Am I a fool for believing after looking at 3 hours of “proofs” checking, a few myself and looking at the big picture?
I don’t think so; too many coincidences and it makes sense.
Someone asked if Trump would declassify everything. He said he already has been... if I look at some of the info giving from the posts and what and where it lead to ; well it logically made sense.
Was there anything to the Vatican story ?
I’m kind of new to following along here but I saw post 2297 09/29/2018. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the official statement from the Sec state office was “a rogue employee did it” which relates to “rogue employee excuse” on that post.
Just mentioning this because I’m a total newbie and maybe someone that understands how these all relate wants to see if anything is there... granted I know it’s about discovering yourself but I went down the rabbit hole at 3 am and gotta work today!
I remember in college when they tried to shove the communism rhetoric down my throat... I laughed and fought them every step of the way. ?
I’ll be honest... I wasn’t even aware of Q until 11/04/2020 then I did some digging and started with X22 reports... you know I consider myself to be logical and yeah there was a plan... too many things keep clicking and making sense. When you take in the big picture and connect dots it just makes too much sense.
Btw: I love y’all it’s nice coming here for info and understanding. Theories and logic.
It’s almost like they’ve been brainwashed / hypnotized by subliminal messaging coming from watching CNN. I’ll go out on a limb here but with what we know of the alphabet agencies and psyops it wouldn’t shock me. Even when they attack you for not agreeing with them or because of your beliefs it’s the same dribble every time.
Out of curiosity did the Q posts ever hint at military rule for a time or dissolving the United States corporation ?