I need a bull horn for my 2 hour protest on Tuesday.

My main thing is going to be:

Stop Stealing My Vote


Right after work on Tuesday if they arrest trump.

Two hours for me, gonna work on my sign, we can all say two hours after our shift, that'd be something.

Let's make the news


Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

Now (m.youtube.com)
posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

I've been contemplating the book of Revelation being a spiritual reality that is always happening in the saints of God, all the way through the book to the New Jerusalem which we are. If we come to to the spiritual realization that we are presently the New Jerusalem, then all the describing of the beautiful city is a spiritual description of us, you and me.

Revelation 11:15 is right in the middle of the book. The seventh trumpet declares my kingdom which was once a world kingdom, earth kingdom, is now the kingdom of God and His Christ. This is a realization in the saint that comes to be understood as a spiritual reality.

And we get an earthquake :)

Revelation 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.

Revelation 13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

Yesterday Jesus Christ had His flames of fire feet, one on the sea, the other on the earth.

And then the seventh angel sounded the trumpet!

Revelation 11:15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.

Another soul has been conquered by the Revelation of Jesus Christ in his very being. Time and time again Jesus Christ conquers the soul of mankind, kicks out the devil and becomes the king of another world!

Now John stands on the sand of the sea. Man is body, soul and spirit. Body represents the sea, the Adamic man in animal state of existence. The soul represents the earth, the Adam of earth, good and evil in the soul of Man. Spirit represents heaven, where Jesus Christ reigns over our land and sea, where Jesus Christ is king in us, where the Revelation of Jesus Christ works its power from.

We, like John stand on the sand of the sea and observe the beast come out of the sea.


"It is odd what strange notions some people get concerning the meaning of scriptures they read in the Bible. As a young boy I was brought up in a church system that taught that every word in the Bible was to be taken literally, and that the word “trumpet,” where it appears in the book of Revelation, referred to a literal angel blowing an actual trumpet at the end of this age, announcing terrible judgments to be poured out upon the world. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth than such a crude and carnal notion. When Jesus said that He was the Vine and His disciples were the branches, He certainly did not mean that He was a literal vine growing out of the earth and that they were literal branches. When He told His disciples that they were the “salt of the earth,” He certainly did not mean that they literally were sodium chloride! The Bible is full of symbols and figures of speech, and Jesus spoke in such allegorical, parabolic, and spiritual terms that it is said of Him, “without a parable spake He not unto them” (Mat. 13:34). The term “trumpet” is a symbol of victory, battle, warfare, movement, feasts, deliverance, and a number of other meanings. The word “trumpet” appears approximately one hundred times in the Bible. In the Old Testament the word is found about eighty-five times, while in the New Testament it occurs only about fifteen times. The first mention of trumpets is recorded in the book of Exodus, the last in the book of Revelation."

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The art of war.

It's a kill plan, a win plan, that appears beaten.

Pipe talk, but real.


"Revelation is an unveiling. Unveiling is a removal. It means the separation of everything that obstructs the radiance of the glory of Christ! And the mystery of it is that the revelation of Christ is not bringing Christ within us to His fullness, it’s not adding something to the Christ that is in us. You can’t add anything to Christ. Christ is! It’s not the production of Christ, or the increase of Christ, or the maturing of Christ, or the formation of Christ, but it’s the uncovering of the Christ who is already there! Christ is in my spirit. I can’t add anything to my spirit! I may say, “Oh God, I’m seeking a greater manifestation of Christ.” But by that I don’t mean that I’m looking for Christ to become something that He isn’t, or something more and greater than He already is. Oh, no! What I’m after is the revelation, the unveiling, the uncovering of the Christ who is all that He is within my spirit."

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"As dew distilling from the heavens comes the revelation of Jesus Christ from every page of John’s vision. It is the drama of God’s great plan of the ages wrought out first in His called and chosen elect, then in the nations, and finally in all the vast creations of God. Everything is viewed from the divine and heavenly perspective. It is not the history of Satan’s activity in men and upon the earth, but the all-conquering power of God’s Christ! It is the spiritual drama of Father’s dealings in our lives. It is preeminently the revelation of Jesus Christ. The word “revelation” means to unveil, uncover, or take the cover off. The unveiling of Jesus Christ — that’s what is happening in God’s elect! That is what is taking place in the earth today! That’s what the book of Revelation is all about! As that which has been hidden in Jesus Christ is revealed, uncovered, brought out into the open and exhibited, the glory of Jesus Christ is shining forth from His body in all the earth. Christ is in us! The revelation of Jesus Christ must, therefore, be in us and out from us! Christ in you IS the hope of glory, as the apostle wrote!"

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"God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in whom dwelleth wisdom and knowledge, flood Thou our souls with understanding from above! Open now our eyes that we may behold the depths of truth that can be known only by the quickening of Thy Spirit! Remove the dark veil from our hearts, the veil of natural understanding and religious tradition cast over our minds by the carnal church systems of men, that light divine may shine upon us! Grant to our spirits the breath of inspiration that we may know as Thou knowest, and see as Thou seest! Amen! The book of Revelation was not sent to Israel nor to the nations. It was sent to the church, the called out elect of God. The only "end" referred to in this book is JESUS! "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last" (Rev. 22:13). The Revelation is not about "the end times;" it is about a NEW DAY, it is the REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST!"

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"Blessed — happy — to be envied — are they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand" (Rev. 1:3).

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"And from Jesus Christ, who is...the Prince of the kings of the earth” (Rev. 1:5).

        "Let us look at the kingdom of God as it is described and emphasized in the New Testament.  It should be natural, first of all, for us to take a look at the King of this kingdom!  Unfortunately, the average church member does not think of Jesus as being a King  on this earth.  They see Him in heaven as a Saviour, a great High Priest, a Healer, Blesser, Baptizer, and then — the “soon coming” King!  In thinking so loosely, we rob Jesus of one of the main phases of His ministry, that of being King on this earth — the King of the kingdom of God!  Mind you, He is not GOING to be King; He is King now, for He has already ascended the throne of the majesty on high and been given ALL POWER AND ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND IN EARTH.  This is why He can say to all His younger brothers, “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne” (Rev. 3:21)."

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River of Life Flow! ✝️ Scripture 🕊️
posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon

"The scriptures tell us that along this river grows the tree of life. What is the tree of life? It is simply Christ as our life. The tree of life in Eden, on the one hand, signifies the life of God in His Word – that which spiritually may be “eaten” by man. It is the dispensing of God into man, his partaking of life by the incorruptible seed of the Word of God which liveth and abideth forever. The river of life, on the other hand, signifies the outflowing of God as the Spirit – that which may be “drunk” by man. These two, this tree and the river, correspond to the life of Christ presented in these meaningful words of Jesus: “Except ye eat the FLESH (word, tree of life) of the Son of man, and drink His BLOOD (spirit, river of life), ye have no life in you” (Jn. 6:53). The primary purpose of a river is to water the seed of the earth and cause it to grow and produce fruit. In turn, that green verdage beside the river produces fruit that men may partake of and live and leaves whose wonderful medicinal properties one made healing for the nations. The Spirit and the Word! The River and the Tree! The Word that proceeds out of the Spirit! Therefore, whatever the meaning of a river is in the symbolism of scripture, it will have the primary purpose of causing growth of the seed of God inside of us. The pouring forth of life out of the Kingdom of Heaven unto the barrenness of the earth realm. All life was to be found in Eden, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Eden was constituted debtor to the whole earth to send forth the life-giving streams. Thus, the river of life out of Eden is the profound expression of God's purpose to not only enter into the lives of His people, transforming them into the tree of life kind of people, but to further bring forth in the earth a RIVER OF LIFE COMPANY, a people out of whom the life would flow! Ah - beloved, God is bringing forth His elect who shall be a RIVER OF LIFE, for He Himself in them is an ever-flowing wellspring of life and glory. Wherever God flows out by the Spirit, there He is found as life and eternal reality. To all of man's need God Himself is the supply, the only supply, and all the supply, bless His wonderful name!"



"The spirit includes all the attributes, characteristics and abilities of God, from whence it came. This part of man is only caused to function through the process of re-generation. Without regeneration we have not yet begun our experience of spiritual life. This is why Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh IS FLESH; and which is born of the Spirit IS SPIRIT. Marvel not that I said unto you, Ye must be born again" (Jn. 3:5-7). The apostle John spoke this truth very simply when he wrote, "And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life" (I Jn. 5:11-12). Regeneration is the obtaining of God's divine life to quicken or fructify our spiritual life in addition to our own soulish and bodily life. The moment we are regenerated by the Holy Spirit is the very moment God's life enters into us and it is also the birth of Christ within us. The birth of Christ in us means that Christ is born once more. Christ was born two thousand years ago in the body of the man called Jesus, but every time a man is regenerated by the Holy Spirit, Christ is born once more in humanity. Hence, regeneration is the birth of Christ within us. It was the very truth of this that prompted Paul to triumphantly declare, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but CHRIST LIVETH WITHIN ME" (Gal. 2:20)."

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"It is a great truth I declare to you when I say that whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, all these things without exception will be found in the new spirit and in the new heart. When Jesus said, "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God," He was not speaking of carnal heart changed by some scheme of self reformation into a good heart. The only change that can come to a man is TURN FROM the soulish heart UNTO the spiritual heart, for the only heart on the face of the whole earth that can be pure is the spiritual heart! Some translators have changed the word "pure" to "clean" - that is, "clean in heart." But the word "clean" is not adequate. It is wonderful to have a clean heart, and the spiritual heart is a clean heart, but a pure heart is something more than that. We may be clean, but mixed, and therefore not pure. To be pure means not only to be clean but to be single - unmixed. You can take a cockapoo dog, which is a cross between cocker spaniel and poodle, wash him and groom him and he will be "clean," but he can never be pure. He is clean, but he is mixed in his nature. To be pure in heart means to not only have a clean heart but to have an "unmixed" heart. To be mixed does not mean just to be dirty, but to have more than one aim and goal."

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"The fallen man and the serpent are today so ONE that you cannot distinguish between them. I will go into this in detail in future articles on THE SERPENT, but suffice it to say that it is most enlightening to read the words of Jeremiah who said under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that "the heart is deceitful ABOVE ALL THINGS, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer. 17:9). We should not find this so amazing a passage of Scripture if it were not for one important thing. Jeremiah did not list an exception, saying, "The heart is deceitful above all things, PERIOD! Since Jeremiah spake by the Spirit of God this could not possibly have been a slip of the tongue or something uttered before it was thought through. If the heart is deceitful above all things, it naturally follows that there is nothing more deceitful. The heart of man, then, is the MOST DECEITFUL THING IN THE WORLD!"

"A friend has shared the following inspired observations: “There is no doubt whatever in my mind that Jesus had this very scripture in mind when He spoke the words recorded in Mk. 7:15-23. ‘There is NOTHING,’ He said, ‘from WITHOUT A MAN that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, these are they that defile the man.’ Having said that, He uttered the statement that so often followed His teachings when there was contained in them a MYSTERY. ‘IF any man have ears to hear, let him hear.’ If we will be honest with ourselves, we will have to admit that we have fostered and taught for generations a concept that directly contradicts the words of Jesus Christ, for we have, indeed, declared that there IS something from without a man that can enter into him and defile him. We have called him satan (an adversary), and so he is! We have called him a murdered and a liar, and so he is! We have had much truth about him – but the one thing we have NOT known about him is his LOCATION! We have said that he was without – Jesus said that he is within! If there is NOTHING from without a man (and in the Greek that reads: ‘not one thing’) that entering into him can defile him, then we must conclude that satan's activity is not primarily without but within."

"As we continue to read this passage, we hear Jesus say, ‘For FROM WITHIN, OUT OF THE HEART OF MEN, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, coveteousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these things come FROM WITHIN and defile the man.’ Every sin category imaginable is contained in this discourse. Everything that a man could ever think or do that is evil is said by Jesus to come - not from outside of man but from within! In our consideration of this passage, there is one all important phrase that we must be careful to note, for it is the key to the true nature of satan and the heart of man. Jesus said, ‘For from within out of the HEART OF MEN...’ It is imperative that we notice the grammatical number of the two words here. The word ‘heart’ is singular being in the Greek in the genitive SINGULAR case. The word ‘men’ however is plural being in the genitive PLURAL case. We have, then, ONE HEART – but many men! This heart is the heart of the corruptible soul life, the self, the inward nature of man inherited from fallen Adam, one great nature shared by all the inhabitants of the earth, the very heart of Adam shared with his many-membered body!”

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I used to think kosmou meant the beauty. We get cosmetologist from the root, and cosmopolitan from the root.

Kosmou as ordered fits too. Our world can be ordered by the Adamic, the satsnic, and by righteousness. In the Adamic order we are sinners, in the satanic order we are deceivers, in the righteous order of Christ we are in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven and entering into it. To enter the kingdom order of heaven we leave all other order, we become Christ centered Christ followers, Christ ordered. Jesus Christ reigns over what used to be a world order in our lives.

The word of the kingdom is the word


"The Day is at hand! The night is far spent. We must go forth and lead the way for all who will follow. The day of the Lord begins with those who are enlightened, cleansed of all error, bondage, and carnality, and clothed upon with the glory of Christ’s presence, mind, and nature. The day of the Lord begins with those who have eyes to see the true purposes of God for this hour, and commit themselves to walk therein. There is glory and power and rejoicing and praise ahead for those who walk in the light of this new Day. This is the Day of deliverance, not bondage. The bands are broken. Christ is conqueror! HE holds the key to the bottomless pit, HE holds the great chain in His hand with which to bind the devil. Oh, yes — He reigns! We are not expecting the antichrist. We are not expecting the great tribulation. We are not expecting more darkness and gloominess, for we have met the Christ, we have witnessed His power, we have received His word, we have heard His heart, we have beheld His glory, and have been made one with His purposes. His hosts are invincible, and we are those hosts. Our coronation draws nigh. The kingdom of God is within us! Its glory overshadows us! Its light emanates from us! Those who are born of the Light which He is are now standing on new kingdom ground!"

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