Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK. Mind blown. So much to process. This, I believe, is a must see and hear. I am so average and have no expertise in science or technology or physics, but this guy is clear and gives sufficient explanation of the concepts that even I get it (don't give a pop quiz. I would fail. But I get the gist.) Just be patient.

Explains everything from 99% would be in hospital to Trump's the best is yet to come.

Notimportant81 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. Like someone could have used this alert system to notice that shoving a tube in to pump air into lungs full of mucus and remdisavir were killing most patients. And we won't get into the utter abject stupidity of ignoring the fact that people who took the vaccine are the ones getting the disease and dying from side effects. It's simple logic.

Notimportant81 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just to let you know still with you. Said another prayer.

Notimportant81 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure about this. I was appalled when they used kids for Obama, and I don't think this is wise or right.

Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spent last night watching Season 4 of The Chosen and then rewatched Risen (I know. Newer effort trying recreating The Robe). Anyway, went to sleep thinking of Jesus.

Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, this makes sense. Would also apply to the ultra brainwashed and to those who literally signed a pact with lucifer.

Notimportant81 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does anyone remember when Obama "escaped" from the white house one night and he thought it was very amusing? They supposedly traced him to some embassy, but I can't remember that detail. So many oddities getting connected.

Notimportant81 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump has been telling us in every way but these exact words. He told us outright "this looks like an army." He told us he's going to Springfield and Aurora. This is a war about to go kinetic.

Notimportant81 5 points ago +5 / -0

Actually, I have heard before this that the phrase came straight from Marx and it is what you say about hand gestures.

What I never heard or considered was that GWB was putting on a show, primarily because it seemed illogical to think he was stupid. I know from personal experience to be wary of someone who says, "I am just a simple man/woman". There's always a whammy coming. Sort of like the guy who headed up the Watergate hearings (Eastland--I am so bad with names these days). His favorite? "I am just a simple country lawyer" when he was anything but.

Notimportant81 10 points ago +10 / -0

I never heard that! That is a dot worth inserting! And explains Trump's odd comment. "He hates her".

Notimportant81 2 points ago +2 / -0

So it would be very nice if some brave, based citizens showed up at the crime scene with signs which rightly said the fbi shouldn't be investigating their own crimes and other good stuff about their lawless, anti constitution record.

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