Smittyliason 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is completely normal to feel that way, having same conversation with a friend who thinks they are crazy bc their family doesn't listen. My advice is to lead by example and don't look back. Trust your gut, and do everything with confidence and integrity. You will get pushback from people bc you are bringing their darkness to light so they will respond in many ways and get very defensive. By now you know the people you can talk to, and those who are not on your level ignore. Seriously don't bring up politics or any of that stuff, just do your thing until they wake up, or not.

Smittyliason 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is very much a war within yourself. Each and every one of us is being tested to our highest degree. You are going to find yourself not being able to be around or talk to certain people, even family and that is ok. You need to tell yourself that only you are responsible for you and your immediate family, no one else, and a simple response like "I am doing what's best for my family" and moving along is all you need to respond. I know how you feel. Once you get over the internal battle of not giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks of you, you win! It feels wonderful. You will be much happier once you stop worrying about what everyone else thinks you are doing, even if it is people like your parents, unfortunately you must make peace with that part.

Smittyliason 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's why I am in tears right now. How can they do this? I need to find a lawyer or something this has gone way too far!!!

Smittyliason 8 points ago +8 / -0

I am livid. Husband's business is in NC and this is going to hit us hard. Employees are already hard to find, they are going to quit. My gut says it is time for patriots to stand up and walk out everywhere!!! If I had 1 wish.

Smittyliason 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keeping the masks off at least. The rest of the reopening plans for covid in our district are ridiculous, I am still homeschooling this year to avoid the nonsense. Not to mention the bullshit SEL the state is forcing on the first 20 days of instruction.

Smittyliason 10 points ago +10 / -0

Here's a thought.... if white coats are in control, and they are doing knock and talks to administer covid.... could it actually be them lookong for traffickers and using covid as a coverup??? 🤔🤔

Smittyliason 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same, usually it is a sinus infection or upper respiratory. Flu hits hard, out for a week with high fever, chills, aches, pains. Had it once and went to the ER when I was 25. When you get flu you will know. These idiots talking about covid symptoms just want everyone scared to death from a sniffle, the common cold no longer exists, everywhere you go people assume covid, insane.

Smittyliason 1 point ago +1 / -0

For sure, I wasnt looking to purchase, more focused on the timeframe advertised.

Smittyliason 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed.... but the 3 month survival kits have me on edge. I get they're probably just trying to make $$$.

Smittyliason 3 points ago +3 / -0

If CRT is shit, just look at SEL. All these states claiming to ban CRT have rolled out SEL (social and emotional learning). Some districts are hiring on a psycologist per school. So now instead of learning the basics they also are being teacked on tgeir feelings and apps like brainpop sneak in the CRT garbage and transgender bs too. Public schools are shit pull your kids and homeschool or private.

Smittyliason 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lin Wood has got me digging everywhere but I can't pinpoont it. Especially when Mcmaster was in Charleston welcoming in the cargo ships. What is happening? ?

Smittyliason 4 points ago +4 / -0

You all with children in schools need to look out for SEL. SC banned CRT but rolled out SEL which is "social and emotional learning" with CRT jammed right in the center. This is a government program like common core so I am pretty sure it is already been in most schools, so they can claim CRT isnt being taught bc it isnt called that. Ton of bullshit, save your kids and puol them from public school

Smittyliason 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bc colleges get more money and some are private so they try and use that as leverage to force vax on the sheep

Smittyliason 5 points ago +5 / -0

Didnt Mcaffee say something about black triangle?

Smittyliason 5 points ago +5 / -0

Husband really wants son to experience school, he will be in kindergarten. I asked son "are you sure you want to go to school, you will have to get up super early?" And he responded, "nope, homeschool, i dont want to wake up early".... me too son, me too. Lol Daughter going into secpnd grade said only reason she wanted to go to school was to see her friend, not good enough a reason. So presenting all my info to hubs soon, wish me luck.

Smittyliason 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bahahahaha yes!!! Everything we have said has come true so mofo better listen

Smittyliason 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very good points. Covid response was number 1 on the list bc it is all lies and the school participating just shows how infiltrated our system is, all they want is the money they dont give a shit about our children. The teachers and staff at our school for the most part are pretty conservative and not woke but they dont have much control over what they teach anymore bc of the stupid ipads. That is also where they sneak crt and other woke agendas thrpugh the apps that they have the kids "learn on".

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