SamytheRat 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just heard exact the same complaints from my mom's 70 year old friend who got Pfizer, also in April but in Europe. The lady has noticed it herself though. She is complaining of memory lapses and difficulty to think clearly because it is obviously happening so quick that she is noticing it herself.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

it might be voiceover to lookalike. At least I'm told so long time ago.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

a while ago I saw someone saying it is a voiceover to lookalike.

SamytheRat 10 points ago +10 / -0

If this is not going to wrap up soon. And I mean, soon. I'll just continue thinking it is just another bone to the dog to keep him occupied. Just like Dems kept occupied by all those impeachments and lawsuits against Trump. Till then its all dog and pony show for me personally.

SamytheRat 10 points ago +10 / -0

are you kidding? For the first time life is exciting!!! I take it as we are here only temporary and it is cooler than any science fiction I've ever read. I have erased fear out of my vocabulary and gained faith in supreme design. All is great and just the way it is supposed to be. And it WILL BE just the way it is supposed to be. Because this is ying and yang, this is light and dark, this is black and white. This is life. The only choice to make is which side are we on. I'm on the side of light and I'm immortal!

SamytheRat 2 points ago +3 / -1

I've read it at least once a month for the past four months.

SamytheRat 2 points ago +3 / -1

vaccines have been giving us sterilized population and autoimmune diseases for a while. One in 20 kids has seizures already and one in 24 is autistic, other immunity system issues: allergies, cancers, childhood arthritis, diabetes, etc on the rise galore. I agree that RNA is just a step up with the game because obviously 72 recommended vaccines for under 16 is not doing fast enough job. You have to have a faith though. We are doing it to ourselves. No-one is actually forcing us to do anything, so there is no-one to blame but ourselves. thus, it is the design of the Creator. Try to be the light for those who seek, keep your vibrations high, observe and have faith in the highest purpose. There is no becoming Olympic-level athlete without blood and sweat. We are here on Earth for training. That is my two cents.

SamytheRat -1 points ago +1 / -2

Long story short right in this video he is pushing for uniting with UN and other international organization in order to push mass vaccination and taking responsibility over mass vaccinating AND monitoring tests and vaccination intake in 3rd world countries: ( So much for anti-globalist Putin as I hoped all these years him to be) https://www.facebook.com/100002919362057/videos/3789991384441470/

SamytheRat -1 points ago +1 / -2

Im very sorry to say that but I think Putin is smoke and mirrors. I have been literally a fan of Putin for many years as I come from former Soviet Union and truly believed he is the first president Russia deserves. To my shame I have never done in depth research and finally last week I got into this. I'm afraid Putin is only there to pretend to be the "other side" and having Russia's interests at heart. He is pushing Sputnik-V vaccines that are based on the same genetic engineering shit and advertising digitized nation BIG TIME! He is currently unrolling the project to digitize every newborn. Whether he has been pretending all these years till the time came to show his full face or he has been cloned or subdued I have no idea but he is pounding hard right now.

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