RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

you could buy a lot of yeast and wheat trhough

RadDog2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

https://youtu.be/nJCmCjEKrXI made me think of this video I saw today, this is what rural people do for fun so that would not be a smart plan.

RadDog2020 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is the exact kind of stuff that puts the parmesan on top of my meatballs. We need to realize that they know we know and they know we told everybody that's gonna listen. The vax is a cosmic shit-test but why? it ties in with everything else but why? and why do I know so much about the occult now after studying the symbolism that will "be their downfall"
It's weird.

RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I see what you are talking about and the truth of it.

RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

malik obama has criticized his "brother" in the past and even said he was voting for Trump so it's not really any kind of breakthrough that he is playing with this. I think the whole big mike thing is a psyop so they can call us homophobic. I'm not even saying she doesn't really have a dick but I'm saying overall her being a dude would be way down on the list of the things obama needs to get talked about for.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd really like to know about Multiple Sclerosis, I believe that it is actually more than one condition that gets labeled as that and I have found anecdotal correlation between "vaccines and boosters" (not for the vid but before the vid was a thing) I know someone who is suffering from this and I am afraid to give false hope but I have gone down some rabbit holes looking for ways to help this person because all the medical industry is doing is charging a lot of money and doling out pharmaceutical products after ignoring and downplaying this person's complaints of symptoms for 10 years before finally taking the person seriously enough to suggest an MRI where they found evidence of M.S. during which according to their own information the effects could have possibly been mitigated if caught earlier.

RadDog2020 4 points ago +4 / -0

Non GMO master race

by BQnita
RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

there's a billion youtube videos about this subject, look up hydrostatic shock .

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I met a Russian guy playing chess and he said that the word over there is that part of Ukraine is going to be given to poland and the rest goes back to Russia, he told me this the day before yesterday. I realise I could be talking to anyone with any agenda from a clown to a Russian propagandist but then Kissenger said that the next day, I think he sees the writing on the wall and said thatr to make people think it's somehow his idea.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0


RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never would have known about fauci if trump hadn't put him on display.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

They're trying to eat each other is the way I see it.

RadDog2020 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cliff High is based, I wonder how he thinks the pyramids might be related to this plasma wall he's talking about, maybe they have something to do with collecting energy after-all.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess you used to be able to send in soem loose bills and an address to the sears catalog and get guns and shootings were even less common back then so...

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

somebody shared the link in a livestrream I was watching and I asked if they shared it on GAW and he didn't know what this place was so I posted it because I knew people here would want to see it.

RadDog2020 8 points ago +8 / -0

true, could be that there is some version of that that actually happened,

RadDog2020 13 points ago +13 / -0

it's saved drafts I think, like a "creative writing" or diary kind of thing? shows what kind of edgelord cringelord stuff he thinks about though, lol.

RadDog2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

I set an alarm for 2AM to get up and look at the moon and see the mEteOr sTorM but when it went off I was really tired and I said, "If I hear any explosions I'll go look" and went back to sleep.

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