SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much! I’m working on my son, but so far no luck. His liberal friends have convinced him it’s the “right thing to do”. After reading this article I think I can change his mind.

SaltyDisciple 5 points ago +5 / -0

Tell him not to get the 2nd one, he’s being lied to. My husband is a Chief in the Navy, he refused it. He was told he currently has the right to refuse because it isn’t FDA approved. That hasn’t stopped people from questioning his decision and playing the moral card though. Pisses me off that they’re lying to these kids. If it’s approved it will become mandatory though. Personally, I’d separate if possible, because there’s no telling how bad this will get considering Big Pharma is already talking about “booster” shots every 6 months.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can’t express how much I needed this. Thank you!!

SaltyDisciple 3 points ago +3 / -0

We recently started something similar in Virginia. Three of our members met with the sheriff in our city to talk to him about these issues, we’re going to meet with the sheriff in the surrounding cities too. I don’t want to put too much info here in case someone is lurking and tries to start trouble. We all now carry a copy of the Governor’s mask mandate, with the exemptions highlighted. We also have several other documents showing our rights, and that it’s a prosecutable crime to violate our rights (American Disability Act / Civil Rights) by denying us entry. If a business is uncooperative we stay calm (really difficult at times) and take their name / phone / email - then inform them that we don’t want to sue them (they can be held personally liable), but we will if they continue to violate our rights. So far everyone but one person backed down

SaltyDisciple 1 point ago +1 / -0

We bought physical precious metals - mainly silver. We also have some crypto. Mike Maloney has a great series “Hidden Secrets of Money”, it’s on YouTube. It really opened our eyes as to why we needed physical silver and gold. I sleep better knowing we’ll still have something if the dollar collapses.

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