Im here to say that a bunch of people leaping to conclusions when they know a fraction of the information could cause even more harm to him and to their relationship… have you ever considered what if he never did a good job explaining his viewpoint.. or there was some communication barrier we don’t know about that had influence.
Making a calculated decision requires all of the information… and the only one who has that is him. Don’t take life changing advice from people on the internet who don’t know your situation.
You made a lot of assumptions that happen to be false about me. I’m likely a more calculating individual than you are working as an engineer. I’m not here to fight. Im here to say that a bunch of people leaping to conclusions when they know a fraction of the information could cause even more harm to him and to their relationship… have you ever consider what if he never did a good job explaining is viewpoint.. or there was some communication barrier we don’t know about that had influence.
Making a calculated decision requires all of the information… and the only one who has that is him. Don’t take life changing advice from people on the internet who don’t know your situation.
Funny because she is likely the one in the “cult”. The media, lefty cult that believes everything from the almighty ‘reporters’ and Fauci.
If this was a cult, I’d actually believe everything said on this site… but we don’t! We all have our own separate opinions and ideas, and disagreements. We collaborate, discuss, dismiss, and educate…. Tell me how that’s a cult? If anything, we are so anti cult that we question LITERALLY EVERYTHING.
You should tell her that.
Not telling you is concerning, but do not sacrifice your whole relationship because of people’s comments. Talk to, try to rationally go through it. She may have felt more pressure to get it than you think.
Look we are a unique crowd here, and we can’t expect everyone, even loved ones to follow everything we tell them. I know we must sound crazy to them sometimes.
Don’t sacrifice your relationship because of online comments, talk to HER about it. Find out why she did.
My opinion of the vaccine is that it’s likely not harmful to most people, and this is all a slow play by the DS. They wanted to further divide us, identify the “others” like the Jews. They want us marked. I don’t think this vaccine is the kill shot.. it’s a setup for the future.
This is my personal opinion, and I wish you well. Communication is everything in successful marriages.
This type of ID is basically identifying the conformist and free thinkers. They’ll have clear documentation on who to go after. There may or may not be fishy business going on with the Covid vaccine, but this is ABSOLUTELY a setup for future mandatory vaccines that will inhibit our cognitive abilities.
Hey I guys I wanted to throw an idea out there. I don’t ever plan on getting the vaccine but wouldn’t it be against their own interest to make people sick by it? I don’t know any of my conservative friends that have gotten it but all of my liberals have. Wouldn’t they be killing off their sheep if it was toxic? That paired with Trump supporting it makes me think it’s not bad... I just think they are trying to set a precedent for us to accept future vaccines that do contain what you’re talking about.
I would definitely be calling that teacher to chew her ass out. How dare she pressure your kids actions outside of school.
Not to teach a man how to be a father... but YOU are in charge, not your son. Him crying and feeling bad about being an outsider is a strengthening moment for him unless.. you give in and let things be.
Keep fighting and don’t give up. He’s your son, not the teachers, so don’t lose the fight over his mind.
Lol then move to Africa dude? Go live in the bushes with them over there.
Oh wait.. you like your cell phone and gov benefits? Well all the white peoples taxes are paying for everything in this country. Along with the Asian -Americans who have the highest average income.
Black culture has degraded to the point now that most black communities are poor, uneducated, and worthless to society, just a hindrance.
I try hard to help my fellow brothers and sisters locally, but the governments handouts make all of them dependent and lazy, unfortunately.
That’s the truth.
I haven’t fallen for anything. Hoping people in government do the right thing instead of let millions of illegal people flood our market from the border... let men call themselves women for sports.. raise all our taxes along with business taxes so we rely on imports and China again..
Does not have that worry you? Oh right, I’m sure you’re relying on the gov in some way.
If you used those 2 brain cells of yours just 1 time, you may actually start to connect the dots, but that’s obviously too much work for you.
I know why, because you’re useless in society and rely on bullying others or the government to give you any piece of happiness. I get to come home to a nice big house on a large property with a beautiful family. Happy 100% of the time but currently worried for our country's future.
No self respecting, hard working individual votes for a near death corpse for President.
So you can insult us all you want.. but at the end of the day.. you’re the one that has to live with yourself in your filth, so I still feel sorry for you honestly.
It’s obvious Trans people have mental issues... it’s not a matter of sexuality... I know happy gays.. because they accept who they are an embrace it... all the trans people I know are always miserable because the goals constantly shift for them on what “will” make them happy... they have no clue what they want so they mutilate their body because of their depression.
So sure.. let’s make a mentally ill person in a high position of government... over health..
I think all of its extremely plausible except for Trump standing at the podium at the end.
Everyone’s made it clear that there will be a transition of power of some kind. I think Trump is too divisive because of MSM brainwashing to be the figure to lead us through this. I’m counting on SoD Miller.
The fact you jump and make so many assumptions about me or the people in this post proves my point enough. I sure hope you or your son do not assume so many unknown variables in your work like you do in conversation. Very cringe.