In all honesty the dollar collapsed sometime ago. It collapsed when we first went off the true gold standard to finance WWI. It has continued its collapse notably since 1971, where 1 dollar today is worth about .13 cents of 1971 purchasing power. Today’s dollar is worth about .03 cents of 1913 purchasing power (Thank you Fed Reserve). Gold over time has held it’s purchasing power pretty consistently. 20 ounces of gold would buy you a new car in the late 1920’s. That same 20 ounces will buy you a car today. 1 oz would buy you a tailored suit of clothes in the 1920’s. That 1 oz will do the same today. Regardless of the dollar collapse, history does not seem to indicate those holding gold will become rich overnight, or even over 50 years. It does indicate gold/silver will hold value over time while the dollar completes it death spiral into being inferior toilet paper. Now if you are paying off a fixed rate mortgage, holding gold will make you very happy.
Years ago I made the bad decision of thinking bottled water was much safer than the faucet public water. I initially bought an electrolyzer and determined that all the bottle water had contaminants, some having metals, but Fluoride being in all. I mostly bought Niagra/Kirkland and sometimes Deer Park. After investigating, Deer Park at the time (last year) had the highest content of PFAS forever chemicals of any bottled water I could find test results on. If you have consumed a 40 bottle case of Deer Park, you have exceeded your lifetime consumption of PFAS. I later learned there are virtually no regulations on bottled water. I then tested via the electrolyzer faucet and bottled water filtered through a Brita pitcher. Fluoride was still present in all. A zero water pitcher filter will at least remove the fluoride. Fluoride has been associated with cognitive development issues (yes it makes our children’s IQ’s lower) and may be a contributor to dementia and Alzheimer’s. I’m not trying to sell zero water pitchers, but short of installing a full home system (which probably will not eliminate all PFAS), it’s a good filtration alternative. I also installed filters on our shower heads, but they do not typically remove fluoride. As a side note, the water filters you use in refrigerators will not remove fluoride. I use the filtered zero water from the pitcher to make ice. If you have a kitchen top ice maker you may need to use a very small pinch of salt in the water to restore the electrical conductivity of the water. Zero water will cause the ice maker to falsely read “no water” even if the reservoir is full. A few grains of salt will correct this probiem.
Weihenstephaner. Been to the old abby in Freising (Bavaria) several times. Another state run Bavarian brew and my favorite. But as you said, Paulaner and I’ll add its sister company Hacker Pschorr to the list are great beers.
Though I am in agreement that Biden needs to be removed as our Resident, something seems very wrong with impeachment. How can you impeach someone who was never actually elected? It seems impeachment only gives credibility to an honest election. Honest election, only the blind believe this. Biden is a criminal and should be dealt with accordingly. He should not be given the processes as applied to an elected leader.
Our own government has committed the same atrocities upon it’s own citizens. Do not just look at the honor we must bestow on our founders. Our government has not lived up to the expectations the founders placed upon it. Tyranny is tyranny, regardless if it imposed upon citizens by British rule or if by our own government. We are being destroyed from within.
The military is the only way. They will resolve this. More bluntly put. We are the military! We must use our writings, our speach, our actions, and if it resolves to it, our second amendment. We are the patriots. We are our military. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Who said anything about hate or hating? I was disappointed when both Jared and Ivanka stated they did not think there was any voter fraud in the 2020 election. They commented that Biden won fairly and Trump should just move on and stop with any questions or complaints. They then distanced themselves from the Trump family. It has been obvious, that post election, they had jumped off the Trump train and no longer wanted to be involved. My comment was solely based on business logic that you do not surround yourself with people who no longer want to work for you. They had basically quit the team.
Many also fought for the right to live free from the oppression of a centralized government. One that would not demand the payment of tariffs and taxes to enrich themselves. One that would not abuse the citizen by instituting money laundering schemes to rob the populace. One that would not destroy the farmland, salt their fields, kill their livestock, burn their churches, burn their homes and ruin their lives simply because they lived in a certain area. Many fought against being jailed without any any writ of habeas corpus as our country’s president enforced. Maybe we have not progressed that much. Many tears to the lost lives of Freedom.
The two items the Deep State have focused on are the destruction of religious belief and the devision of the population based on race. If you are a white Christian, your way of life must be destroyed. If you are a black Christian, your way of life must be destroyed. They are dividing, in order to conquer and force all into a subservient one order anti-Christian rule. The US Government is openly dividing us all to achieve this goal.
Do you have any idea what the Founders meant by all men are created equal? Remember, as a clue this is in the Declaration of Independence, This specifically means that you do not have to be of a royal bloodline in order to be declared the ruler of the United States. You do not need to be born into a position of power. All men are equal in their ability to seek the position of President. The line regarding all men are created equal means nothing more, nothing less. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has always been more than obvious that all men are not equal regarding physical or mental characteristics. All people have unique, individual characteristics, but are equal in their ability to gain public support for a position of leadership. That is the beauty of it all.
Yuengling can try to make the argument they did not know what type of “acts” would “perform” at Musikfest, but they have sponsored the Philadelphia Pride event multiple times. They absolutely knew what they were sponsoring.
Great post! I know your feelings. I miss my Dad so much. WWII vet (Normandy/Paris Liberation/Battle of the Bulge). I do not know how he survived. I never had more pride than knowing my father. Everything important he taught me. I would give anything to fish, hunt, golf, pitch a baseball, play guitars, or share a laugh or two with him once more. He was my hero. I also cannot wait to see him again.
“You are about to embark on a great crusade” to free the oppressed in Europe, and so it began. My father served in WWII as a tech sergeant with the First Army, mainly tasked with knowing where the First Army munition supplies were located, finding out where they were needed and seeing that they were deployed accordingly. Having completed one year of college, I guess they thought he was a expendable grunt that could be deployed in the field, but handle the responsibility of munitions tracking and movement. He was barely 19 years old when he landed on Omaha Beach as part of the Normandy invasion. Thank God he was not in the first wave. I remain in awe of my father and believe it was a miracle he survived the war. He vividly recalled the beach littered with bodies, both the sand and the ocean being colored by streams of blood. He was sickened that the waves of men had died so the many like him could continue onward. At the time my father landed, the Germans were still less than 1 mile inland. My parents, my wife and I returned to the Normandy beaches for the 50th anniversary of the invasion in June of 1994. It was very tough on my father, especially visiting the cemetery at Omaha Beach. But he was a survivor. I’ll never forget driving on the narrow roads along the coast and hearing his recollections of events after the landings. Going into St. Lo, where he said the city was completely destroyed by allied bombing and you could not get away from the smell of death as bodies were rotting in the rubble. The recollection of that smell never left his memory as he unfortunately experienced this over and over. From St. Lo, and the hedgerows, he experienced the horror of the Falaise Gap. More bodies littered everywhere as the Germans were decimated trying to make their escape, and the smell. As we eventually made it into Paris, he remembered being treated as a much needed liberator and then recalled finding the exact spot on the grounds of the Palace at Versailles where he pitched his tent outside the city. He remembered the exact statue that “guarded” his tent located on the walkway heading to the reflection pond. His time in Paris during 1944 was short lived as the First Army left for Belgium. He experienced the Battle of the Bulge, was nearly killed by German Shelling in the Hurtzgen Forrest, later went from Liege and experienced the horror of Aachen Germany that was flattened by bombing runs, where that smell was once again everywhere. Was injured by being in a building in Aachen that collapsed during German bombardment. Made it out of Aachen to cross the Ludendorf Bridge at Remagen and into Germany. Near the end of the war, he was at Weimar during the liberation of Buchenwald. This was a work camp, not a death camp, but this is where most of the photos of bodies stacked like cord wood were taken. The smell was there too. I still have his scrap book/some photos, some military souvenirs, and his military map with his journey being documented. It’s hard for me to believe anyone could have been thrown into this at any age, let alone at 19, and was involved in so many strategic locations, and survived. We owe so much to those who have and continue to serve. It saddens me greatly to realize the state our country is now in. My father passed away in 2015. There is not a day that I do not think of him. My dad, my hero.
Sorry for being long in words.
Thank you for starting this D-Day thread.
You probably haven’t seen this yet, but Harley and Budweiser have teamed up with a new advertisement to promote Bud. I guess Harley wants to capture the tranny market.
Please also note, this “scientist” is also associated with the University of North Carolina. The same university that gave us Dr. Ralph Baric who engineered the bioweapon that has wrecked our world. He provided the initial gain of function development to ensure the weapon would cross the blood brain barrier and be more than a respiratory attack, he made it also a blood and neurological attack. Do not trust anything coming out of Big Pharma, but anything coming out of this university should be highly suspect. They have ties to the CCP and should not be trusted.
Sounds like this new drug not only stops any type of addiction, it appears it probably stops the desire to live. Seems like all part of their plan. ‘
Frozen bullets would be very difficult to implement, no doubt. But it made for a memorable read from what is now an old comic/big little book if you remember those. For a more deadly weapon of choice, it appears the bad guys moved on to frozen MRNA encapsulated in lipid nano particles that can be shot into the victim.
I would not value gold in terms of the dollar. Hypothetically, gold could go up to $100,000 an ounce, but this will be pretty meaningless, as the purchasing power of the dollar will be next to nothing. Most likely that 1 oz of gold will still buy you a tailored suit, just like it did in the 1920’s. The value of gold should be based on what you can trade it for, true purchasing power. The relationship of gold to BRIC’s should reveal the same tradeability or purchasing power of gold (value).