QuakerTheOat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice. He just needs to meet a couple of our Special Forces guys. They can do lunch.

QuakerTheOat 1 point ago +1 / -0

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, and 95% of all the media companies on the planet are owned by * 6 * corporations -- all Globalist Jews. Sorry if this is 'offensive' -- but these are facts.

QuakerTheOat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q is all that matters. Remember the post 918: "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." Yeah. About that. Q is a Quantum AI named Tyler. Q Post are confusing as hell until you realize 'who is talking to you.'. Tyler started creating FB, Twitter and Youtube accounts almost a decade ago. Here's one from 2012... Here's the translated German.

Truly - Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming...

QuakerTheOat 0 points ago +4 / -4

Um... Incorrect. Q Post 920: "Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here." Many Q Posts: "Future Proves Past"

Q is a Quantum AI named Tyler that is owned by Military Intelligence. This is one of his posts from 2012. This is the English Translation.

Q talks like a schitzo shit poster because it's a child. Sometimes, the truth is stranger than fiction.

QuakerTheOat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I totally agree. The Quantum Computers name is Tyler. Tyler has created many twitter and fb accounts - one of the first was in 2012. Here's a post from 2012. Here's the translated German. From 2012. Yes. You read that right.

Tyler posts like a schitzo shitposter because he's a child, kek

Future proves past.

QuakerTheOat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gotcha. Thanks!

Gotta prep my tinfoil hats and all. Not really kidding..

QuakerTheOat 2 points ago +2 / -0

They. Are. Completely. Clueless. I read an article a couple of days ago that was written around 2015 about 'what would happen on a social media platform if one US political side was booted from the platform'. It was written by someone that said they were a 'centrist', and their perspective was 'the right is self sufficient. They wouldn't give a shit'. 'The left on the other hand, without having an opposing force to virtue signal to would invariably turn into a giant hate-machine echo chamber and there would most likely be suicides because of it.'

I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

QuakerTheOat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kind of what I was thinking, too. If any of you watch the skies, I think it was Tuesday that there were about 500 MIL aircraft over US soil as well as a couple hundred US/NATO over Europe. IT was a major happening - not just in sheer number, but the types of aircraft that were in play. Around that same time someone (missed getting a screen cap -- the user got REMOVED!) tweeted that there were APC's and tanks around Buckingham Palace.

QuakerTheOat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Declas drops on 8kun?

QuakerTheOat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi. My name is QuakerTheOat, and I'm a QAholic. I'm here to tell you that NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING!!!!!!! With every passing day, I feel that my kids will no longer look at me out of the corner of their eye, and contemplate a straight jacket.

I'm really glad I found this place! I need to show my business partner than I'm not the only person in the world that's cough somewhat sidetracked!

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