Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what exactly are you suggesting

Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ignore them and continue to be involved in our local civic duties. 4-6% will mean nothing if we arent complacent

Starseed 12 points ago +12 / -0

There is no excuse. This isnt even the whole incident, it just starts with the cellphone video of the guy already on the roof. SS should have had every single building within eyesight locked down. I heard that it was "out of the security perimeter" but that building was literally right at the back of the crowd. There is NO way that this was some random soyboy acting alone not a fucking chance. Im not buying the complete incompetence excuse for the police and SS. The cabal panicked hard after that debate and sent in one of their radicalized MKUltra goons. And the head of the secret service detail doubling down that they did their job properly proves that they wanted this to happen.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Automatic weapons are already banned unless you have a permit. Trying to find middle ground and gain new support is not the same as a kneejerk reaction and calling for actual gun control that the left wants.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would Trump's opinion change? You really think getting shot at by some loony fed soy boy is going to scare Trump into violating the constitution?

Starseed 22 points ago +22 / -0

This tweet is so strange. He outlines the stakes and differences between the candidates but doesnt say which traits belong to who. Its like he wants to appear that he supports biden but is really just saying the truth under his breath

Starseed 8 points ago +8 / -0

"B b b but biden had a cold! He was at a disadvantage!" Oh man the cope is so huge.

Starseed 12 points ago +12 / -0

All those smoothbrains who kept saying biden sounds more coherent than trump and that trump is the one whos really in mental decline, all of them are short circuiting right now

RIP by winn
Starseed 13 points ago +13 / -0

I seriously was not expecting biden to be this bad. I mean we all know hes losing it but i thought for sure theyd have him pumped up with drugs. I dont think there was any performance enhancing drugs in his system at all. And if there was then its even worse than we thought. He literally admitted "there was no inflation when i took office because he (trump) killed the economy". That among other completely nonsensical statements. Im expecting a sharp drop in support for him, that was embarrassing tonight.

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Assuming theyre refering to his tone of voice being raspy. He must have been sick for years because ive never heard him speak any differently

Starseed 7 points ago +7 / -0

Biden just said "there was no inflation when i got in office because he totally destroyed the economy". Lmfao WHAT. How does that work

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I dont think theyll throw him out of office. But he is definitely being thrown under the bus here. Like i said i really dont think they drugged him up like before. The difference between how they speak is massive.

Starseed 7 points ago +7 / -0

I honestly thought biden would be more coherent. I dont think they doped him up, i think they were afraid of the drug test and banked on purely coaching him

Starseed 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Mom i want independence day!"(4th of July)

"No hun, we have independence day at home."(Juneteenth)

Starseed 3 points ago +3 / -0

If Illinois goes red then i will call it a red wave. If Illinois goes red that is a good sign that they lost control of the fraud card

Starseed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Its extra hard in some areas. One of my local churches has a trans flag on their front door. Its a shame. But i will spread the word every chance i get, thank you for your efforts brother

Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Willful ignorance. Ive had conversations with these types of people. They believe they are apolitical, as in they dont follow any politics because "its too toxic" or "im too busy with life". They dont realize that by not actively paying attention they are surrendering to whoever craves power. They do recognize that there are bad people in power but believe the American government has safegaurds and that the majority want whats best for the citizens. Its why they vote for or support whoever gives the most handouts and whoever spouts the most "social justice" slogans. Its why they "hate" the people who cause conflict in government because in their eyes if politicians arent agreeing on flowery titled bills then they are the issue. These kinds of people barely or rarely pay attention to a full speech let alone read full legislation. They support biden because they are completely cut off from the truth. But thats changing, people are waking up, ive seen it. Its slow but theres no going back once youve seen behind the curtain.

Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean you say "of course its not real" but the OP in the 4chan post you linked literally titled it:


Starseed 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah i thought it wasnt real, they just took random bits from an actual drop and posted a twitter screenshot to 4chan as if it was new.

Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

They shouldnt have been able to decieve and lie to people and create fear porn to control them. Far more people are awake now than there were back then. Biden is a public laughing stock and even lefties know hes a creepy pedo. Only the most willfully ignorant people actually support biden right now.

Starseed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Only reason they "pulled it off" was because bidens camp diddnt have a record, all they had was "what if"s, and they framed Trump very poorly in the covid scamdemic. Playbook expended. They cant pull the same stuff

Starseed 5 points ago +5 / -0

4 years makes a big difference. Before biden could skate by on "what ifs" and the whole covid thing was happening too, the public was in a trance of obedience due to fear. Now he has an actual record of fucking things up. Hes also 4 years older and likely less "there" mentally. Trump is still going strong and doesnt require meds to speak coherently to the public.

Starseed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Is there a source for this that isnt just a twitter post? I dont have an account i cant see any of the comments

Edit: i realize it says "according to Greg Stenstrom" at the end but an actual link to his report would be nice.

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