Just wanted to ease in this MUCH BETTER VERSION of "Thunderstruck."
Very heartening!
OK Boomers.
You know who else was? Pennsylvania senator John Heinz. More in the Germanic chad mode, a bit different than the Irish chad of John Jr. But a really lovely man...and would have been a terrific president as well.
We were robbed.
Two helicopter crashes rewrote history
While I have zero doubts the whitecoats are doing GoF research, I'm still not convinced there was a virus. I have never seen a single piece of research showing it was isolated (in the scientific sense of the term, not the Pharma PR/BS-for-government-contracts sense).
People were getting sick from the jabs, from stress/abuse/fear, from isolation, from goyslop, from collapsing health thanks to other Pharma abuse, and very likely also from the massive uptick in solar flux/electrical energy (Solar Cycle 25).
At this point I've put on hold everything I was ever taught (bachelor's, master's, doctoral programs) about "viruses." And I'm mad as hell that hand rubbing moneygrubbers took over "health care" and replaced it with trillions-of-dollars-per-year programs of biological exploitation that MADE PEOPLE SICK.
Edit: I should add that my virus-research-watching mistrust dates to the late '80s and the whole "HIV/AIDS" thing. Which was also run by that nasty little manlet demon.
It's your history too, my dear.
Ya know John Morton, first signer of the Declaration of Independence?
A son of New Sweden!
I think it was in the mid-'90s that Prince said something like: It's cool to get on the Internet, but don't let the Internet get on you. There is a battle on, and the prize is your mind and soul.
Interesting take--sunlight therapy is a real thing.
Did you know there are people who "sun gaze" at dawn and dusk as a practice, and claim it does amazing things for all sorts of health issues? Look it up, you'll find a lot of stuff on it...though go very carefully with your own practice.
The idea is that the sun, being an electrical phenomenon/body, can shoot its healing rays (Birkeland currents) into the eyeballs (which evolved, after all, to admit and process sunlight!)...just as it nourishes every part of our bodies through the skin.
If I remember correctly it was an Ayurvedic practice, which some of those practitioners did claiming that it nourished them to the point they didn't need food.
Edit: forgot to add I've had ocular migraines on and off back to my 20s. They say that the "buzzsaw" looking thing, the jaggedy vibrating one, is us actually "seeing" our optic nerve, but I'm not sure how true that is.
Thanks for this great thread!
You are most welcome.
And when DJT is celebrating the 250th anniversary of this nation's independence (with Tall Ships I hope)...remember the men and women of the Delaware Valley (as it was later called) who laid the groundwork for free men and women everywhere.
Of my own ancestors, the sons and grandsons of the first Fathers moved to South Jersey and became leaders first in the NJ militia and later the regulars, fighting for independence, helping draft the Constitution (including standing up FIRMLY for the Bill of Rights), and serving in the US Congress and other elected positions...right up into the 20th century.
YES! Incredible musicians.
Did you know that Finns comprised much of the population of New Sweden...and radiated out to the Appalachians in the 1700s? And probably were responsible for the "American" log cabin, the "Pennsylania" long rifle, and the split-rail fence???
And did you know that Finns agitated for independence over 100 years before the Revolution? Look up the "Long Finn Rebellion." Poor guy got his face branded and was sent to live (and die) as a Caribbean sugar slave.
(Stories straight to you from my New Sweden forefathers.)
Suuri Suomi--uraliin asti!
Yay, glad you enjoyed it. Here's another!
Metsasuomalaiset metal best metal.
You are touching so well/explicitly on the ugly fact the media for 80+ years have elevated to idolatry a cadre of constructed/created demigods consisting of shells built up around 5th rate people doing circus tricks.
Look for a book called "The Death and Resurrection Show" by Rogan Taylor. 1970s I think. He talked about how the entertainment industry co-opted the ancient European and Uralic culture of shamanism. He was a British football (soccer) writer iirc.
The sooner people break away from that idolatry, the better. But judging from my own circles--where, e.g., "Christians" worship the state of Israel and football, in that order--I'm not hopeful.
Hey, is Bret Weinstein still claiming he's a jew not a white man so the mob of vicious children he programmed to hate white men don't eat him alive?
Or does his new shtik of COnservative InFlUenCer not fit with that?
(Kinda like how he used to write praising the Occupy "movement" for the far left forum Common Dreams.)
Reports the appalling facts re: perks provided by human traffickers to illegals
Doesn't do any digging into the traffickers who provided those perks
This thread is here because of Big Pot PR Firm X.
Big Pot overbuilt their grow operations massively. Literal billions poured into the grow operations and concomitant legal changes to convince the masses to turn their psyches over to a consumer product. (If it were otherwise, those legal changes would have focused on letting people grow their own.)
There's no way to sustain the bubble/expansion. They are slated to crash.
So now they have to try to convince people that if you're not stoned 24/7 there's something wrong, bad, square, etc., about you. Yeah, whatever. They've been trying to turn God into a consumer product my entire life. Whatever.
Steve n Seagulls Thunderstruck best Thunderstruck
I shd not have posted that without corresponding source and don't have the opening to dig for it. The 4chan discussion around all this brought up experiments where they were splicing human genes or stem cells into pig embryos to create humanized pigs to do Pharma experiments on.
That's very common.
many such cases
That led to others asserting that gene diddling experiments were also going the other way (splicing pig genes into human embryos in vitro)--which wouldn't surprise me, but I didn't have anything solid on that.
Then there are the anons who insist that even worse is happening.
Agree with this.
The Freddies (FS) would clearcut EVERYTHING on behalf of their corporate masters, who'd then turn our holy forests into pulp that Chyna turns into toilet paper.
Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy.
This means a lot to me, Eagle. Thank you.
So many lost to Pharma malevolence, so much pain and suffering resulting.
My "grief group" has three and sometimes four people in it who are mourning for people...but really they are suffering from not wanting to face what BS the "covid" thing was, which is what REALLY killed their loved ones--withholding of treatment, inappropriate treatment, isolation/despair etc. It's so hard to hear them pour out their grief...and how they pull up short of that final/last step of seeing/admitting what happened.
So grateful to have everyone here who sees things so clearly and courageously!
leftist Hollywood play-make-believe millionaires are salty about Thing
Yeah, it happens.
But really, it continues to amaze me how these people can project any relevance based on the fact that they literally never did anything but dress up and pretend to be other people. Of course we/I cut the crap-o-tainment cord a LONG time ago ('90s).
Salty lil sniveler, isn't he?
Here's the decis: https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/25252882/rnc-ballots-case.pdf
I like the suggestion in the Slate piece that not only are the Dems' pets too incompetent to be able to secure voter ID, they 're also too stupid to do things on time, like mail in a ballot so it arrives on time.
He's channeling Dr. Johnson.
(Whose dictionary did not include "skullduggery" coz it hadn't been invented yet.)
Exactly what I saw in Pugetopolis.
Thankless demons, all of them.