Riverviewdave 1 point ago +1 / -0

The one criticism I see that needs to be answered is they don’t show video of any mules at multiple drop boxes. Hopefully this was anticipated and a follow up is to follow.

I’m not part of that criticism but right now there is no way to answer that specific point. We all know how they will latch on to any thread in order to keep up their charade. We need a push for some supplemental video of multiple mules going to multiple drop boxes.

Riverviewdave 4 points ago +4 / -0

Star Wars lost the bidding war to cast her as the new Java the Hutt. They got greedy and refused to calculate the savings on daily makeup/costume savings into their bid🤷🏻‍♂️

Riverviewdave 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was just thinking the same thing the other day

Riverviewdave 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had it a few months ago and took what OP described + vitamin C. I felt 80% better the next day and by the morning of day 3 was back to 100%. It was amazing.

Edit: same scenario, bunch of people around me had it. I did not take a test for it

Riverviewdave 5 points ago +5 / -0


This display by the Twitt executive is an absolutely perfect example of why the left censors us at every turn. They CANNOT debate on an even playing field and they know it. Their only best chance is to avoid, avoid, avoid at all costs.

Riverviewdave 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you. I tried emailing to myself and it was the same entire thread. Someone posted the protest location, that may help on a new gab search

Riverviewdave 7 points ago +7 / -0

Trying to save/copy this to share and it will only copy the entire post, not the video only. Kinda driving me crazy. What’s the trick?

Riverviewdave 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s good to promote this kind of poster. Many of his posts are humor and sarcasm, which can be great tools for breaking through to some people.

Riverviewdave 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are the same way, we will always have a dog. Actually have three now, a 1 1/2yo, 4y and a 16y that we got when she was 7. She doesn’t get around like she used too but she is happy, eats, drinks and has good “bodily functions”👍

Riverviewdave 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow, you seem nice. Or maybe you’re just an asshole🤷🏻‍♂️

Riverviewdave 7 points ago +7 / -0

Got my first dog, a beautiful Border Collie mix, “late” in life(when I was in my 30’s). After she got sick and passed, we didn’t even want to walk in the house anymore. We rescued a shelter dog within a week and had no regrets. I believe that getting another is a must.

Riverviewdave 5 points ago +5 / -0

So sorry to hear this.

We had a beautiful, happy go-lucky female German Shepherd. She was just an absolute joy and full of nothing but love.

At some point she give the slightest little whimper and would back away when we would pet her on a certain area of her back. Our regular vet thought it was a strain of some kind and just told us to make sure she takes it easy for a while. The symptom lingered though and we were recommended to a specialist. The new doctor discovered it was a fungal infection on her spine…can’t remember the name.

So then the revolving prescriptions began. After a few weeks, she lost vision in one eye, became more and more unstable on her feet and could obviously not play with her favorite toys like she used to. But that girl would still bring them to us and do the best she could to play. She NEVER lost her spirit and would attempt the biggest greeting she could muster up any time one of us came home, always with that smile. We searched for alternate opinions to no avail. It finally got to be too much for her and she had maybe 15% vision remaining in the one good eye and could usually not get herself up from the floor. She still would get that smile on her face and wag her tail with any attention given her. Of course, we had to put her down.

I lost my father at 13 and mother when I was 22. Putting that girl down was every bit as hard those first couple of days. The pain fades sooner than with a close loved one, but it is so damn hard. Funny, I can think of mom and dad without welling up. Not when I think about her though.

Within about 6-8 weeks we went from her having that little whimper to all the other issues. I can’t be certain, but I damn sure believe they just treated her as a Guinea pig and all those damn “medicines” did that to her. She was only 3 years old.

God bless you fren

Riverviewdave 2 points ago +2 / -0

So umm yeah, you can just keep my toothbrush

Riverviewdave 2 points ago +2 / -0

And I was embarrassed about my ears.

Also, tell this skank to stop touching my junk!

Riverviewdave 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sad part is it’s not easy to know if this really is parody. There are a lot of people out there just like this.

Riverviewdave 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s cute that they have an American flag on the wall while discussing ways to “reevaluate” free speech

Riverviewdave 5 points ago +5 / -0

ESPN Man, it’s probably been 10+ years since I watched that POS network. Great idea they had to mix politics and sports.

Riverviewdave 1 point ago +1 / -0

KEK This kind of stuff is why I keep my Twitter account. Bored? Feel like being a dick to some liberals? Go have fun for a few minutes on Twitter.

Riverviewdave 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would definitely break out a handful of coughing spells.

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