PsylentFox 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it is all part of the smoke and mirrors to make the Left and the DS believe that Trump is on his own and that he can be taken down. I think that Trump is DARING them to indict him. Just like I feel like all of the others that have come out and “repudiated” Trump or did nothing for him (Barr, Sessions, and the rest) were either a part of the plan or unwitting pawns of Trump to expose the deep state for what it truly is.

Some people were awake a long time ago, I didn’t start waking up until 2015 when Trump came down that golden escalator and the media and people that once couldn’t say enough good things about Trump suddenly turned on him and made him out to be the Anti-Christ (not that they believe but my point stands). Then I started looking and realized that this went way deeper than I could have ever thought, started digging on my own, looking at the patently unfair media coverage, looked at how the Republicans and Democrats acted once Trump got into office. Looked at how the entire government apparatus revolted once he was sworn in. Then the numerous hoaxes started coming out and I finally started to see just how wide and deep the swamp went, but it wasn’t until I saw the famous “F” spike in Biden’s numbers on election night just how bad it was.

Then in the following two years it only got worse as more and more was revealed- it wasn’t just America, but globally the DS had their tendrils in almost every seat of power in the world.

Maybe I’m crazy for believing in 4-D chess, but looking at everything even those turn-coats on Trump tried to accomplish everything ended up serving Trump’s needs because it kept revealing just how little of our government was actually for the people.

I believe that this all needed to happen, we needed to see the terrible truth before us and realize that our government hasn’t been ours for a long, long time, and that a sizeable portion of our fellows are too dumb (or afraid) to be saved.

I’m struggling to get some family members to ask questions, but slowly but surely it’s starting to work. They are starting to crack under the pressure. With my last discussion with my brother he admitted that he didn’t want to believe that the levers of power were being manipulated by a pedophilic child murdering cult. That the possibility was too “scary” to wrap his mind around.

The latest revelations from the Danchenko reveals hopefully might be the straw that breaks the camels back with him and then I can focus on waking up my other family members, but they’ve been “blue no matter who” since the 70’s.

Wish me luck.

PsylentFox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump declassified all of those documents (and more!) well before he left the White House. The DOJ and Deep State decided to slow-roll the official declassification just to try and screw with Trump, a lot of those not even being recorded as Declassified in the National Archives- the jokes on them though because Kash Patel and the rest of the Patriots have the receipts proving they were Declassified and the DOJ ADMITTED (i.e. Bragged) it slow-rolled the process because “muh national scurity”.

Trump is completely legal in this, and everyone knows it, but the Media and everyone else is trying to pin something- anything- on Trump to make him “ineligible” to hold public office.

BTFO DS Faggots, we have been onto your BS for a long time- you think that this works out in your favor, but I have a funny feeling that this is just the opposite.

PsylentFox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shit, I smoke cigarettes to quit vaping. I vaped for years, puffing and huffing at least three times as often- I had way higher concentrations of nicotine in my blood stream as well. The only time I wasn’t vaping was when I was charging my box.

I quit before, and I did it by switching over to cigarettes. Was a pack every three days down to a pack a week, if au can get it down to a pack a every ten days then I don’t need to smoke at all.

Way, way, way easier to quit smoking cigarettes for me than quitting vaping because I have to sit outside (it’s hot), my fingers and clothes stink (which I don’t really like) the same with my breath and teeth.

So yeah, I move to cigarettes to quit just because I find it easier to quit cigs versus the various fruity and cakey juices.

PsylentFox 10 points ago +10 / -0

I... think that this shutdown is to counteract the Biden spending of the Strategic Oil Reserves. Continue to drive gas prices up and up while the Biden Admin literally does nothing to try and stop it, all the while begging the Bricks 🧱 leaders to expand production and they tell him to get fucked.

Could be DS though too. It’s hard to tell whose doing what sometimes.

PsylentFox 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden: “It would behoove you to hide all of our wrong doing and make sure Trump doesn’t actually help you out and investigate. Or ELSE it will be bad for your ‘economic and physical security’.”

How blatant does a threat need to be?

Either Biden is threatening Poroschenko’s personal economic or physical security or he is threatening Ukraine’s economic and physical security. Either one constitutes a threat that I would put on the level of assassination- killing a man or killing a man’s country? Which threat is inherently more heinous?

He didn’t want Trump snooping around and investigating, blatantly stating it in a phone call. Why would a VP not want an incoming President not finding things in Ukraine?

While not 100% accurate as the title claims it more than fits the spirit of the title, though it might be a touch click-baity.

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