Oh well, Newsweek! Who could doubt them?!
Well... way to test that... is if these piles of bricks are going away. Are they?
It is and it isn't. Just like money is both very real and both very much not real. The belief in money, like power, keeps it alive.
(Tinkerbell has entered the chat).
Yeah, I never cared much for the free money on free parking. It's just a jackpot square and it really doesn't change much. If you were in position to win, you get a boost on buying houses and hotels. If you were in position to lose, you just last a few more rotations before you're back in the same situation. I found it just prolongs the game and the agony.
Taking away the $200 for passing Go though really changes the game, because money becomes much lower in supply, and therefore much more precious. Monopoly in the normal raise is actually a really good study of Inflation, and that's what I found by trying that variant. Money is worth less as the game goes on, because you're injecting an amount of $200 times the number of players every go-around.
The down side to my method is that once you are out, you are OUT. a player who loses their money without property to show for it can't hope to avoid landing on spaces and get back into the game by passing Go a few times. So my friend who lost early wasn't eager to try again, and I can't blame him.
Owning all railroads is nice, but it's hard to get all four. I think I only managed it once or twice.
Utilities are worthless.
I once made a variation for my friends. I said: "Hey, instead of being salaried real estate agents, let's say we're all independent! No $200 for passing Go. Everything else stays exactly the same."
I wanted to see how the game would function without the constant pipe inflow of $800 (for a 4-player game) every board rotation.
It made money VERY tight. Literally counting the 1's and debating if there was enough cash to risk building hotels on Baltic and Mediterranean. I found it thrilling as hell. Then again, I won....
You'll get bankrupted by the guy with the oranges long before you can build three houses on the greens. If he builds early, it's game over in the middle game.
All right... let me just ask one question....
If you can't charge interest on a loan, why would anyone lend money?
And if no one lends you money, how can you get, say, that new business started?
Granted -- excessive interest for a life long trap is bad too.
What's the middle ground?
I could go further into it but ... I'm afraid I'll say something even too mean.
I mean, it's one thing to deemphasize the after life. Another to deny it completely.
This sounds like ... a Cowboys and Indians movie, and the Indians got a damn good reason for being pissed off.
I grew up in a Reform synagogue. What we were told was: "Jews believe when you die you go six feet underground. That's it." Or something a little more interesting: "Judaism has nothing to say about afterlife because that Egyptians were obsessed with afterlife, building tombs instead of palaces, practically worshipping death. So Judaism is a religion of life." Maybe that's true.
But I found some orthodox Chabad Rabbis online who give a lot of info on afterlife. Heaven, Hell, Reincarnation, Ghosts, the whole nine yards. A lot of sophistication.
Funny how the video has nothing to do with anything.
According to one Rabbi I heard (many Jews don't even know there's a concept of reincarnation in Judaism) every single one of us are new incarnations of souls that screwed up. We're no longer in "this is your first rodeo" territory.
Yeah, I was thinking this too. They were setting up the board long before the game started.
Sorry, death doesn't turn me on.
How about the torture and execution of Australia's politicians? How many unvaccinated can attend those?
I swear, I don't know if there was as much potential brotherhood between Americans, Brits, Frenchmen, Australians, Israelis, Canadians, Germans, Italians, Brazillians, New Zealanders as now....
Because we all have the same enemy: The Globalists and our own governments.
Atonement can be done through prayers, fasting, Teshuvah.
Knowledge of the sacrifices is preserved for the day the Third Temple is built. Whenever that is.
Would be very interesting to see some of those sacrifices resume in this day and age.
How about Jewish but I take it seriously?
Not YOUR sense of morality and justice.
Bill Gate's sense of power and coersion.
The Laws of G-d are eternal, as are his truths.
The Laws of man are ephemeral and change on a whim.
Now you saw this in action.
I've been doing the same thing, plus quercetin.
Still feel as crappy as usual, but at least my Mom doesn't bug me about getting the vax the way she used to. (Though part is my wife's intervention).
You raise an interesting point.
What if it's just that red states are more likely to report VAERS incidents than doctors in blue states?
At least she came around and realizes she's been fooled.
I'm afraid there are those who's kids could die and they'll still say it was worth it, and everyone should get vaccinated.
Warning sign: You let your kid have the jab.
I still think we should try to beat Covid by throwing Fauci into an active volcano.
I mean... worth a try, right?