Roleplaypete 3 points ago +3 / -0

I see testimonials. I see sources. I see theory and I see media.

What I don't see there is the directions and required ingredients.

K.i.s.s. link?

I believe you. Willing to give it a try. Need the directions. Not the sales pitch.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude he is actually REEEEing in real time.

I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Aspies asping this hard to try to claim to be super genuises in disguise.

"BUT IM SOOOO SPECIAL" with your reddit ass.

I hurt your feelings. Meme as it is though. Facts don't care about your feelings. Your retardation isn't a super power. Get over it, cupcake. You aren't operating on a higher playing field. You aren't secretly the most intelligent and observant person ever and just been overlooked your entire life.

You prove the point. Look how angry and indigent you are over someone saying something as simple as "You aren't Iron Man in real life". And here you are screeching into the Void to say "Yes I am! You can't say I'm not!"

Reality matters. If ADHD was what you were LARPING it was we would be space and probably even time travelers with so many next level human intelligences running around.

The difference is. I'm not offended by being told ADHD wasn't a secret super power that really made me smarter than everyone else in the world. I'm okay with knowing these problems were literally injected into me by a system designed to dumb us all down and remove the intelligence and will to resist. I'm okay with seeing these problems and overcoming them instead of being offended by someone telling me it doesn't make me special. You. On the other hand. Are so offended at the risk of having your special designations taken away I am awaiting to hear about your transition in your next desperate attempt to be special when you finally realize that this isn't going to get it and you need the next popular way to feel special.

The fact that this argument even exists is all the proof needed. You saw someone saying that you may not be the super special little trooper you've convinced yourself you were that you're all but tearing your eyes out in half rage, half desperation.

If this super power you have makes you so next level intelligent, how on earth is so beyond your intellectual capacity to look around at your life and simply say, with even a modicum of humility, " Damn. I have to live with the fact I'm not a comic book hero level genuis".

My brother in Christ. You aren't that guy. I'm not that guy. That guy isn't here and none of us will ever know that guy. Just learn to live with the fact you aren't that guy.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know, Snowflake. You are super special. Yes. I know the R word hurts your feelings, sensitive little guy that you are. Of course you are the real life Ironman and the rest of society just can't understand your special gift. You're moments away from inventing the perpetual energy machine and cold fusion for sure.

Roleplaypete -2 points ago +1 / -3

You're retarded. It's not a super power it's a severe mental handicap debuff.

No. You aren't hyper focused on one thing because your brain is working so much higher than normies. Your hyper focused because your retarded ass can't process more than one thing at a time.

Your trouble speaking isn't from your supermegaultrabrain just interpreting the data on a level of counting the number of oxygen molecules in the air. It's because you're not as quick as everyone else and your mouth outruns your brains ability to process what you are trying to say.

Sure you are the highest form of the retard spectrum. But make no mistake. You and the 'spergies' are hand in hand.

This isn't your fault. It's mostly interspecies breeding and a series of vaccines given not only to you, but to your parents even, and a lifetime of chemicals fed to you, literally.

Youre retarded. You've always been retarded. Autism isn't a super power. It's a broken brain.

The best you can hope for is literally "They diagnosed me with ADHD but I was really just an energetic and undisciplined kid" instead you are out here "I am special because my special Ed teachers said I was special and even smarter than those normal kids"

I expected better than this blue hair, everyone is special, my disability is my super power, snowflake ass bullshit from this forum.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not really.

JP Morgan and their ilk don't make their money on credit cards and banking fees.

Our 401ks, state retirement plans, car and house payments even though they say something else still all go through these guys. Every week retirement is taken from my check and sent directly to JP Morgan, Blackrock, and all the rest and there is functionally zero I can do about it. I pay subaru my car payment every month and it goes to Chase which is owned by JP Morgan. I need my car to go to work to live. Every product you buy. Every service you buy. All funnels back into these guys one way or another.

There is absolutely nothing we can do to detach from thesr parasites. And they know it. That's why it's so awful.

Roleplaypete 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is directly tied to intelligence. We always assumed everyone did. Because that's how "thinking" works.

Now try to imagine groups of people who don't think things through. And it'll start to make sense.

Roleplaypete 3 points ago +3 / -0

I. Unfortunately. Had to sell my only long range rifle last summer. Help! I've only got a fullysemiautomatic deathbringer9000 (aka a S&W .223). A street violence especial (or as it is commonly known. A 9mm pistol) and an advanced bigotry dog whistle ( it doesn't have 12 gauges. Or any gauges on it. I have been decieved)

I do need a new rifle.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dunno. I get an awful lot of downvotes over there but still got top 1% generators 2 years running and have like 65k karma now. I don't even see how it's possible. I've got 4 bots that follow me and down vote my every post then one actual human who does.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

I estimate it to be upwards of 50% switch. 75 million is a 50% differential of 150. You will never convince me a solid half of his votes weren't switched.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't matter if you kill off a 65/35 split if you replace them with 100% anyway. That's a 35% increase in their favor, not a 65% loss.

Roleplaypete 11 points ago +11 / -0

Vaccine for sure. One of the wealthiest and healthiest dudes on earth. With the best doctors and athletic trainers in the universe and top dieticians serving him his whole life in peak physical condition. And 17 years old has a heart attack?

Roleplaypete 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sitting jn the theater now. Show starts in 3 minutes.

Roleplaypete 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am willing to bet up to 75% of reddit is bots.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. They aren't. Apples aren't. Cows aren't.

But anything involved in the government or utilities is.

Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

'You gotta source for that" is just a basement dwelling leftist desperation to try to swim out of losing an argument.

It's not my job to convince you what you see is real. It's your job to prove what you see isn't.

by BQnita
Roleplaypete 2 points ago +2 / -0


Roleplaypete 1 point ago +1 / -0

You a tranny? How do you have time to post here between your public library molestation attempts?

If you think this is your country, then you simply have no identity at all with what America was formed on, the ideas that made America, and the American spirit.

Call me a pussy, while sitting here saying Joe Biden received 81 million votes and that The United States is currently socially and politically representated of its people. You are so dillusioned it is no wonder at all you are so detached from reality that you'd call me a pussy. Just like every other tranny fag, your words simply don't matter.

Roleplaypete 2 points ago +3 / -1

I didn't forsake my land. My land has forsaken me.

Leaving a family to fend for themselves versus leaving a family that is already dead are two different things.

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