I'm leaving this up ALL DAY, now. 😭
I'm not on Facebook. Good technique. Does this really work? How often are you sent to jail? One thing I found when I was posting memes on Twitter was to modify the pic slightly every time. It can be done subtly with the "heal" tool or cropping. It prevents Facebook from hunting down your images by the image's fingerprint.
Holy shit, you need to relax. This is hilarious. From the comments here it looks like the prospect of Trump getting arrested today has caused GW to lose its cozy. Relax, patriots are in control.
How is it on Q, tho? That's what we couldn't figure out. It's awesome you made the site, but, it promotes secure comms? That's what means we should sticky it and promote it? Genuinely confused.
LOL @ flair
Right? Dude, I want a GAW gift shop, but for reals! I want T-shirts with C5 memes, and hats and other BS. Hey, u/CatsFive, make this happen!
Genetic profiling?
Wut, really? Help
Well, he gets to use the entire ship, so, workout areas, restaurants & shopping, etc., stuff like that
He bought in for 12 years, apparently.
I can't stand the guy. I should find the episode where he goes off on flat earth. It's unreal what a moron this guy is, talking about "debunking" Eratosthenes, who accurately measured the size of the Earth with a stick. You don't debunk science, you prove science. Idiot.
This is the most moronic take on Devolution I've ever seen. Devolution is the most accurately laid out tenet in our entire movement. Guaranteed you believe in flat Earth. 100%, I'd bet the farm on it.
These people are stupid
This meme is 100% on point. I sent it to everyone I know. I'm reminded of that scene in the movie Ghost where the "dark shapes" come to take that one villain down to hell. Reverse rapture. I'm using that.
What about Bezos? This meme needs Bezos. Tho, that said, he's a bit late to the game. Did you know that Bezos also has authorization for a space-based internet service similar to Starlink? But his rocket tech isn't as far along in terms of deployment as Musk's is
Space is gonna be a pretty crowded place in 20 years
Hmm. Us frogs might be attacking you for your stance, but, strip away the mild TDS, and you still have a good point. Right or wrong, this is the main thing the MSM scumbags will use to attack Trump with and try to pin this on him.
It is speculated by many that this was a female FBI agent.. When she used her phone in clear view of surveillance cameras she would have been triangulated to the location because Washington D.C. has an immense network of spy level gear everywhere.. For the FBI not to get this information seems quite imposable thus they are hiding it..
Haha. I did a Telegram poll and "THIS PLANET" got 7 votes, and "OTHER PLANETS" got none :-D
LOL, C5 with the best memes on this or any other planet
- Mullet
- Off topic
- On topic but bad title
- Hilarious title but off topic, stickied
- Dooming, sent him 'outside' whatever that means
- Hyperactive, stickied him twice today
I'm not a mod, but, that's my best guess
KLELKKK... scalped
I'm first comment, woo!
INB4 the "Keep watching FOX! Those ratings don't make themselves without you!" faggots descend on this thread. Wait. This isn't PW. OK, but. Who in a position to torpedo the J6 narrative better than Tucker? I'll wait
LOOOL, these are hilarious. Keep posting these.
u/catsfive the timestamp didn't work for me.
For anyone trying to jump in on this link, it's supposed to start at 39 minutes in. The time investment for me was around seven minutes.
This is good. Thank you