That whole Greta and Tate interaction was staged af. They play for the same team. Fake news needed another distraction and a way to distract so enter "Tate's arrest".
So this is why they push that men can have babies.
Weird how all these things happened at the same time.
It's like a conspiracy, but the fake news assures me there is no such thing!
The brain becomes trained to certain chemical responses. In essence it becomes set to "fear" mode or always hyper alert. That starts to feel "normal". Humans want to feel "normal".
When the fear is removed, the person doesn't feel "normal" anymore. Most abused spouses will break down and seek another abusive partner just to feel "normal" again. Say you have a very abusive boss who yells at everyone. One day he goes away for a week. At first there is relief. Yay, he's gone. Soon the drama starts as people try to replace the "fear" that their brain is now hardwired to need.
If a person endures the discomfort for a few months and trains their brain to accept "not being afraid" then they can retrain their brain to live without fear and feel normal.
Most people just can't take it. It feels like they are not themselves when they no longer have that "fear". Essentially you become trained to be a victim and your brain now only feels normal when you have an abuser.
Brainwashing is at heart an identity crisis. A victim defines themselves by their abuser's every whim. In this case the government is the abuser.
My mom would rather be pessimistic than optimistic because as she worded it, "If I don't expect anything good than I won't be disappointed when something bad happens".
I really understand now what Rush Limbaugh meant when he said (paraphrasing) "Pessimism is easy. It's what most people do. It's lazy. Optimism takes work. You have to really think about your reasons".
Still resonates with me.
They get this terrified look if you even suggest "the pandemic is over".
They liked being treated as captive children by the government. I've known people who grew up in the soviet union who liked it. They said they liked it because it was so relaxing. They never had to make decisions for themselves. The government decided everything -- their career, their income, and even their hobbies. They hated capitalism because it was always making you "decide" things.
They thought it was great being "cared" for (controlled). There are some people who look at being treated like a doll as a form of "love" and "concern".
Yup. I experienced this personally. Told some friends ad co-workers some good news about getting quickly over covid. They panicked and were like "You can't do that!" Even when it was the doctor's own words they were like "NO! NO! NO!"
Then they proceeded to talk how their last booster left them bedridden for 7 days, gave them a high fever, and caused them to vomit, but they were very grateful for it and they can't wait until they can get boosted again.
The 8th, you say?
Given they're dropping the twitter files, I'd say so. At least not in the way they were before.
By their logic not all women can get pregnant so we shouldn't define women by their reproductive functions. Also by their logic men can get pregnant despite a lack of ovaries and uterus.
In a surreal exchange, Jim Baker, at the time Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, asks why telling people to not be afraid wasn’t a violation of Twitter’s Covid-19 misinformation policy.
Isn't he the guy that recently got fired from twitter?
Wasn't he also in a lot of Q posts?
That's what happened when Wikileaks dropped all of Clinton's emails in a giant dump. Most waited for the cliff notes.
They've proven that the the FBI, CIA and government agencies called the shots at what could be on twitter. Before the Left would try to claim "Twitter's a private company. They can do whatever they want".
Yes, but they didn't act as a private company. They acted as a tool of one political party and an arm of the three letters. That's not "acting" as a private company.
Proving that connections dispels one of their biggest arguments.
Exactly by dripping it out we can give each crumb the proper examination. Even small details have some big revelations. For example "twitter censors call themselves OWLS". If it was all dropped at once it would be just a wall of text.
How many took the time to read through all of the emails when they were dropped at once?
On Friday, Wikileaks published 2050 emails that could prove damaging for the Democratic candidate’s campaign.
The enormous data dump focuses on John Podesta, head of the campaign, who also served as President Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff from 1998 to 2001.
And how many looked through the cliff notes?
What if instead they released it drip, drip and spread it over months so people could digest the damning revelations?
Drip, drip does more damage as it spreads out the pain and gives people more time to look in depth at each crumb.
I've seen many who use their phones as "babysitters". aka, they give the kid a phone to keep them occupied while the parent scrolls on instagram.
People are more concerned with what happens on social media than their own lives!
Drip, drip, then a flood.
Fascinating read. It really exposes their tactics.
As Trump would say "Low IQ" or we can call them People "Deficient in Functioning Grey Matter"...
Did you read Q's post about insurgency? You're falling hard for the tactics of the DS. They wanted you divided. Antifa-types wear many faces. They glow wherever they go. Stop falling for their games.
"It just shows how little you understand - since you want to be so condescending about it."
That's how you want to see it. I'm trying to tell you that you are playing into their hands. They do the same thing with "Qanon" types who run around screaming like lunatics. Brainwashed leftists watch the same kind videos except it is "conservatives" attack Drag Queens and being "violent" and think "These people are animal". Same game. Different costumes.
They ferment hatred with these insurgents. These tactics are laid out to the letter in Q's link to COIN. Seriously, stop falling for it.
The DS doesn't give a crap about the religions of the sheep. They just try to pit the religions against each other. Sometimes they even make up "religions" (scientology?). Islam is just being used as the "boogeyman" to terrorize Europeans and create division and fear. It's insurgency.
"It's way bigger than that. Islam is out for world domination."
Divide and conquer.
Did you ever see the Q post about insurgency? It lays it all out.
Read the entire thing. Light bulbs will go off. This is how insurgents are used to overthrow governments and terrorize the population. COIN is about how to stop insurgency.
Q pointed this out because this is what you are seeing. Antifa was insurgency. So was BLM (just Antifa in disguise).
Mass illegal immigration is just a way they import slave labor and traffic humans. Those brought in are "promised" to get paid, but then they're trapped. They have no legal recourse against their "master".
Anyone favoring this mass illegal immigration is favoring a system that creates slaves and trafficked humans. Most do not go to the "nice" homes the MSN pushes. Most end up trapped living in tents and working 12 hour shifts in factory or on a farm run by cartels. Most do no get paid and if they complain they're bosses threaten to deport them. Except they went into debt get there. Now they can't pay the debt.
Do you see the trap?
Anyone supporting this is supporting slavery. They may claim "everyone deserves a chance", but then they should favor legal immigration. Illegal immigration only results in slaves without rights.
I have a feeling these are insurgents they send under the guise of "refugees" to cause mayhem and discord in other countries in order to push division and terrorize the populist with a boogeyman.
They wouldn't be welcome in their home countries anymore than "antifa" is welcome in the US. BLM was made to push fear and divide people. European leaders bring them into terrorize locals populations.
I did some digging. Interesting stuff about his dad. His dad was a chess champion and air force officer.
His father was fluent in Russian. Claims the air force required him to learn it for a mission. He met Andrew Tate's mother while serving in England.
He was also famous for hustling people for money in chess games.
It is very suspicious.