SaveAmerica22 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am so sick of this world. It is all disgusting. People can call me transphobic all they want but it is just too much against my views. These people are not women, they have never experienced a menstrual cycle in their lives and they cannot have a baby. I am tired of them trying to take away our uniqueness. Victoria's secret is too expensive anyways, no point in paying a ton of money for something my bf is just going to rip off in 2 minutes

Toxic masculinity also pisses me just as much, there is nothing wrong with being a masculine dude.

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lol gotcha. I am sure I can find a good website. I am going to be anxious about it at first too. But I keep reminding myself dogs did live in the wild before. I am so glad it has worked out!

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah exactly. I get that.

omg that is so cheap compared to your vet. I feel like a lot of vets make things very expensive. it is so frustrating!

Where do you get your raw feeding recipes?

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that is fine! I wouldn't want to deal with periods. If I had a girl I would probably spay at 2ish. But I have always had boys so it is different cause I don't have to deal with periods! Spaying and neutering are actually considered unethical in some parts of the world but the vets in the US push so hard for it because it is a main source of income for them. I think they push to do it early because a lot of people who wait to do it, don't end up doing it.

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rimadyl (Carprofen generic) there are a lot of trade names and unfortunately I do not know them all, so I avoid NSAID's completely with my dogs.

My 5-year-old yellow lab started limping in his hind legs out of the blue. No injury. The vet was hyperfocused on the diagnosis of bilateral torn ACLs despite having a normal exam and no injury which is highly unlikely in a young dog. She was so focused on the ACL diagnosis because she wanted to have an excuse to prescribe Rimadyl to get her checks from Pfizer. When he was dying after being on the drug for 8 days we found out he had Lyme disease but his vet never tested for that. His case presented like a typical lyme case according to the emergency vet, very upsetting it was missed. All he would have needed was a bottle of antibiotics to make him better but it was too late after his kidneys and liver failed. They said organ failure was due to an underlying condition but the necropsy proved that it was the drug that killed him.

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah dog food is SO bad. Maybe he was telling us something. My dentist's german shepherd growing up lived until he was 17. They said if the humans had spaghetti and meatballs, the dog got spaghetti and meatballs. There is a reason the lifespans of dogs are getting shorter.

Yes 15 was sooo long. My third lab lived until 11.5 which was long too for a large dog. I hope your girls live long lives, I am sure the raw feeding will help!

Oh I believe it about the purina reps. It is fine if they are getting balanced meals. They are pissed people are waking up, got to love it. Dog food is a new invention as if dogs didn't live in the wild for years. It is just like how the Pfizer and Moderna reps go on the COVID vaccinated thread and tell people their side effects are unrelated!

The dog food can cause mast cell tumors and so can neutering or spaying too early. I am not a huge fan of neutering my dogs because I am a responsible owner.

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

yeah I know it used to be approved for humans but it isn't but it is no longer approved cause it is too dangerous for humans which is why I say it is not approved for humans.

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you so much! It was so horrible! I thought I would never smile again, three months after he died I got a puppy who saved me. I truly believe he sent him to me.

SaveAmerica22 0 points ago +0 / -0

Thanks for sharing. I have also heard turkey tail mushrooms are good too for preventing mast cell tumors. I am very interested in natural alternatives because I cannot go through what I went through with my 5-year-old again though he didn't need Rimadyl in the first place ?. That is amazing your dog got another 18 months. I am also glad to know that works in labs! I lost my 11.5-year-old yellow lab in December so I am on a waitlist for a puppy. I really like Dr. Karen Becker too who is a vet that speaks out against a lot of dangerous pet drugs.

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am so glad he is okay! It is a horrible drug. My English yellow male was absolutely in perfect health. He was 78 pounds of pure muscle, he looked like he spent the day in the gym. He exercised day and night, puppy energy at 5 years old. If the doctor had correctly diagnosed lyme it would have never happened.

The only reason I am still on Facebook is that there are a lot of vet malpractice groups and a carprofen/Rimadyl kills group. I really do my best to make it known how dangerous this drug is so someone else's dog doesn't die.

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is awesome! It is funny but my first lab lived until 15 which is very long for a large breed dog especially a male. He was the master at stealing food, so we had to cut back on his dog food. If he stole a pizza right before he was supposed to be fed, he did not get his dog food. This was a continual pattern with him. I really wonder if not eating as much dog food is why he lived so long.

That is so horrible. Our last lab got a mast cell tumor that comes from dog food and he had allergies that can also be from food

SaveAmerica22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much! I feel so bad for him too, he was the sweetest boy. He was very shy but he was really beginning to come out of his shell before he died. I really hope that he someday finds a puppy body and finds his way back to me so he can get the experience of a full life, 5 years old is way too young.

SaveAmerica22 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're welcome! That is horrible. It is so scary that it is still on the market. I do not have any trust in the FDA.

It was my breeder that said frontline is safest, not a vet but she was basically just saying it is the safest of the options though none of them are great. She said it is fine if we do not use anything. The treatment for fleas and tick diseases is normally safer than prevention. My lab that died from rimadyl was on frontline and still got a tick but regardless it would have been very easy to treat him with antibiotics if he was properly diagnosed.

Is Zija Smart Mix like a supplement for joints or something? That is amazing that it was improving your lab's health.

I am also only doing the raw food diet from now on. The dog food is poison. My last lab got a mast cell tumor from dog food so never again.

SaveAmerica22 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you so much! So traumatic. He was the best-behaved dog I have ever had, very sweet and eager to please. My other labs have lived to 15 and 11.5. It just makes me so sad that he didn't get to experience the full life like the other boys, especially having his life taken from an evil company.

SaveAmerica22 3 points ago +3 / -0

OMG that is awful! but yes, they did sell the manufacturing to Zoetis though but they were the ones that started the evil drug. I am so sorry that happened to your golden. That is so scary. Mine just started vomiting blood and his kidneys and liver failed. I do know one of the side effects is paralysis. I have heard a lot of flea and tick meds are horrible too. My breeder says that frontline is the safest. I have zero trust in pet drugs and my trust with vets is pretty low too, always pushing us to neuter our dogs too young. Our health guarantee from the breeder is void if we neuter before 2, I prefer not to neuter my boys at all because there aren't many health benefits and I am a responsible dog owner.

SaveAmerica22 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you so much! It always kills me when they go. The only thing that ever gets me through it is getting another puppy cause they are just so special

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you that is great to know! I currently don't have a dog, my other yellow died in December but I plan on getting a pup within the next year

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Rimadyl, Carprofen is the generic. It is being kept alive through tradenames and there are a lot of different names for the same drug. Unfortunately, I do not know all the names they have for it so I do not give my dogs any NSAID's period. I know it can be lethal in other breeds as well. I think labs and goldens are who it is most commonly prescribed to which is why they have the highest rates of adverse effects.

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am so sorry to hear that! Labs and goldens are my favorites! My yellow lab started limping out of the blue with both of his hind legs. No injury or anything. The vet was like well he is a lab so he probably tore both of his ACLs despite having normal exams and normal imaging. She was so hyperfocused on the ACL diagnosis so she could prescribe Rimadyl. When he was dying we found out he had Lyme, that is what caused the limping, it is very common in our area. A cheap bottle of antibiotics would have gotten him better.

Rimadyl, Carprofen is the generic. It is being kept alive through tradenames and there are a lot of different names for the same drug. Unfortunately, I do not know all the names they have for it so I do not give my dogs any NSAID's period.

SaveAmerica22 15 points ago +15 / -0

Thank you so much. It was the most traumatic experience of my life. I was 14 years old and my sweet boy started vomiting blood all over me. I am still traumatized to this day.

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

So glad your horse was okay! The drug that killed my yellow lab fried his kidneys and liver in 8 days. The vet told us it was due to an underlying kidney issue so we had a necropsy done which showed toxicity from the drug, no signs of underlying kidney diseases.

SaveAmerica22 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup it is so bad. This was a drug not a vaccine for the dogs. But it is a drug that is not even approved for humans because it is too dangerous for them. We trusted our vet, we didn't know back then. Pfizer did settle a multimillion-dollar lawsuit for the drug that killed my lab and then the drug got put right back on the market. They are a disgusting company. I know there was another huge lawsuit against Pfizer for ProHeart which is a heartworm injection for dogs. It killed my friend's dog. What is even scarier is that I know so many people who have lost their pets to Pfizer drugs and couldn't wait to get their gene therapy.

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