SirSaturday 2 points ago +2 / -0

I bet there won't be an election November 8th.

SirSaturday 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why not just use the desktop app? Let them track my home computer. Just don't put it on your phone.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like Andrew Tate and Joe.Rogan circles.

SirSaturday 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah problem is he would make people at for his β€œrevelations”

Instead of being wrong, he’s a snake oil salesman.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +2 / -1

Please keep in mind Clif High is a scam artist.

SirSaturday 14 points ago +14 / -0

He's a comedian who's been rising in popularity in conversative circles.

Not anymore.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like I said, the book is basic, there's more than the book to explore. The book is enough for some, not all.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Worship doesn't mean just singing and sitting in a pew once or twice a week.

Ok, I'll do the best I can and even go out of my way to do better.

God is beyond water and minerals and energy. He created it all. All of it, including you and me are made in his image.

Hmmm, I think you're going back to your script.

He is entirely outside and inside of this pocket of time and space we live in.

4th Dimension

Combine it all and you would see a resemblance of God.

Water you and see and not see depends on its state. It's still there even if you don't see it.

Then Him sending His Son and stepping in for all of our sins on the cross to overcome death and be raised again means even more.


SirSaturday 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't that because a lot of anime (and stories) in general is good guys vs. bad guys?

It's also Japan, they had demons in their culture before Christianity ever got there.

I think Matt's talking out of his ass.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who said I'm worshiping?

The other 10% is mineral/earth.

Soul is energy.

Water is made up of elements that also create universes.

It came from an idea of change. You have nothing but what if you had something?

SirSaturday 0 points ago +1 / -1

No. God is change. All change is due to water. If it weren't for water, there'd be nothing organic, no rain. The chemicals in water (Hydrogren and Oxygen) create explosive energy even though you can't see them. Sounds like god to me.

God created us in its image, we're 90% water.

I don't watch a whole lot of anime. I've seen a couple of movies and series. Last one I watched was Attack on Titan. I'm not basing my religion on Akira or anything.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think white hats.

I think Bitcoin was made by the NSA to get the ball rolling on getting the fed out.

People think the same team that made Bitcoin made XRP. (look at David Schwartz)

I think people around here think the WEF is a bunch of bad guys. I think they're banks and banks want to make money and the deep state control/politics have made them dirty.

At the end of the day banks want to be able to send money to each other as cheap as possible. I don't think they're fans of the kinds of fees they put on people. I think they know they'd make more money if they had higher volume of transactions.

I think banks don't want governments using them to control people for political purposes. The stuff with PayPal and Ye and the Truckers in Canada are showing that governments want to do that shit. I think a decentralized system would make it impossible to do.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have gold and silver too.

Buy 1020 XRP for $480.

Hold it for after the lawsuit. Wait for banks to offer insured custody/staking for your crypto then stake your 1000 XRP for 12-15% a year.

When 1 xrp is worth $100 You'll get $12,000 a year.

When 1 xrp is worth $10,000 you'll get $1,200,000 a year.

Hold that 20 XRP in your Ledger hardware wallet. You can use that account to transfer XRP to it.

You need 20 XRP to hold an account. Basically you'll be a future international bank.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +3 / -2

People who don't naturally have good judgement rely on the Bible to get them through the day.

People who don't have a father rely on the Bible to get them through the day.

The Bible is an introduction to religion, it's on the level of a car manual.

I'm on the car builder's manual level in life.

SirSaturday 0 points ago +1 / -1

We have the solution for censorship for children. The internet is the solution.

You need a credit card to prove adulthood and you get access to see everything.

But companies like YouTube seem to refuse the idea of making adults pay a one time fee to prove adulthood with a credit card. Instead they implement bullshit ESG censorship.

SirSaturday 1 point ago +4 / -3

The Bible is a 'how to live for dummies'.

SirSaturday 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Federal Reserve will be destoryed.

The dollar will cease to be backed by oil. It'll be backed by gold.

XRP will be pegged to gold and banks will move money all over the world using XRP as a sea of liquidity.

SirSaturday 2 points ago +4 / -2

What gets me is these puritan types love censorship and they love to push their way of life on others.

'Won't someone think of the children' is all well and good but they want to kill adulthood for it.

We've made it so no business ever can have smoking, we've taken guns from the public, drugs are illegal and makes a drug war that kills more innocents.

And people wonder why there's so much arrested development, what's the point of being an adult if you can't act like one?

SirSaturday 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yeah but when you're a nutty puritan, you can find pedo themes and demons in anything.

SirSaturday 4 points ago +5 / -1

Matt expanded his "joke" to include all animation.

I think all art forms are important. Divisive tactics for mediums of expression is a bad idea. Humans need every medium of expression we can muster.

How is Matt helping the great awakenening here?

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