ProudOfAmerica 12 points ago +12 / -0

From a comment on another post:

In my opinion the following is definitive proof that this wasn't staged...

Look at this sequence of three rapid-fire high-definition pictures taken right at the moment the bullet struck his ear. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1e2q931/the_photograph_sequence_of_the_bullet_that_hit/

(The first of these photos is the one that 'captures the bullet in mid-air'.)

Notice this:

In the first picture, his hand is clean. In the second, he reaches for his ear. In the third, his hand is bloodied.

This sequence all happens in a fraction of a second. There's no time to 'pop a blood packet'.

Also, where would the blood packet be? There is no 'blood packet' in his hand (you can see an empty hand in pic #1), and there is no way that a blood packet was 'taped behind his ear' (it would have easily been spotted prior to the shooting - there were lots of hi-def cameras on that man).

Something definitively 'ripped through his ear' during that photo sequence.

ProudOfAmerica 14 points ago +14 / -0

Based upon the timing, that 'railing shot' is the bullet that hit Trump. It was right at the end of him saying 'happened'.

We now know where the 'ear' bullet went, after it hit Trump.

An ear shouldn't 'deflect' a bullet trajectory too much, so...

The shooter, Trump, and that spot on the railing should be a straight line.

Does it line up with that kid on the roof?

ProudOfAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, I thought about the Dems 'doing this for fun' -- but I think in the current environment it would turn more people away from their side. (Provided that they're sane.)

I think it might be worth 'suffering through' a false alarm or two in order to protect Trump.

ProudOfAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice option.

This one is a bit smaller (so it can always be on your keyring) - and it's almost as loud (certainly loud enough to get attention within a rally).


ProudOfAmerica 7 points ago +7 / -0

In my opinion the following is definitive proof that this wasn't staged...

Look at this sequence of three rapid-fire high-definition pictures taken right at the moment the bullet struck his ear. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1e2q931/the_photograph_sequence_of_the_bullet_that_hit/

(The first of these photos is the one that 'captures the bullet in mid-air'.)

Notice this:

In the first picture, his hand is clean. In the second, he reaches for his ear. In the third, his hand is bloodied.

This sequence all happens in a fraction of a second. There's no time to 'pop a blood packet'.

Also, where would the blood packet be? There is no 'blood packet' in his hand (you can see an empty hand in pic #1), and there is no way that a blood packet was 'taped behind his ear' (it would have easily been spotted prior to the shooting - there were lots of hi-def cameras on that man).

Something definitively 'ripped through his ear' during that photo sequence.

(From my comment on another post.)

ProudOfAmerica 8 points ago +8 / -0

In my opinion the following is definitive proof that this wasn't staged...

Look at this sequence of three rapid-fire high-definition pictures taken right at the moment the bullet struck his ear. https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1e2q931/the_photograph_sequence_of_the_bullet_that_hit/

(The first of these photos is the one that 'captures the bullet in mid-air'.)

Notice this:

In the first picture, his hand is clean. In the second, he reaches for his ear. In the third, his hand is bloodied.

This sequence all happens in a fraction of a second. There's no time to 'pop a blood packet'.

Also, where would the blood packet be? There is no 'blood packet' in his hand (you can see an empty hand in pic #1), and there is no way that a blood packet was 'taped behind his ear' (it would have easily been spotted prior to the shooting - there were lots of hi-def cameras on that man).

Something definitively 'ripped through his ear' during that photo sequence.

ProudOfAmerica 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was January 6, 2021 not 2020

ProudOfAmerica 14 points ago +14 / -0

We KNOW that Trump is frugal, and looks out for us.

He chose Vance so that we could dust off all those T-Shirts, Flags, and Bumper Stickers from 2016 and use them again.

We just need a Sharpie.

ProudOfAmerica 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did Q know, and intentionally put this drop as far away from the event as possible (6 months in either direction)?...

...or did the DS choose this date to be 'as far away from the Q drop as possible'?

Project Looking Glass...

ProudOfAmerica 7 points ago +7 / -0


"Their symbolism will fall down."

ProudOfAmerica 2 points ago +2 / -0

How would they to sell this to their base?

'Keep the old, white, male vegetable ... and toss the woman of color?'

Their argument is that Kamala is the one holding them back?

ProudOfAmerica 5 points ago +5 / -0

Somewhere out there, a prosecutor just got assigned to sue Trump for these nasty words. They just have to find the right judge...

ProudOfAmerica 9 points ago +9 / -0

One error...

The nameplate on his desk should read "ILLEGITIMATE SP. COUNSEL".

Fixed it.

ProudOfAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0


Inmate # 05635-509, eh?

First, do the obvious: 05635 minus 509 is 5126...

...then you add the product of the the first and third numbers (5 times 2 = 10)

...and add it to the sum of the second and third numbers (1 plus 6 = 7)

...and voila! There's your 17.

Alternate Masonic proof: Just add all the digits together.

(Yes, I'm just goofing around.)

ProudOfAmerica 3 points ago +3 / -0

Beau Mention -- edit: 'DING! DING! DING!' right on schedule.

ProudOfAmerica 4 points ago +4 / -0

All the Q Proofs are fun, but all I need is this one:

  1. Trump would never let anyone use his name to create a powerful worldwide movement unless they were 'on the team'.

  2. Trump has never declared Q to be fake (which would take him one second).

  3. Therefore, Q is 'on the team'.

ProudOfAmerica 14 points ago +15 / -1

And Trump is a billionaire...

You might not even be able to comprehend the size of the legal bills that Trump has to pay so that he can continue to fight for your ability to live in a free country.

And would you like to guess what his 24/7/365 security team costs? We know it's more than just the Secret Service. And what if he's also paying to keep other important people alive?

And I'm sure that all of those massive rallies are free.

If you want to limit your contribution to 'just your vote', that's perfectly fine. But it shows tremendous ingratitude to whine about Trump when he has already lost BILLIONS so that he could have the painful honor of trying to save you.

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