Does it matter what your skin color is? I'm pale as heck, and live in the South, so I don't think I'd have absorption issues.
It sounds exactly like COVID's progression. Fever, then cough.
I don't think the flue causes a cough. . If he were asymptomatic, we could make a case,but as it is, I'd say he had whatever they're calling COVID.
I'm glad the held their ground. How are thry doing now??
I'm so happy for them!
I hate this. So much. I know a 10 year old,who I care about deeply, and I know his parents will want him vaccinated. It'll be good, in that he'll get to go to school again, and he really needs the social interaction. Being in online school as an only child, with only your parents and the tv or ipad to keep you company- is bad. Really bad.
But. Also. Young male child. That's the worse category for heart inflammation. I'm worried. I really want him to be happy.
I could see it being delayed medical care because of COVID.
I have a great aunt who got COVID, thought she had long COVID, then it turned out she had lung cancer, and she died 2 months later.
She got the jab, but I don't think her cancer was caused by it.
I guess I'll start being obsessed? Before they try censoring everything about the Byzantines off the internet? Lolol.
They just hate having people learn from history.
A large part of why I didn't go into the medical field was cause I make stupid mistakes. I'm flat out unobservant.
I fully believ these are honest mistakes, cause I'd be making these same mistakes. I really wish they would've looked inside themselves before choosing a life or death career path,though.
It's no different than ly of ng about ab 11 year olds age.
Fuck, I didn't have a clue who to vote for at 20.
At 16, it was listening to teachers at school. We had more import saw nt things to do than figure out where we stood politically.
Yeahhh the leftests I know aren't fans of her and would sooner make fun of me for tsking an hi thing a celebrity says seriously.
Ehhh I've a great uncle who molested one of my parents. My Grandparents are still on great terms wkth them, and my parent has forgiven them over the years.
Still fucked up, but I can see why defending someone who hurt a small child would happen. It doesn't make you a bad person- it may not even make them a bad person.
The one who gets molested has to live with that for life,which sucks. Cause they'll be heavily impacted no matter who gets forgiven.
Based off the Hunger Games, they may be being threatened in ways we don't see?
Does he seriously think you have to be unvaxxed to spread it?? Ugh, that's so stupid.
And, if he had such a mild case, why the hell is he complainin?
I've got a theory that what you experience in childhood is what you'll consider fun effortlessly for life.
Not that you can't develop new hobbbies as you age, they're just harder to get into.
I love the older Pokemon Games, but the current generations obsession with Roblox is mind-boggling to me.
That sounds like how my brother talks about God to my parents.
Please don't be rude. It may or may not turn full circle on you, but being on the receiving end of it, it hurts to be told that you more or less aren't important to someone whom you still deeply care about.
I know that's hard when everyone is dismissing you. I'm struggling with acting polite when my grandparents are pressuring and aunt and uncle decide to berate my mother. When they exclude me because I can give them COVID, not realizing that it's the other way around sense they're less likely to show symptoms yet can still spread it. And that I'm willing to accept that risk for family. .
. . As someone who loved reading as a kid, I am really against banning books of any sort. Even if they are inappropriate. I read sexually inappropriate things, and most of it flew over my head. If you don't know what sex is, you'll skim over it as boring, in my experience. Kids are used to skimming. There's plenty of words they won't learn til months later that they only half gess the meaning of. Sexually contact was rift throughout childhood books, but I can promise you I didn't understand anything, and neither did anyone else.
It usually wasn't this descriptive admittedly, and I think the closest I got to gay stuff was a guy dating a girl, then the girl turned out to have been a biological male but was transgender. That was a one off, though. Us kids still made fun of the word gay on the bus back in the mid-2000s. None of us knew what homosexuality was, admittedly. It was just a word, like retard.
This is fairly descriptive- but lots of books are. By highschool, this is par for course in assigned readings. Anne Frank, the Grapes of Wrath, East of Eden. From the books description, Lawn Boy is about a kid who gets obsessed with mowing lawns and likes earning money. It talks abojt investing.
I wouldn't exactly be ecstatic that it has homosexuality, but I'd be positive that my kid wouldn't be traumatized over it.
I'd heavily prefer if kids weren't given access to these books to begin with, but taking books out of kids after they've already decided to read them- that's harsh.
Unless the kid dislikes reading to begin with. In which case, telling a kid not to read makes me upset just because it's such a genuinely important skill to be able to read quickly. Taking away from their enjoyment results in kids not wanting to read at all. Or sneaking around elder siblings attempting to monitor your reading choices and despising them for thinking they have the right to forbid you from reading.
Who else on here genuinely enjoys reading? What's your opinion? Did you guys ever read inappropriate stuff in in your elementary days? Did it impact you negatively?
I'm just one person, so me turning out fine (imo) doesn't mean that's other people's experiences.
I don't get why people think that.
Its 9/7.
For studies,that means that we don't have enough data yet.
For autism, ADHD, and other developmental disorders, we can't start diagnosing those rates for years. For physical disabilities, I'm glad the data is showint no correlation,but it's also barely been 9 months, and women planning to become pregnant were waiting on the vaccine front.
For SIDS, heart defects, etc- that will also take years to uncover.
. . I feel so angry at how doctors go with the popular narrative.
I wish.
As it is, it looks like they're estranging themselves.
Part of ot I'm sure is they had all my minor cousins get it, and if they admit it was a bad idea,than they pushed that onto their 12, 15, and 17 year old children and can't take it back.
My brother accused us of being Q-anon because we're religious and don't want the vaccine.
That's still her husband's mother. If my mom got dementia,I don't want to think I'd abandon her. Even with mynown grandparents being trash right now,I still don't want them hurt.