Me: You mean, you know how much I owe? IRS: Yeah Me: but you won’t tell me beforehand? IRS: Nah Me: and if I get it wrong, it’s illegal? IRS: Yee Me: Feaverishly pay taxes every year with no say in how it gets spent bc my representatives are ass hats and allow it to be shipped overseas to fund things like abortion while we’re already trillions in debt. How is this not already a belligerent government.
Yall just spam Hillary's twitter with this:
As an engineer, this stuff always kills me (right on OP); in the name of "science" wrt ecological-health, we push counter productive technologies. Nuclear should be our #1 push until we have a better source. Solar is garbage, wind is worse, battery technology just isn't what it needs to be. I suspect better battery tech does exist, it's just getting little to no funding.
How is the proposed $800 registration fee not prohibitive enough to reject this?