Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well I mean they already use cell phone location \ triangulation for targeted strikes so...

Shockadee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recognize the arguements of September clues, but still feel it is info that muddied the waters. Video trickery is much harder to prove and closer to tin foil hat than physical evidence.

There is plenty of evidence in a new pearl Harbour to prove conspiracy without having to resort to speculation and less provable theories posited In September clues.

Shockadee 9 points ago +9 / -0

If you stop at CIA as the culprit, you will never get to the root of the issue.

Shockadee 11 points ago +11 / -0

When you consider the patent secrecy act or whatever its called where they can classify and keep secret patents deemed disruptive to the economy, I think you find your answer in there as to why energy and medical tech progress has appeared to slow and stall in the last 50 years.

Get some of those patents released and the world will change overnight, as mentioned in a different comment in this thread.

by Dipshit
Shockadee 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are hav8ng issues with reddit site, try replacing the url with old.reddit.com no www

Shockadee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Was going to say something similar, except more along the lines of the DOJ has investigated itself, found itself not to be in agreement with claims made by the plaintiff, and will be passing judgment based on the same

Shockadee 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is partially correct, TLS comes into play for email authentication, however the body of the email is still transmitted in plain text. To encrypt the body, you need to use certificates with public and private keys and share the keys with the person you are communicating with. Not easy, but not impossible.

Same thing for SMS as you mention CDMA and gsm authentication is encrypted but the SMS body is not.

You can build your own stingray if you have some time and knowhow and see what all your neighbours are talking about. Its for this reason the app Signal abandoned SMS message transmission, they didn't have a way to secure it in transmission and didn't want to mislead their user base. That said it appears that Signal was either created by or endorsed by the CIA as they have the encryption keys and thus can read any message sent thru the system.

There is very little privacy in any kind of message transmission anymore.

Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Voip isn't necessarily insecure or easy to tap. Additionally if you want to put the work in, it can be encrypted.

Remember, sms messages and email are transmitted in plain text over the wire. Far more easy to intercept those than a voip call imo.

Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Based on the post title, he ain't wrong....

Shockadee 4 points ago +4 / -0

+1 for iodine. Most people are deficient. Bonus: iodine will help rid your body of radioactive particles

Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0


Shockadee 6 points ago +8 / -2

While I agree that no vaccine should be taken until there is long term safety data (10 years min.) To say that RSV is not a threat to a healthy baby is incorrect.

Certainly some babies may overcome it easier than other due to various factors, including seriousness of infection, if your child is 3 months or less and gets RSV you had better watch them like a hawk, watch their breathing. If the sides of the chest appear to be sucking inwards when they are struggling to breathe, take them to the hospital immediately. They won't be able to overcome it without intervention. When children are very young their immune system isn't fully active yet and as immunity from mom wanes, there is a period of time that is particularly dangerous around 3 months old. Just FYI.

Shockadee 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think this is not the best instruction to encourage new users. Should try to avoid use of the terminal to start, so no dd. The layman isn't going to be able to figure out how to use the command properly anyways. Just instruction to 'burn' the iso to USB and go thru install should be enough. VPN, persistence, etc are too much for first timers. Hopefully they can figure out changing the boot order....


Shockadee -13 points ago +6 / -19

Honest take: Don't play into cancel culture like they do.

Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0

The picture of the guy on the roof appeared to show iron sites, no scope

Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0


Shockadee 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fuck that deep state bum fucking warmonger

Shockadee 1 point ago +1 / -0

Personally I did not, but my wife could not resist. It did feel the same though.... fairly intense headache, then chills and fever, loss of energy, lungs burning etc.... definitely not the seasonal flu.... I guess covid has basically replaced it.

Shockadee 9 points ago +9 / -0

As long as everyone remembers that ripple was the preferred crypto of the banks.....it was created by them, approved by them, and is basically a digital fiat, it is not the same as bitcoin.

Shockadee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I recently had it, like a day ago, wasn't as bad as the first time....

I am glad I am not vaxxinated or boosted!

Shockadee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Often these big fish will donate to both sides. It's basically a bribe...

Shockadee 9 points ago +9 / -0

The missile in the bottom right frame is an AIM-120 AMRAAM (advanced medium range air to air missile). It's used against air targets not ground targets.

I'm not sure what the missile is in the top left and bottom left frames...

Shockadee 3 points ago +3 / -0

The real Joe Biden has not been seen since before the 2020 election. I don't know what happened to him, but it is clearly not him on stage. Your ear lobes don't magically attach to your face, you don't suddenly grow a mole in the space of days, the bags under your eyes don't just disappear when you get older, they get bigger. There are videos that also appear to show a rubber or silicon mask, stretching his lower lip or causing unnatural wrinkles on the back side of his neck. Not sure who the guy / guys in the mask are.

The Joe we see is one of 4 body doubles. I believe 2/4 got incapacitated. People get old, have cognitive decline. Same goes for body doubles.

There are also videos of Joe walking thru a parking lot without any protection, and getting on a vehicle while carrying his own bags, appearing to be unescorted. Certainly no Jill around.

Trump has 2 body doubles that we've seen before. While Trump is famous for the maga hat, I don't believe Trump likes wearing hats, and the guy you see wearing a hat is a bit chubbier than Trump. His hair is different too, maybe the reason he wears the hat. He is one of the doubles. Often appears at rallies and public events of lesser consequence. The real Trump is the one you see in tv interviews, where he has to think on his feet. The real Trumps skin around his eyes are lighter.

The Biden double in the debate is the closest non mask version of Biden they have and he is suffering greatly, but I think they feared a mask might be detected on camera by people with 4k screens and hi def tech. Therefore they had to roll out dementia Joe (double), pumped him full of drugs, but it wasn't enough. His neurons just aren't firing like they used to.

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