SpaceCadet0106 31 points ago +31 / -0

These people are so short sighted. They can’t fathom the over arching bigger picture. It’s a zero-ed in idea of never ever getting covid, at the cost of social life, family, friends, cancer free and auto immune free living. They can’t get past it, they can’t zoom out and remember the whole point to end covid was to enjoy your life as a human. It’s covid free or bust. They have willingly destroyed everything they once valued in desperation to never admit they were wrong about it all. 1) it’s a rough cold, you will live 2) if they don’t force you on a vent, you will live 3) if you are treated with ivermectin or HCQ you will likely not even notice you have covid and you will live! The cost to admitting you were wrong is you get to live. The cost of double downing that you were right is you will live a very short, very sufferable, very isolated lonely fearful life that will end in death having never lived at all.

End rant.

by gamepwn
SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ha ha ha Texan here, I can spot a hook echo from a mile away.

by gamepwn
SpaceCadet0106 12 points ago +12 / -0

Watching storms is so very thrilling. I’m definitely the type to go sit on the porch so I can get a good birds eye view of our trampoline sailing away end over end. My whole extended family loves it, I thought it was normal until we all married and our husbands who explained to us that it was indeed not normal behavior. Is it not normal to know every meteorologist on every station and what nights they work? How to properly read weather radar? Tell the whole room to quiet down when we hear a weather alert siren on the screen? Text each other back and forth, giving wind speed updates, rain gage data, and rotation spotting s, like we are watching the Super Bowl? Don’t all families do that?

by gamepwn
SpaceCadet0106 31 points ago +31 / -0

It’s the same here in tornado alley, I’ve noticed recently, If it’s a super cell thunderstorm during prime time hours on a weekday, The news will interrupt regular programming every 5 minutes with 17 different “state of the art” tracking radars, 3 on the ground storm chasers and 2 meteorologist tag teaming across the newsroom, telling us about every raindrop and wind shift for the duration of the storm. If it’s midday on the weekend, you’ll be lucky if the weather alert banner even scrolls across the screen even if its the exact same caliber storm. And many many times if it was an obvious tornado but the news didn’t warn you about it, theyll send out the “expert” to assess the damage and determine it was “not a tornado” it was just very strong down burst winds , that blew your farm apart. Ill admit though I really enjoy the sensationalism of a weekday supercell, and it’s about the only tv news I’ll make a point to watch. I think it’s just because I’ve always found weather fascinating and to to watch how sensationalized it’s become in a mere decade is absolutely fascinating to me on a psychological level.

SpaceCadet0106 4 points ago +4 / -0

77 newspapers drop dilbert, Catturd labeled 1 of 77 disinformation spreaders, 77% of voters say they are not voting for dem supporting candidates

SpaceCadet0106 4 points ago +4 / -0

Toilet paper runs becoming the signal that shits about to hit the fan, is so poetic to me.

SpaceCadet0106 25 points ago +25 / -0

You know what I found interesting was on the same day “dilbert” the comic announced it was dropped from 77 newspapers, catturd also announced he was on a Ivy League research curated list of the 77 most dangerous misinformation accounts… just strange

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

In order to get our dog fixed we had to agree to a post op rabies shot. The dog we brought home was not the same dog we took in. He went absolute biserk for 3 full days. Trying to attack our other dog, he couldn’t drink enough water and would just gulp it down like crazy and pace back and forth all day long. It was shocking and terrifying to see. The vet was like “yea, sometimes that happens…” WHAT. THE. HELL.

SpaceCadet0106 9 points ago +9 / -0

Watched a random YouTube video last week about a predicted September 23 Solar storm that may strengthen tropical storms and hurricanes … So random

Update: found it


SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

My great grand parents lived to be on average 102, and had most of their wits about them till the end. Tow generations later and you can expect to live to only 76? And any year after that you’re likely in a home babbling incoherently with little to no motor skills. Modern Medicine is truly “astounding” .

SpaceCadet0106 8 points ago +8 / -0

Good for thought.

In Romans 1:20- 28 Paul lays it all out.

When a society denies the Creator and replaces it with their own ideas.

“21For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened

Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.”

(Sounds like Creationism vs Evolution) (just sayin)


“26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.”

In 1962 the Bible was taken out of American schools. In 1970 the PRIDE moment officially began.

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

Man do I wish you lived in my neck of the woods! The coffee shop discussions would be delightful to say the least. I feel very similar in your convictions. I’m a researcher by heart and even when I was a small child I had a desire to find all the historical facts that supplement the Christian Faith, not that I lacked any At all, it just brings me great joy when I see people looking for Noah’s ark, or the oldest Hebrew texts or any other archeological finds that are exactly what the Bible said they were. I’ve loved eschatology and I’m always interested in understanding how the spiritual realm intersects humanity such as in the days of Noah

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s funny, growing up in the Bible Belt, you heard under concerned breaths about how heretical it would be to rummage the pages of the book of Enoch, but while doing a study in the book of Jude recently (Jesus very own brother at that) Jude quotes Enoch. I know also there is a very specific passage in the book of Enoch that mentions that what he wrote “And I heard everything from them, and I saw and understood, but it was not for this generation to know, but for a remote one which is to come..”

This makes me ponder, perhaps the “non-canon books” were of no real benefit to the Christian’s before. The canon we have is what bolstered western civilization and brought about the doctrines of today which have blessed the world far and wide, but as western civilization has began to fracture and crumble perhaps now is the time to explore these ancient prophecies and histories to see what has been said. Just my personal pondering….

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

She’s just positioning herself as a moderate left, if Biden’s administration implodes she wants to be there when the smoke clears as a voice of reason, “who will get the nation back to real democracy” and have a shot at that coveted first female President mirage, that feminist are hell bent on being the last crux of their female identity.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

A good sly red pill to your normies friends is to nonchalantly ask during any mundane conversation, “Hey, so who ended up winning the Russian/UKRAINE war?”

SpaceCadet0106 11 points ago +11 / -0

Matthew chapter 24: “[21] For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. [22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” 🤔🤔🤔

SpaceCadet0106 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m of the young earth faction. Because I find the Bible to be one of the most poetic pieces of literature the world has ever beheld. The creation story is 7 days. Day one, is the separation of light and dark. The first 1000 years we have the fall of man, and the promise of the seed of redemption (good vs evil). Day two the waters from the sky are separated (also note this is the only day in which God doesn’t mention that “He saw that it was good”. This marks the 2nd 1000 years in which he sent the flood. The 3rd day he parted water from land. In this 3rd millennium God parts the Red Sea and Israel becomes a nation. Day 4 the sun and the moon. Some of speculated this is the depictions of Christs ministry (the sun) and John the Baptist (the moon, a reflection of Christ) millennium 4000. Day 5 the fish and the birds, some speculate this is the building of the church with fishers of men spreading about globally. Day 6 Let the earth bring forth living creatures according to its kind cattle, creeping things, and beasts. Now we have the current millennium mankind and “beasts and creeping things” cohabitating . Day 7 is a millennium of rest, Christ returns and reigns his earthly kingdom in peace for 1000 years. In my belief we are in 6 on the cusp of seeing 7

SpaceCadet0106 5 points ago +5 / -0

My favorite trope in stories is when a villainous force tries all that they can to stop a prophecy from occurring expecting it to be full filled by a hero’s ploy only to find that the villain himself ends up being the cause of the prophecy fulfillment by interfering with the hero’s plans.

SpaceCadet0106 6 points ago +6 / -0

My doctor prescribed them to me when I was “depressed” (looking back now it was just understandable stress, from loss of employment and a kid on the way, but having a mental break down in the room lands you an SSRI in an instant) I knew nothing of the medications but just wanted relief. It worked. After a few weeks, I felt no stress, no worries, I could function again. I thought my gosh what a miracle. Nothing in my life was different but the weight was now weightless. Then a month or two went by and I soon realized when I laughed. It was mechanical. When I smiled it was a function. I no longer felt the weight of the world but at the cost of no longer feeling any sense of a anything. I could feel no joy, no happiness, no anger, no stress, no sadness, no affection. I was numb to absolutely everything. Could I still function. Absolutely. With ease. But the cost was too great. I threw the bottle out and never touched them again. It took months for it to wear off maybe even a year to get back to full emotions, and I had only talent them for maybe 6 months. The pills offered no solutions, it was just a bandaid, worse than that really, it’s honestly the same as alcohol or drug addictions except for the fact you can function without outward side effect ions. All the side effects are internal. Life is so hard no doubt. But these drugs are no solution. Get honest help. Find actually solutions to your problems and solutions should never come down to your emotions. Emotions are fleeting. They are necessary for life’s experiences, they are often helpful in warning you something is wrong or right but be wary. “The heart is deceitful above all things” and incurable. You don’t ask God to change your heart, you ask for a new one. One that is designed after his own heart of righteousness. He will gladly provide. “You have not because you ask not”. Take a deep breath and ask for his help, it’s not a get out of jail free card but if you hand it all too him. You will find peace and a clear mind to face what’s before you. He is the healer you are looking for.

SpaceCadet0106 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well geeeze , I have the worst teeth! I brush and mouthwash and eat reasonably and yet every 4 - 5 years I’ve got some sort of issue needing a root canal (I’m only 33) I’ve always just chalked it up to bad genes

SpaceCadet0106 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel the same, I try to make the best choices possible, eating more produce, Whole Foods, avoiding processed foods as much as I can, for all the effort I’ve put in the past few years or so, I can honestly say I’ve seen little to no difference of managing my fatigue levels, hormone imbalances or immunity issues. Honestly I believe it’s all to some degree poisoned in some way, all of it. Perhaps maybe this why Jesus instructs us to ask God the father to bless our food before we eat. Because it takes and honest to God miracle to eat anything good and healthy these days.

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