REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +2 / -1

I hope that map behind the USA isn't what I think it is. If it is...that might be BAD. I blew up the image and it looks very much like the USA is covering, Canada, USA, & Mexico. The tip of TX looks like it's touching South America. If they intend that that means this is real. North American Union (NAU) and Gomberg Map of World Union is real https://www.loc.gov/resource/g3200.ct001256/?r=-0.072,0,1.144,0.706,0

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has meaning. Do you always look at what is there or do you also look at what is not there (missing) to find truth. The quickest way is find what is missing, that will usually lock in the correct answer. Again it's just a giant puzzle

REAL_Shepherd 5 points ago +5 / -0

Feminism DID NOT destroyed the family. GOVERNMENT DESTOYED THE FAMILY, a little step further and the men who control those Governments actually did it.

REAL_Shepherd 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know where there is also no word OF.....Hebrew or Aramaic. Like some one got a code from the Bible. BINGO Jimmy we got a winner

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +1 / -0

God Offends the mind in order to reveal the heart.....you just never thought about it yet. Never be offended or you will never get to the truth.

Matthew 15:25 At this the woman came and fell at his feet. "Help me, sir!" she said.

Mat 15:26 Jesus answered, It isn't right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs

Mat 15:27 "That's true, sir," she answered, "but even the dogs eat the leftovers that fall from their masters' table."

Mat 15:28 So Jesus answered her, "You are a woman of great faith! What you want will be done for you." And at that very moment her daughter was healed.

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some folks never get the big picture they are to busy trying to discover all the little fires, but don't see the big picture. We get it, 1% people suck, Globalists are bad & demonic. Like I need one more person to find another fire of their evilness. Try a big picture for a change. Maybe it was In the Air Tonight

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do web design and know fonts, that is not a print font from back in the day. Print companies back then generally had a few fonts in stock, not like we do today. All print fonts back then were made of METAL and stamped. They didn't have many because it was too costly. Just paying attention basically.

REAL_Shepherd -1 points ago +1 / -2

I predict you're WRONG.....and you don't know how to play this game? The Game is to make you look foolish. Ask why did Big Mike recently go to Spain on "Vacation" without his Negro man. Not far from where she stayed in Spain there's an adjoining country with a Sex Reassignment hospital. I looked it up when she went there without his Negro man. If your gonna run for President and plan to win the Presidential Office you gotta show the world they were all wrong and duped and Big Mike was a woman all along and how nasty are all those Republicans.........This game requires more than level 1 players

REAL_Shepherd 2 points ago +9 / -7

It will 100% true. Have you been paying attention to the WATERS. Waters are People according to the Angel in the Bible in Revelation. Not only that but the flood is coming for the WOMAN, have you noticed how they want to shut off illegals now in TX after 3 years. Weird huh. Why now? Maybe David Wilkerson knew when he prophesied about the 1000 fires in NY that would overflow into many cities. Funny how TX is shipping these folks to NY. Maybe if people were paying attention they would understand how the 10 days of darkness is the grid going down at just the right time to bring in the NATIONAL GUARD into all the cities so we can vote and not use machines. Ever study how Niagara Falls generates so much electric to all these Democrat cities and that all comes out of NY......PAY ATTENTION folks, it's all a giant puzzle and you have to put it together, but the most important piece is the BIBLE if it's going to be Biblical. I will post details later...your gonna like it. Study a Trump building, try 40 Wall Street, when you learn who is in there you will get some GREAT INSIGHT, we have it all

REAL_Shepherd 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well according to this clown https://greatawakening.win/u/Callmejuls/ God is a Pedo. Mary had Jesus when she was supposedly between 12-16 years old. Paul stated in the Bible when a girl was ready to be married make sure she is past her FLOWER.

1Co 7:36  But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry. 

So that means before she was PAST her FLOWER she could be dating a fellow. That means a man can date a PRE-TEEN and marry after she has flowered. I don't like people who as so positive on something yet so lax in their understanding of anything.

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +2 / -1

My foot print will be EASY to track, it will but up their ASSEZ.

REAL_Shepherd 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am excited and can't wait. Wake me up when the killing starts

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a meteor entering the atmosphere. A guy has a outside video camera and caught the flash of it in his car windows. However your speculative stories are far more crazier than what really happened.


REAL_Shepherd 2 points ago +2 / -0

JUST SO YA KNOW...this is a fake photo. The Font wasn't even designed back then. That Font is a newer designed font....FAKE IMAGE. People are so gullible

REAL_Shepherd 2 points ago +2 / -0

So much in the post Drop 128 Try image search about the 40,000 ft view Ask why is that classified? The Keystone was always CARTOON: “The gap in the Bridge” image. It was about the creation of the League of Nations and the USA involvement.

REAL_Shepherd 4 points ago +4 / -0

First off the DROP in Diamonds won't be because of Lab Grown Diamonds, that is just stupid at this time. If you haven't see the machines that do this let me help you. Here are the machines that do it. https://evermore.diamonds/cdn/shop/articles/Lab_Grown_Diamond_Factory_with_Reactors.jpg?v=1685340978 Does that look cheap compared to this? https://static01.nyt.com/images/2007/03/24/world/25diamond.slarge1.jpg These machine made diamonds are not grown like corn there wizz kid. It takes VERY HI PRESSURES to make them and LARGE AMOUNTS OF ENERGY, currently it's not cost productive for that market. Lab grown diamonds are used for Commercial machine uses where diamonds need to be flawless and replicated exactly within certain tolerances. You can tell in 1 second the difference in these diamonds...look here. https://content.adadiamonds.com/image/upload/f_webp,w_1290/v1691540744/labratory-diamonds-vs-mined-diamonds-comparison_1532362910393-5B70TKGWVS04CJBAIMRM.jpg All Diamonds are bought and sold as rough cut before bought to make jewelry. No one would make a Lab Grown Diamond and sell it as jewelry, it's not cost effective.

So why does Trump post this? To get rid of the Syndicate that is selling diamonds and get rid of the Jews who make this all hush, hush, while they do their dirty little laundry deals, as the WHORE of BABYLON

REAL_Shepherd 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well let me show you something WATER and ILLEGAL IMMAGRATION are one in the same. It was in your Bible the whole time.

Revelation 12:15  And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman(God's church in the USA), that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. 

Now in the verse 17:15 it tells you what water is in REVELATION

Revelation 17:15  And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.


This also is going on in EVRY nation with a Real Christian church. The reason I mention the USA because the Bible says the WOMAN was given 2 wings as an Eagle into the Wilderness, do you notice our continent is not with the others in Europe, separated by Pangea early on. USA also called the wilderness. It's a big story most can't grasp it.


I will go further and tell you all the stuff these people reffer to are just code words,

Climate Change = We need to change the LARGE narrative of a population Pandemic = Kill more people Global Water = Flood with more illegal Immigration Identity Change = Guess this one

These things they speak have nothing to do with the issues you think. They do it right in front of you, and you sit there unaware.

REAL_Shepherd 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Military COMPLEX, but yes the MILITARY. Who do you think made the Virus? Who made the Bombs that wiped out large parts countries. It wasn't Santa Claus friend. When you speak of Law make sure you understand what backs up that as an ultimatum.....it's 100% MILITARY. Put 5000 men with AR-15's in DC and tell me all about. There won't be police coming in a large numbers. You will then see what the Bible said in Revelation was the cause.....the 4 horses represent MILITARY. The colors represent the destruction they bring, HUNGER< BLOOD SHED< SICKNESS< LIES.

Babylon is 3 cities, one of those cities handles the MILITARY. So yeah, I kind of believe what I am saying.

REAL_Shepherd 6 points ago +8 / -2

WHAT LAWS...the LAWS written by those who kill you? The people who wrote those laws are the people you're trying to defeat. THINK McFly!!!! Ever wonder why all earthly judges currently wear black robes, but in the book of revelation they wear white robes? Who is going to judge them, the MILITARY who has been keeping you in constant wars? Supreme court, who are Pedophiles and leftists. Then end is different than you think.

REAL_Shepherd 2 points ago +2 / -0

The person who made this video is a LARP IDIOT. First off it's not the Navy and Marine's. It would be Space Force 100%. The other thing is on the video at 4:33 it shows a bell that says WWG1WGA and says this is from JFK JR's boat. https://twitter.com/chrissteinplays/status/1279894104122540033

That image is 100% from a movie called the White Squall from 1996 https://fmoviesz.to/movie/white-squall-vv716/1-1 The person who made that movie is Ridley Scott.

REAL_Shepherd 2 points ago +4 / -2

See the BIBLE told this LONG AGO. Plus this lets you know where you are at in the timeline of Revelations.

Revelation 6:15 Then the kings of the earth, the rulers and the military chiefs, the rich and the powerful, and all other people, slave and free, hid themselves in caves and under rocks on the mountains. Rev 6:16 They called out to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the eyes of the one who sits on the throne and from the anger of the Lamb! Rev 6:17 The terrible day of their anger is here, and who can stand up against it?

Now to understand the BEST part is WE are the ONES who give them that JUDGEMENT

Revelation 18:6 Treat her exactly as she has treated you; pay her back double for all she has done. Fill her cup with a drink twice as strong as the drink she prepared for you.

You people have no idea what is coming, and the JOY of getting to KILL Babylon, by the way Babylon city is 3 cities DC, London, Vatican, the Bible says that too. God showed me a long time ago about the army that will march to DC that is coming, I moved closer so I could cut my travel time down a good bit, NO JOKE! Can ya feel it, oh I can

REAL_Shepherd 4 points ago +4 / -0

Think when we developed the SR-71. The designs began in The second quarter of 1958 on project Archangel. That means that technology was already there to implement. They say there is nothing faster today than that old blackbird from 1958, ROFLMAO 65 years ago....let that SINK in

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