Saint_Duck 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm glad that he's the leader in Canada. If the US had a leader like tha . . ., oh wait. We're all fucked.

Saint_Duck 1 point ago +1 / -0

As far as reactions, there seems to be a very small subset of people that get 'triggered' by anything that they disagree with. A very small subset that is also very vocal and loud. We used to call them pansies back in the day but now they are just known as 'progressives'.

Saint_Duck 8 points ago +9 / -1

Taser .. Taser .. Taser. Woops the button seems to be sticking, sorry. Ok that one was just me fucking with you. This one too. I wonder how long This taser will last, let's find out.

Saint_Duck 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Social Security numbers are ridiculously easy to find. They are not secret. I don't think that they were ever intended to be secret.

Saint_Duck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's what I did just 2 weeks ago. Got sick. vit c, and d. Zinc. Rest, fluids. Better everyday for about a week, first couple days were not fun. At no time did the thought of taking a test even briefly cross my mind. The treatment will be the same regardless of what a test would say. Why would I want to add a number either way to an already false narrative. Covid, Flu, or cold symptoms are all treated the same. And I can't stress this part enough, even during the worst of Delta your odds of surviving were 99.7%. Down to 99.5% for our older folks. Any testing numbers are either irrelevant, Inflated, or Imaginary. Ignore them and sleep easy tonight.

Saint_Duck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Endometriosis seems to be a physical condition. Ivermectin seems to treat infectious type diseases. Virus, parasite and such. Not a DR. But I see no connection.

Saint_Duck 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to Democrats POC are all either bumbling hicks from the sticks or inner city gang members. Too stupid to figure out how to get an ID. This is what they ACTUALLY think of POC. It's fucking amazing that they can get anyone at all to vote for them. Yet here we are.

Saint_Duck 4 points ago +4 / -0

59 years old here. Bought the last vehicle I'll ever buy last November. A 2005 Jeep Wrangler. Jeep 4.0 straight 6 w/157K miles. Should be good for another 150K miles which I will never hit. Easy to fix, parts everywhere, goes anywhere. Sucks the gas like there is no tomorrow, maybe 11 MPH if I'm lucky. No problems as my standard driving distance is rarely more than 100 miles from home. Ford retiree, I refuse to pay as much for a new vehicle as I could buy a house for. Especially one that you have to plug in.

Saint_Duck 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wish I could help, but I ordered mine the day I got sick and had basically recovered by the time it got here(4 days). So I never took it, but have it just in case now.

Saint_Duck 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is she actually Jewish? I thought that she picked that name for her act.

Saint_Duck 7 points ago +7 / -0

They are trying to whip the 1% of the public that watches them into a frenzy.

Saint_Duck 1 point ago +1 / -0

I haven't paid to watch any type of TV in years. Gave my TV to my mom when hers broke. I do pay for cable internet service. I watch anything I need to watch there.

Saint_Duck 4 points ago +4 / -0

When shit finally does go down I wonder if he'll end up in jail or will the masses rip him into pieces in the street?

Saint_Duck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is the world realizing that Joe Biden is completely irrelevant?

Saint_Duck 2 points ago +2 / -0

At one point they chased the police down stairs raining metal barricades and flaming garbage down on their heads. Couple of clips on bitchute

Saint_Duck 10 points ago +10 / -0

When I want to lose weight I stop eating as much. It works every single time.

Saint_Duck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Had my yearly cardio appointment last week. Was asked if I'd been vaxxed and said no. Was then asked if I planned on getting vaxxed and again answered no. There were no questions about reasons, simple acceptance. I like my Doctors.

Saint_Duck 5 points ago +5 / -0

His 15 minutes were up years ago. I had no idea if he was still alive or not. Still don't really care.

Saint_Duck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Used to like this guy. He cannot admit to being wrong, so fuck him now.

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