks against her children for being Haitian adopted. The way she responded to that forced sympathy just reeked of bullshit to me. I always wondered if he’s some sexual deviant with those adopted kids…

Nomnomnom 16 points ago +16 / -0

The 5th Amendment protects you from self-incrimination (which is criminal law). This is a civil case so there exists no such protection within the 5th Amendment

Nomnomnom 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve read something similar to that before. The whole situation screams of subversion and those who stayed at PDW are likely caught in the same machine that takes down so many online communities - manipulative tactics which encourage emotional responses.

Nomnomnom 9 points ago +9 / -0

I feel your pain, brother. That response you referenced from your friends/family comes from ignorance, not malevolence. I’ve learned to limit the intensity of my beliefs depending on the person. Simply stating the facts without any conclusions has the most positive effect. Think of it like summarizing an honest news article.

When people who have little to no investment in policy constantly hear polarized politics from both sides, they tend to disregard both and respond with flippancy. If you mimic their lack of investment (like you aren’t truly attached to the situation) and state facts without conclusions, you can slowly paint the picture of what’s going on. They’ll likely draw the same conclusions as you.

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