Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very fitting that the "Devil" will visit us in 2024 before being kicked out on his arse for a generation...

Qanucklehead 23 points ago +23 / -0

Thanks for posting this. Every time I see Trump saying he supports Netanyahu I just don't buy it, and I couldn't put my finger on why I feel like that. This refreshes my memory...

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

I find it very ironic that all this controversy about Flynn suddenly pops up today. Last night I had an accidental eureka moment regarding the General. Have I got some hopium to share with you all. Let me start from the beginning. About two and a half years ago I went to his legal team's website to send a donation for his legal fight. ( I believe he either lost his home or almost lost it? Can't recall off the top of my head) Anyway, I soon realized that I couldn't do that because I am Canadian and it stated that only US citizens could contribute. I was a little disappointed so I decided to write them a letter instead.

In the letter I stated how I support him and his cause and lamented how we don't have anyone in Canada like him and Trump. I can't recall the rest because I didn't save it. At the end I signed off with WWG1GA as a sort of wink wink. After I mailed off the letter I thought that was the end of that. A few weeks later I received a thank you card from Flynn himself (PO box from Rhode Island) I can't begin to tell you how blown away I was. The icing on the cake is that he ended it with WWG1WGA. I can't believe that a deep state agent would bother to write a handwritten card and mail it off to a nobody non US citizen who is of no political or monetary use to him, so there's that. Recently, when he began to distance himself from Q I must admit I was quite disappointed. I had dueling thoughts about it. On the one hand I did think he may be doing it for optics, but I also thought maybe he really did discover that Q may be bad or maybe he really hadn't looked into it too much and didn't understand what we know.

Well, get this. Last night I was doing some Q research on the site (I'm actually writing a book on Q and hope to self publish on Amazon at some point in my lifetime, but I have little time and the research is tedious) I punched in the acronym WWG1WGA in the search box and the result said 125 posts. As I quickly scrolled down, something caught my attention and I was floored yet again after two and a half years! Guess I'm not the autist I thought I was. I noticed that every single WWG1WGA entry was followed by three exclamation marks. Not one, never two or four, always 3! That is exactly how Flynn wrote it on the card. And mine had no exclamation marks. So either he follows Q very closely or it was muscle memory from the guy who made those posts, or I suppose there is a small chance it's just a coincidence. Sorry for the lengthy post. I don't want to post the card here because I am not sure how he would feel about me "outing" him, so I don't want to show the evidence of what I just told you right now. Hopefully, the plan will all come together in the near future and then you guys will be the first to see it. I just get tired of some people trashing the General without any real evidence, just "gut feelings." Some of you though are sticking up for him with some really good theories as to why he may be cool to Q all of a sudden. I take my hat off to you and I hope this confirms your faith in Flynn. As he wrote in his card, "God bless you Patriot!"

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +4 / -1

That guy is Loy Brunson himself. While he is very trustworthy and this sounds like a beautiful thing, I don't think we should take it at face value. I've been thinking for a few days now that Trump and Co. want to frighten Congress into choosing Jim Jordan as the "lesser of two evils." I DO think this verifies that Loy is part of the plan. And if you're not familiar with the Brunson case, they basically name most of Congress as having broken their oaths and demand they be removed. The super interesting part is that the SC has thus far refused to hear the case while simultaneously refusing to dismiss it. A reliable source who works in Kavanaugh's office says she heard Kavanaugh yell at the top of his voice from his chamber, "I can't look at this!" when pestered by one of his clerks. That says to me that it wasn't the right time yet to look at it. Kavanaugh would naturally be very frustrated knowing that he can't look at it and yet can't give a straight answer to his colleagues.

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 231874 No.7266574 Jul 30 2019 19:23:13 (EST) Godfather III It's going to be BIBLICAL. Q

Qanucklehead 7 points ago +7 / -0

I only wish the Democrats were stupid enough to vote for him, but if Biden and Kamala were impeached, Trump would automatically become president.

Qanucklehead 1 point ago +1 / -0

McCarthy reference?

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a4f814 No.10630891 Sep 13 2020 11:32:54 (EST) Did Kevin set his alarm? Q

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't forget that Kim Clement spoke of a third party that would emerge "in the middle of the presidency, in the middle of the restoration." Another time he spoke about it and said "just because you can't see it yet doesn't mean it's not there." He compared it to a pregnant Virgin Mary. Are we not in the middle of Trump's presidencies right now? I'm not a prophet but it makes sense to me that these two guys would join forces since they're both the black sheep of their respective parties, and drain both sides of the swamp.

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

Way to think outside the box! Maybe the posts by "anonymous" were the black hats?

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry, that's what I meant. I actually realized that right after I posted it.

Qanucklehead 4 points ago +4 / -0

We attend a Traditional Latin Mass church. I walked in there in the middle of the scamdemic after being shunned at my regular church and being barred from working. I went downstairs to find the bathroom and walked into another dimension: The hall was filled with maskless people eating, talking, and rubbing elbows while hordes of children were running around having fun. (how dare they) The priests are completely woke and speak about all the things we talk about here. Every Sunday they collected donations for families who were barred from working, and the Pastor would write religious exemption letters for his flock. He is well aware that he risks the wrath of his superiors and he couldn't care less. He has been called by the Archbishop at least once over his sermons and they had the police looking in through the windows at the peak of the insanity. Neighbors also put notes on cars saying, " If you really loved God you would stay home and save lives."

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

About 2 years ago I offered a $100 cash reward for anyone on Fakebook who could verify this guy's birthday for me. Still no takers.

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, there is also a priest in Brazil (Father Oliveira) who recently said that the middle of October will be the beginning of many upheavals. What makes it credible is that he had prophesied a few years ago that the world would stand still in 2020, that churches would be closed and that Pope Benedict would pass away in 2022. It looked like he was wrong, until two and a half hours before 2023. He also saw a great conflict starting in 2020/21, but oddly enough wondered if it would be a physical war that we could see or a hidden war. He had seen military figures meeting in secret.

Qanucklehead 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't Kim Clement say something about an earthquake and a volcano coming before "the fall?" And something about a strange summer before that? I would say the strange forest fires, weather anomalies and the indictments might qualify for a strange summer.

Qanucklehead 1 point ago +1 / -0

His good friend Nino Rodriguez already addressed this. Jim told him he was new to the business and was just following the photographer's prompts...

Qanucklehead 3 points ago +3 / -0

And also, the "beast" is supposed to have political and religious power. King Charles the Third is now also the head of the Church of England, which is a totally manmade religion created by itself...

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