Pollycracker 4 points ago +4 / -0

JP Morgan leadership may be swept away but JP Morgan as a bank has the largest physical silver hoard on the planet; so doubtful they're going anywhere. Perhaps JP Morgan silver is forfeited to government by Trumps 2017 Executive Order on human rights, perhaps not.

Pollycracker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it time to cut the globalist communications network (AT&T, T-Mobile and possibly Verizon) along with their emergency service known as the First Responders Network operated by AT&T and controlled by the Department of Commerce ... and not the FCC.

by BQnita
Pollycracker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fortunately for us, they left some gaps in Biden's programing.

Pollycracker 2 points ago +2 / -0

Property taxes assure you that you never own your home.

Pollycracker 5 points ago +5 / -0

They have been demoralizing pet owners for a very long time. China pet food scandals. Veternarians charging outrageous fees, and still killing our pets. They now have loans for the elderly, indebting themselves, to save their beloved pets, loan applications waiting in the wings to pay for expensive operations the elderly cannot afford to fund.

Pollycracker 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately, the FBI may be only the tool. As blasphemous as this may sound, the hierarchy of the church, the Vatican, may be behind the atrocities. The continued revelations about the Vatican puts it all on the table; and that would certainly explain the attacks on the Eastern Christian Religions. They've got Western Christian Countries fighting Eastern Christian Countries and that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Pollycracker 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you think you are surprised about the death numbers what do think Nazi International, the globalist, feel about their genocidal numbers? They are way behind their projections, we are proving more resilient to their chemical poisoning. Yet to be determined, we may be in a race with their planned delayed chemical reactions to covid vaccinations, whose statistics appear to be ramping up. God speed, let us prevail.

Pollycracker 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump and the alliance can only shield some of us, that is why many of us are taking hits, and some of us must take the ultimate hit. The Ukrainian people must stand up to their genocidal government and refuse to fight a nonsensical world war.

Pollycracker 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is why you peel. The French have been peeling their apples for years because the skin contains the poison.

Pollycracker 7 points ago +7 / -0

Dead on. Building momentum since JFK assassination, decades. We shall have our vengeance.

Pollycracker 17 points ago +18 / -1

People, cheating in elections has been going on since the beginning of time; that is why the motto has always been: We stole it fair and square. My thinking on the matter, you must hit the treason button and prove outside interference which is beyond fair and square as it has been conceptionalized over time. In other words, China cannot decide our elections; same is true for Nazi International, the globalists.The presidential 2020 election went way beyond Republican and Democrat dirty tricks for the win.

by panamax
Pollycracker 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let me see, last I looked --- 2 seconds ago --- the World Health Organization counts 6,954,336 deaths from Covid19; so Fauci and his gang made off with $325,000,000.00 --- nobody recognized them because they had everybody wearing masks, cleaver --- anyway, they made $46.73 per death. If I were a betting man clearly the Royal Families , Rothschild's, and Rockefeller's would like to cut that number in half for the next pandemic: ((( Hey, Bill Gates can you do it with mosquitos for $23.37 a head? )))

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