
The Dems are masters of media manipulation, because of course they own the media. So as long as they keep the narrative going, the distracted American citizen will go along.

And so all they have to do is package their worldview in a nice-sounding soundbite, and they're halfway home.

Covid gave them the weapon they wanted. It was breakthrough mass psychosis and social engineering. They could turn off churches and elections like throwing a switch. A Democrat dream come true.

The governor of New Mexico promises her suspension of 2A rights is only a temporary measure. Sure, just like "two weeks to flatten the curve was".

If we let them get away with this there is nothing they can't, and won't, do. This is the battle line. Our Constitution rights must remain inviolable.

The electorate must become aware, and it must become resolute. This is either win or be destroyed.


What the Hell Happened to PayPal? https://www.thefp.com/p/what-the-hell-happened-to-paypal

... How had PayPal—birthed in the fertile crescent of innovation, the old Silicon Valley of web 1.0—become . . . this? How had this company, which had been all about liberating the individual, become a pillar of our emerging social-credit system?

Eric Jackson, who was interim vice president of U.S. marketing in the early days, said: "PayPal's founding vision was to empower people and give them more control and freedom. The company today is so far afield from that founding vision. It's clear that it views its role as moderating what people can think, say and do. It is completely at odds with the vision that Peter Thiel and Max Levchin created for the company. As a part of the old PayPal team, it makes me really sad. Because we were trying to build something that enhanced freedom and protected people. Now, we're seeing people act in a diametrically opposed manner to that."... MORE...




Within weeks of Elon Musk taking over Twitter, information gatekeepers and controllers are panicking about rising engagement on posts from people accused of spreading misinformation

According to NewsGuard, the Mercola Twitter account saw the largest increase in likes and retweets out of those that have previously been most heavily censored

Two weeks before Musk’s takeover, we had 932 engagements in a seven-day period. During the first week after Musk’s takeover, we had 19,259 engagements, a 1,966.4% increase, which NewsGuard claims is proof that dangerous falsehoods are again proliferating

Even if Twitter allows free speech, censorship stakeholders span every major media conglomerate, online payment provider, college and university, hundreds of think tanks, NGOs, international regulators and watchdog groups. Censorship is also the policy of the U.S. State Department, the Pentagon and the intelligence services

What we face is a corporate stronghold over media combined with a state-run propaganda machine. Countless private-public partnerships between government and corporations bind the two camps together in a pact to dictate “truth” to the public, and they’re on the same page, because their interests are identical. The goal is a One World Government



From McCollough:

I was terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine after years of service and rising impact factors.  There was no phone call, no board meeting, no due process.  Just e-mails or certified letters.  Powerful dark forces are working in academic medicine to expunge any resistance to the vax. 

Yesterday I was stripped of my board certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiology after decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications.   

None of this will stop until there is a "needle in every arm."... MORE...



Small excerpt:

There is an extensive paper trail, here, one that shows that Moderna is just another front in the Biodefense Mafia. The media, with few exceptions, are largely silent on this matter. Now, it may seem, at first, that all of this would suggest that the ADEPT program was protective in intent. There’s just one problem with that idea; the thing people are presently being inoculated with is a deadly toxin that’s killing people.

If we are at war - and at this point, only an idiot would fail to see that we are - then who fired the first shot? Why are world leaders so tight-lipped about all of this? Well, it’s simple, really.

The reason why you have been kept in the dark is because you are the target of a globe-spanning military operation, with population reduction, mass surveillance, tyrannical control of people’s movements, and the destruction of human autonomy through implanted technology as its end goal.

In all of the affluent nations operating under the globalist managerial rules-based order of private-public partnerships, NGOs, and supranational organizations, the only real threats to the ruling class are resurgent nationalism, populism, and traditionalism, because these things invariably lead to protectionist economic policies that divert resources away from the already magnificently wealthy ruling class and towards the middle.

Populism is only a problem for the rich and powerful if there are people to embody it. No people, no problem. Hence the reliance on bioweapons and poisonous vaccines. The Neo-Malthusian ruling class want to kill off insolent, rebellious, resource-overconsuming plebeians, keep the valuable infrastructure intact, and profit off of it, after they corral just enough survivors to keep their global consumerist orgy going.

They aren’t even discreet about it. They openly revel in their extraordinarily grandiose ideas.


https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/23/children-who-think-transgender-just-going-phase-says-nhs/ Most children who believe that they are transgender are just going through a “phase”, the NHS has said, as it warns that doctors should not encourage them to change their names and pronouns.

NHS England has announced plans for tightening controls on the treatment of under 18s questioning their gender, including a ban on prescribing puberty blockers outside of strict clinical trials.

The services, which will replace the controversial Tavistock clinic, will be led by medical doctors rather than therapists and will consider the impact of other conditions such as autism and mental health issues.

The plans, which are currently under public consultation, are for an interim service for young people with gender dysphoria whilst Dr Hilary Cass continues her review into the treatment offered by the NHS.

They note that there is a need to change the services because there is currently “scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making”.

... MORE...


It's a shame that we have to even discuss this, but we must be clear about what the other side is willing to do to keep power: anything at all. We need to pray for protection for President Trump and his family, and we have to stand firm and press in. The other side will not fold without a fight, and they fight dirty.

"Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might." -Eph 6


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