Since you're ~97% GME, you aren't as pro AMC as you assert to be.
My post clealry doesn't apply to you.
Presuming that's their direct registrar.
In any case, this only works if there's a concentrated effort to obtain the float in this manner. That will require $825 million dollars to accomplish, less if the price tanks, but still too much to effectively tackle without serious sustained buy pressure and an information campaign I'm not sure TD is up for.
By being really fucking good at their supply chain. That's the point. That's why Amazon is fucking amazing. It's not their front end shit, it's their backend supply chain.
They may have enough for three days, with additional projected replenishing supply arriving daily, but they definately don't have weeks, let alone months sittign around.
If in general they sell 1,000 units of something a day, they have 3,000 arriving every three days on a boat and keep 4,000 spread in warehouses across the US. So even though it takes two weeks to arrive from China, they can still meet same day shipping.
And I'm probaly over estimating. They probably don't even keep a supply, and only have a projected number arriving daily - and everytime your shipping delays to a two day or a threeday delay, it's because there was a spike their algorithm didn't predict despite showing and guiding you to other products they did have in supply.
If they are going public they are going to have to fight off sustained attempts to dilute the stock through naked shorting by entities brought into existance solely to take on the liability risk to fight the threat this holds to entrenched interests.
I would NOT invest in this. In case anyone was considering doing so.
Amazon built it's supremecy on the back of a 'JUST IN TIME' delivery model, not a warehousing one. Their warehouses aren't for stockpiling, but for in and out distribution. There is no way they have weeks let alone months stockpiled.
So the ports are backed up... and his solution is to find State land to store additional containers so the backup can just continue backing up on land? And how, pray tell, are you going to move those containers from the ports to that state land, if you already don't have the throughput to load the containers onto trucks and ship them out??
removes weight limits on trucking freight routes to transport more goods
Can't wait for that to backfire.
Pretty sure Chinese made Amazon products are still entering the country through LA despite the delays and shipping to US consumers so ... I'm not onboard with this delusion
I posted the data. 11% SI in January. There's nothing to squeeze.
The report is not 10 months old, it was just released.
What is shows is that AMC was never a play - There was no short interest to squeeze then, and none now. Locking up the float is irrelevant if no one is fucking short. Particularly if no one was short at low prices putting them deep under water.
They will not 'both' pop.
Only GME has entrenched short positions under water. AMC with 11% SI in January means there isn't anything TO pop.
It shows AMC was never overshorted so wasn't a credible play. It doesn't matter how much AMC you bought sinve then, you can't force people to take out short positions back at $5 putting them deep under water as is the case with GME.
You have no idea what the play is if you think being up is an indication of the value of your play. Do you even know what a short squeeze is??
Retail is 80% in AMC. More than GME.
How can you be so wrong?? And it doesn't matter how much AMC you own if short positions are non existant (ie AMC). Gamestop is over shorted, AMC wasn't. AMC still isn't.
That's two shares of GME that will squeeze vs 10 shares that won't
Only because the other 80% was collectively owned by two competing interests both quietly trying to buy up controlling interest in VW who both refused to sell, meaning the actual flaot was closer to 20%, creating the 100% SI that created the squeeze. No such factors are at play with AMC
Link to the SEC report from Gary Gensler's team
GME exceeeded the float all the way back in January (god only knows how over shorted it is now) while AMC only hit 11% in January. Maybe it's higher now, but no way high enough to make a short squeeze possible.
Anyone still holding AMC really need to switch it out
The report also makes it clear that data from January is not consitent with shorts closing, or a gamma squeeze - the price spike was entirely from natural buy pressure. This confirms what we already knew from our own independant research - the shorts never closed and that the play is still on.
There are a shit ton of difference between earth and space. Viruses coming out of dormancy isn't connected to 'radition' just becaue, because why? Because you want to make connect some phantom relationship with 5G that itself has no supporting evidence??
I'm done, I don't even know if you're human, you're definately not insightful
Yep I asked a question
You asked no question anywhere.
And what you quoted is completely unrealted to any of your original assertions or my contentions. It's a complete nonsequitor. Are you an AI bot??
The fuck are you taking about? Viral mechansims used to target and destroy cancer cells has nothing to do with viruses being 'unlocked' by 5G.
Fucking 2day handshake on here spreading the most ridiculous nonsense conspiracies so that outsiders can discredit the real shit on here by association. I'm convinced, deport button here we go.
CRISPR has nothing to do with cellular modulation by vibration.
You're stringing together word salad scare shit claiming conspiracy where nothing connects. Just because CRISPR allows gene editing and viruses have genes and we've been experimenting with using viral mechanism as delivery vehicles does not mean you've connected the dots to...
...'unlocking hiden lentivirus activation by 5G vibration'
What are you even arguing???
That 5g signals unlocked a pre-loaded virus that's designed to unlock a drug route to the brain ... (???) All because some dude's neighborhood god the flu in october??
This is you, and pepe silva has been asking about his mail for fucking weeks.
That's not how any of this works. You're making meaningless tangential connections and declaring Eureaka. Your approach is legit nuts.
You may not appreciate that genomic sequencing is relatively new. Well not that new, and I guess that kinda makes me feel old... but it wasn't until we began sequencing, cataloguing differences, and then doing the exhaustive work of tracking these sequential differences to functional ones that we began making a case for further categorial differences in viruses. There was a debate over whether those variants as we now recognize them were worthy of categorical distinction or not ... but neither now nor then did that mean those differences didn't exist or weren't real.
At first there was just infection
Then we recognized differences between bacterial and viral, and classification got more complicated
Then we noted morphological differences that tracked with different symptomatic sicknesses and the classifications broadened further
Then we noted some of those same morphologies were enveloped while others weren't
And of those, some had RNA for genomic material, while others were DNA
And of those, some were positive sense and others negative sense.
And know we recognize of those, there is enough variation that is viable that we can classify by 'variants' as well.
It's an ongoing process of recognizing and then categorizing the complexitiy of life
Flu was 'just flu' much the same way that once an infection was 'just an infection'.
Seems to me that right around the time flu "vaccinations" started to wane, SARS-CoV/2 was released.
It's worth noting that one of the reasons we're so sure covid-19 is human engineered, is how unnatural it appears. And the reason we can say that is because we have 'natural' variants like in flu to compare against. Were flu likewise engineered, it would either be just as unnatural looking, or covid-19 would be capable of engineering without the hand of man being so obvious behind it's creation.
It is not a hoax, at all. Not even remotely.
While you are describing something that is techincally a consideration that is considered, please understand you're spreading as plausible what is akin to wormhole time travel or frictionless superconduction -- interesting topics to ponder, with hints of being within the realm of plausibility, but not reasonable avenues of everyday explanation.
If Obama was in London at noon and Washington an hour later a wormhole might be technically plausible, but I'd sooner entertain a dozen other explanations first. Like a body double, prerecordings, or that space X rocket travel stuff --
-- Some guy's neighborhood getting the flu in october is better explained by, you know, the flu. Like every year.
WHACKD was created after JM, not by him. It also has nothing to do with anything.