SirThundercuntTRONxp 3 points ago +3 / -0

Codemonkey also asserts he is just the admin of a board Q has decided to use. He is just as capable of being wrong as any Normie.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 8 points ago +9 / -1

I've not been able to actively mod the past couple of weeks for personal reasons, but I have been monitoring this drama over the past couple of days. I can confirm that nothing in the moderation style has changed. This is a public representation of the Great Awakening. We are much more accessible and open that any other place to discuss Q on the internet. As such, we have a responsibility to not only be right, but be seen to be right by those who come here looking for information.

There are a multitude of sounds that the human mouth can make, and just as many ways to mark a page. Free speech is nonsense in an abstract sense. We all self-censor our speech into intelligible words and language because being understood and heard is more important that excercising our freedom to express ourselves in any way we see fit. We have learned the lesson of the Tower of Babel. In the same vein, speech on this site is curated so that it is not just heard, but understood.

Ideology will fail you. It assumes a world where perfection is possible. We are not perfect. We hold "free speech" as an ideal but not one that consumes and defeats our true mission: to awaken the world.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 0 points ago +1 / -1

Hear, hear!

I've not been able to actively mod the past couple of weeks for personal reasons, but I have been monitoring this drama over the past couple of days. I can confirm that nothing in the moderation style has changed. This is a public representation of the Great Awakening. We are much more accessible and open that any other place to discuss Q on the internet. As such, we have a responsibility to not only be right, but be seen to be right by those who come here looking for information.

There are a multitude of sounds that the human mouth can make, and just as many ways to mark a page. Free speech is nonsense in an abstract sense. We all self-censor our speech into intelligible words and language because being understood and heard is more important that excercising our freedom to express ourselves in any way we see fit. We have learned the lesson of the Tower of Babel. In the same vein, speech on this site is curated so that it is not just heard, but understood.

Ideology will fail you. It assumes a world where perfection is possible. We are not perfect. We hold "free speech" as an ideal but not one that consumes and defeats our true mission: to awaken the world.

SirThundercuntTRONxp 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's the difference of opinion? I can use stellar parallax to measure the distance to stars. I can do that with just a telescope and some patience.

The only thing I need to take on faith is that triangles will always behave like triangles. Do you have a difference of opinion on the properties of triangles?

SirThundercuntTRONxp 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you even know how we measure the distance to the stars? We use something called stellar parralax, in which we observe the movement of a star relative to other stars and use trigonometry (which is the observable and repeatable properties of triangles) to arrive at the only result that explains our observations.

There are basic building blocks of knowledge that are observable, testable, repeatable and have not yet failed that you can acquire in your own experience with your own senses that can combine to come to these answers. You don't need to go there. To deny the distance of stars, you essentially have to deny that triangles exist.

Are you a triangle-denier?

SirThundercuntTRONxp 1 point ago +2 / -1

The human eye does not see any "distance". It detects light that comes to it. It is the light that does all the travelling. Are you suggesting that light can't travel 100 light years? What is stopping it?

Stars are very bright.

SirThundercuntTRONxp 3 points ago +3 / -0

At that distance you are not resolving the size of the star with your sight, but the magnitude of the light they produce. This is different to our sun because we are close enough to experience its size. With stars the distance they can be observed from is dependent on the brightness of the light they produce. For example, if you continued to move away from our sun it would continue to get smaller until it was a pinpoint, somewhere around Jupiter or Saturn, but that pinpoint would still be visible until you were about 56 light years away, such is it's brightness. It's the same principle as flashlights, they can all be the same size, but some have a beam length of 10m while others have a beam that can reach hundreds of metres. It all depends on the brightness of the bulb. Stars are very bright, almost unimaginably so. https://public.nrao.edu/ask/how-can-we-see-stars-in-the-night-sky-when-they-are-so-far-away/

SirThundercuntTRONxp 6 points ago +8 / -2

The stars of the Big Dipper are between 79 and 124 light years away. That's the equivalent of between 4,996,045 and 7,841,893 times the distance between the earth and the sun! That's at least 29,541,397,000,000,000,000 miles. Your puny 186 million miles is the equivalent of taking a step to your right and being surprised you can still see the moon! Just because you can't comprehend the scale of the the universe, it doesn't mean it's not true. Sources: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Dipper https://www.calculateme.com/astronomy/light-years/to-astronomical-units/124 Also, this is off topic.

Edit: I notice you were quick to respond to others, but not to me. Coincidence? Lol

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 10 points ago +10 / -0

,Here is your link that was removed, a Netflix trailer:

https://youtu.be/ZfrO7za1MBY And your Post title: Oh look, producers of pedo film Cuties, now trying to shill their "Tom Hanks saves a child" propaganda film. RIP Isaac Kappy. - Let them know what you think in the comments! And the explanation for removal you received in the comments: Removed. Off topic. This content would be more suitable for Conspiracies.win. Thank you for understanding. Is that really worth the drama you're trying to create?

SirThundercuntTRONxp 7 points ago +7 / -0

I have no idea what any of this means, but it's provocative.

SirThundercuntTRONxp 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not affiliated with the TD mods so I can't speak for them, but I'd prefer to trust the mods who actually host the site and the code than the one who happened to own the domain.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

I encourage you to read the stickied posts over there about it.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] -1 points ago +1 / -2

Need more connection to Q than just a verse.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Were running short. No need to advertise it. It turns the shills on.

SirThundercuntTRONxp 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. Feel free to link to the text, it's just so much in one go.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Link some sources and repost.

SirThundercuntTRONxp [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Expand and repost.

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