S11houette 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're not looking for just a wife. You are looking for a mother for your children. Modern leftism might be tolerable in a partner, but it the mother of your children? What if she wants to cut your son's dick off?

That said, she may be less of a liberal and more of a follower. Many in Trump's ranks once called themselves Democrats. She may have simply not had her views tested and not actually believe all the weird stuff. This would come out through conversation.

Not being Christian is a big deal. You need Christ to help through the struggles of parenthood.

My biggest concern is your lack of self confidence. No, she is not the only woman who will ever look at you. There are plenty out there. The problem is that you don't know your own value.

Long distance relationships suck. When talking on the phone you are less having a relationship with a person and more having a relationship with a phone. If your going to date, it needs to be in person. It's totally different.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

They openly stole 2020. Nothing happened to them.

If they just didn't hold elections and didn't even give a reason why, what do you think would happen? Would anyone have standing to object?

S11houette 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is bull. DC statehood would require a constitutional amendment. Not going to happen.

An important note about the capital police thing, they are under Congress, not the president. The federal government already has police forces in every state.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

No. It's because conservatives have been run out of the industry.

It used to be real work. When the right was kicked out everyone stopped working. They don't even know what to do anymore. If they develop and start to be able to form their own thoughts they are immediately identified as a right winger and ejected.

S11houette 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never trusted him because he worked for fox.

Now that he was kicked out... I don't know. His reach is actually greater now that he's no longer on TV. He could still be controlled.

S11houette 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pizza gate was never about this restaurant.

It was about the pizza references in Hillary's campaign managers emails.

S11houette 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nope. This is referring to the die off about 10 to 50 thousand years ago in the younger dryas period. The theory that people killed off the mammoths is ridiculous. To many of them. Too few people. They would have to have an advanced civilization to even attempt it. There would be evidence everywhere.

S11houette 10 points ago +10 / -0


But I think that if people aren't awake after emergence of trannies they won't ever be.

S11houette 5 points ago +5 / -0

People don't realize that Germany was at a strong disadvantage. They had to go to extreme measures to survive.

Some of those vanishings were people being drafted. Some were people being taken to slave camps. Some were people fleeing.

S11houette 2 points ago +2 / -0

"nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself"

If there can't be a criminal case then he can never be a witness against himself.

S11houette 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well you are right. But even if he was president he still couldn't.

If Hunter is pardoned he can be put on the stand and forced to correctly answer any questions related to the crime. He would not have fifth amendment privileges. This puts all of Biden's business partners in jeopardy as well as himself. It also puts him in jeopardy of perjury as well as contempt of court and contempt of Congress.

Their safest route is to rig a trial. If they fail they can still fall back on a narrow pardon, but then they can spin it by saying the court got it wrong. If they pardon anything before a trial it's a confession of guilt in that they are saying that they don't think they will win.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

They need you more than you need them.

They can't replace you as quickly as you can find a new job with higher pay.

They will cave. If they don't, it will be ok.

S11houette 28 points ago +28 / -0

No chance. Q said nothing that would promote j6.

You must not have been here long.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

With better machines.

The right way to do it is to have three different contracts with three unconnected American institutions to count all the votes independently. The results can then be compared to the identify mistakes. A hand count can then be done on a small subset of votes to ensure absolutely no fraud is occurring.

The Republicans can pick one group, the Democrats the second and the secretary can pick the last one.

Having a single Democrat connected company count votes is insane.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only reason people request them is for lawsuits. That's why they responded with fear.

S11houette 4 points ago +4 / -0

I would expect you to get into trouble if you don't pay.

I have always wondered what would happen if you pled the fifth on your tax forms. What would happen if we all did?

The only reason they need these documents is so that they can be used against you in court.

S11houette 1 point ago +1 / -0

This isn't normal. There's a reason they did this. Things that come to mind are they could have had a dog that alerted on you while you waited. Or if they checked your hands they could have gotten a positive for explosive chemicals. Or it could have been your name. You could be on a list.

S11houette 9 points ago +9 / -0

My theory?

There is no evidence the COVID we experienced wasn't the normal seasonal flu.

On the other hand we saw reports early on about people collapsing in public in China. More important is the response by the Chinese and the governments of the world was indicative of the belief that something deadly was definitely out there. The COVID we saw could not have created such a belief. The Chinese governments response could only be caused by their belief that they lost control of something.

It's possible that the disease they were afraid of was successfully contained by the extreme measures. Maybe the vaccine didn't work because it was designed for a disease that never spread through the US.

What are they doing? I doubt anyone is intentionally releasing anything. I'm guessing it's just incompetence. They primarily study dangerous diseases such as ebola to try to find a better cure before they spread. Gain of function is something you would do to weaponize a disease. The idea would be to make a disease that is harmful to your enemies but doesn't harm your population. It's a stupid idea.

S11houette 2 points ago +2 / -0

Took her out of line? You hadn't even gotten to the metal detectors yet?

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