Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pure blood here. No shoveling the expected 24”. I have a tractor that can handle it! Boston, home of the majority of Commies in this State, is due for 30”. Sucks to be them!

Photoncounter 3 points ago +3 / -0

I come to this site frequently because I threw out all my TV’s and cancelled cable due to the constant MSM lies. I’d believe Baghdad Bob before I’d believe any of the shit coming out of broadcast news.

Photoncounter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Or my co-worker who got the boost, traveled and collapsed with a heart attack at a customer site. He hasn’t been able to work for three months now, needs cardiac surgery to repair something. Very healthy and athletic before the shots. My guess is he will have to go on disability.

The “vaccine” is doing what it was designed to do: kill the healthy.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Big Pharma and Big Medicine do not make any money if you are healthy. By keeping you sick they make billions and spread some of that to the politicians that keep them in business.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +5 / -1

Why use FarceBook in the first place? I don’t get it. Prior to FB we used to call, visit or write our friends and family. Now everyone has been suckered into giving their private information to a Godless corporation that just wants to profit from you.

Yeah, I’m 65 and grew up in a different time. I do not see any value for any type of social media.

Hats off to all who fuck with them, though!

Photoncounter 16 points ago +16 / -0

McDonalds used to be cheap. In the 70’s they would have McFebruary: 7 hamburgers, 5 cheeseburgers, 3 fish filets or 2 Big Macs - all $1 on different weeks. Worked for a poor college student but since then the prices have dramatically increased, sizes have gotten smaller. I cannot compare the flavor as I haven’t eaten at one in over a decade. Now I never will.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ever since we went to the Moon and kicked up all that moon dust our weather has been weird,..

Better theory than Al Gore’s.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Several years behind bars will be heaven for this faggot. Think of all the ducks he will suck.

Feet first through a wood chipper would be most appropriate, though.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like Terminal A (Delta) at Boston Logan Airport.


Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t have one. We cut the cord many years ago, that’s probably why I’m still a pureblood.

Photoncounter 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don’t worry, it’s a very minor storm. It will take an X 10 or more to shut us down for a while and an X 100 to send us back to the 1500’s. Hope you have room in your backyard for an outhouse…

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very soon there will be commercials from Lawyers asking stating “if you were terminated from your employment due to your vaccine status you might be eligible for compensation”. The vultures will feast very well.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

We have not won the war, only a battle. Expect the next virus to be even worse, maybe Ebola or small pox. They will not stop until they are the only ones left.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

My sister, 76, got her third booster last Friday. She got violently ill - super flu type sick. I tried to warn her but despite being a patriot, she has a TV and was suckered by the fear porn. She is still in bed, seven days now, and only slightly better. I’m a pure blood. Wife and one daughter are too. None of us will ever take it. Anyone trying to force the vax on me leaves in a body bag.

Fuck Joe Biden, fuck Fauci, fuck the media and fuck big Pharma.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

AA makes Spirit and Frontier look like first class airlines. Drunken Doug Parker ruined USAIR and he is ruining American Airlines. Avoid them.

Photoncounter 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yesterday I took the family to the Essex Train and Boat ride in Connecticut. They announced masks were required to board the train but once you were on you could take them off (I guess the CCP virus knows when to strike?). The sheep wore masks, including the others in my family (not all are based). I didn’t. The Conductor asked where my mask was. I responded that I do not comply with Fascist demands and boarded. They never bothered me again.

FYI it’s a 2.5 hour tour. About 1 hour on the train and the rest on a boat up and down the Connecticut river. $32 - a bargain!

Keep standing up to them frens. They do back down.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

The censors and fact checkers will eventually share a bottle of Chardonnay in Hell with Hillary. It won’t be chilled.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t see “swearing like a French Canadian lumberjack” when they realize they’ve been duped as a category. Should be #1.

Photoncounter 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have a libtard co-worker/friend who has a heart of gold. She and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for ten years. This Spring she gets the jab and finds out she is pregnant within a couple days of each other. Three weeks later she starts hemorrhaging, lost the fetus. I made the connection right away, she still doesn’t. Jab related? Most probably but there is always a chance it wasn’t.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

A friend of mine used to the the President of the National Association of Retarded Citizens. Apparently that was OK about 20 years ago. Now that association in known as the Democrat Party.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

That fudge packer is certainly an expert at blowing things.

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